How historians view trump-and how trump sees himself. One historian said, " His concept of national interest was identical with his concept of his own interest. " and just one example of that is his changing the national shower head water standards so he could get his hair what he considers perfect. The obvious one would be reducing taxes for the wealthy, that might have been his prime motivator to get into politics in the first place. So for the past few presidents this group of historians get together, this time in a zoom meeting because of the pandemic and decide what rating and documentation the president deserves / accomplished. This was the first time though a president asked to be in on the meeting. Let's try to influence this as much as possible, attempting to put everything in a positive light. No other president has been so bold and /or foolish as to do so. At any rate it's very interesting and detailed. I'm hoping this works, here is the site.>howhistoriansviewtrump-andhowtrumpseeshimself