Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left

Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Your post is silly since the Senate trial has nothing to do with Election fraud issues, since the impeachment charge is about allegedly fermenting a riot into the Capital building,

Fraud evidence is immaterial to the case.
There is NO CHANCE the impeachment will end bad for Trump!

And for those stupid, indoctrinated, blind liberals who believe no election fraud occurred or that the military isn't going to hand them, their party and every politician in any way supportive of that fraud their collective asses on a plate, well, you all are like ostriches with your heads stuck in a crack on the freeway with a Mac Truck coming at 90 mph. SPLAT. YOU ARE DONE. Fail to actualy watch these videos and you have chosen to be an ostrich.

I have presented ample information that there was election fraud and foreign meddling. It isn't just my personal opinion. My personal opinion doesn't matter any more than yours do. If you don't agree, either post something to back up your opinion or hold your peace. And the entire MSM has completely discredited itself as a lying, spinning communist / leftist propaganda machine, so don't waste your time posting anything from them. They themselves have colluded in the election fraud and are guilty of insurrection and Trump's EO of 2018 will see the military seizing all of their assets and they will be gone.

Yawn...... Zzzzz........

Election issues are irrelevant to the Senate Trial.

Go eat a juicy Hamburger and watch Gilligan's Island instead.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Your post is silly since the Senate trial has nothing to do with Election fraud issues, since the impeachment charge is about allegedly fermenting a riot into the Capital building,

Fraud evidence is immaterial to the case.
It is 100% about election fraud issues because election fraud was the very reason all those Trump supporters were there in the first place. It is widely known that the violence was planned days in advance by leftist agitators and that they inserted themselves into the Trump supporters to carry out their false flag operation. Trump could not possibly have instigated the violence if the violence was planned in advance. The left is trying to say that Trump instigated "insurrection" in his speech on Jan 6, but his speech has been taken down from the MSM, Youtube and elsewhere because it proves he did no such thing. If the left can out and out lie like that, Trump has every right to defend himself by presenting all the evidence he can, and election fraud is part of it. The left is going to look like a horse's ass no matter what they do ... if they televise the evidence they are screwed in public opinion and if they cut away and refuse to televise it the public will know they are lying. Never mind that there is absolutely no way in hell they will ever get a 2/3 vote to remove him from office, and never mind that the whole thing is ludicrous on its face because he isn't even in office. And they are further screwing themselves if their presedent to be able to impeach someone who isn't even in office based on lies stands because soon as Republicans get power Obama and Clinton will both be impeached ... for what? ... wearing the wrong color socks ... make up a reason ... any reason is good enough.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud.

It has already backfired! All their evidence was hearsay and circumstantial, with them "interpreting" what you should take from it, along with newspaper clippings of comments by anonymous third parties? C'mon. The snow is getting 3 feet deep here, none of this is meant to be a serious presentation because they know all the democrats were prepared to vote to convict even before the hearing started even if Trump had a pair of wings.

And since they spent the whole day basing their entire case on all the baseless lies Trump spent MONTHS spreading around, with Miss Dean literally saying there was NO EVIDENCE of dead people voting, Trump's lawyers will HAVE TO and BETTER blow the whole fraud apart because if I can cite 88 cases of fraud, THEY better be able to!
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Your post is silly since the Senate trial has nothing to do with Election fraud issues, since the impeachment charge is about allegedly fermenting a riot into the Capital building,

Fraud evidence is immaterial to the case.
It is 100% about election fraud issues because election fraud was the very reason all those Trump supporters were there in the first place. It is widely known that the violence was planned days in advance by leftist agitators and that they inserted themselves into the Trump supporters to carry out their false flag operation. Trump could not possibly have instigated the violence if the violence was planned in advance. The left is trying to say that Trump instigated "insurrection" in his speech on Jan 6, but his speech has been taken down from the MSM, Youtube and elsewhere because it proves he did no such thing. If the left can out and out lie like that, Trump has every right to defend himself by presenting all the evidence he can, and election fraud is part of it. The left is going to look like a horse's ass no matter what they do ... if they televise the evidence they are screwed in public opinion and if they cut away and refuse to televise it the public will know they are lying. Never mind that there is absolutely no way in hell they will ever get a 2/3 vote to remove him from office, and never mind that the whole thing is ludicrous on its face because he isn't even in office. And they are further screwing themselves if their presedent to be able to impeach someone who isn't even in office based on lies stands because soon as Republicans get power Obama and Clinton will both be impeached ... for what? ... wearing the wrong color socks ... make up a reason ... any reason is good enough.

I see you didn't read the Article of Impeachment against Trump. Had you, you wouldn't have made such a moronic post.
You can all remain as delusional as you like, get it through your thick heads, Trump will never be convicted, deranged crazy Pelosi's first fake impeachment didn't stick and this bogus impeachment won't stick either, the majority of the public knows the truth, the Insurrection Act has been invoked with plenty of hard evidence of election fraud and foreign intervention to back it up and the military will act soon to put down the insurrection that has occurred. And on top of that, the DISSOLUTION of the US Corporation was completed the day before Biden's fake inauguration, he is the "President" of NOTHING, completely powerless, the military does not recognize him as President and never will. He is an illegitimate "President" and not one of his dictatorial Executive Orders will ever remain, every one of them null and void the day the military removes him. And when he accepted his fake inauguration he sealed his fate as complicit in that insurrection and is guilty of high treason. Sorry the deep state has played you all for dupes and stooges but they have and you all swallowed it hook, line and sinker. So suck it up and buckle up.

The best is yet to come and there isn't one damned thing you can do to stop it.

laughing 4.gif
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Here is Trump's full speech on Jan 6. It has been taken down on the communist leftist propaganda Youtube and MSM because NOWHERE in this speech did he incite ANYTHING except to admonish all to BE PEACEFUL! But of course that proves beyond any doubt that Pelosi and the Dems in the Senate are all liars and absolutely full of shit, so they try to hide it from you. There is NOTHING you can say to support his "impeachment" unless you can specifically point to a spot in this video of his full speech where he says to do ANYTHING violent. Lie all you want, spin all you want, obfuscate all you want, all you will accomplish is to prove you are a liar.

Never mind that this so-called impeachment is entirely unconstitutional because impeachment is constitutionally to remove a president from office and Trump IS NOT IN OFFICE. Any Senator who voted to go forward with this sham will be arrested when our military finally acts to put down this insurrection and they will be tried for treason in military tribunals and also because all of them committed treason on Jan 6 when they refused to object to electors they knew damned good and well were there because of election fraud. Pence and Pelosi are also toast.

And notice the flags with the gold fringe. The true flag of our Republic does not have a gold fringe! The flag with the gold fringe is the flag of the CORPORATION which was DISSOLVED and ENDED just before the inauguration.

There is absolutely no way in hell a 2/3 vote to convict will ever be obtained.

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Democrats' impeachment case is imploding. :laughing0301:
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

The left "backfires" into their nostrils, that's why they have such shitty thoughts.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
Great, another conspiracy nut job. The Republican part is on trial in the Senate. If these Senators look past the lies, deceit, the hate speeches, the threats, and infantile behavior that defines Trump, then they will go down on the wrong side of history. Especially the weakest worms like Graham, Hawley, and Ted "the Weasel" Cruz. The Democrats were left for dead about a year ago, but then the bumbling bloated orangeball, blundered Covid and lied about election fraud which gave the Dems new life. The only reason Trump didn't die from Covid is because God didn't want him.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
Great, another conspiracy nut job. The Republican part is on trial in the Senate. If these Senators look past the lies, deceit, the hate speeches, the threats, and infantile behavior that defines Trump, then they will go down on the wrong side of history. Especially the weakest worms like Graham, Hawley, and Ted "the Weasel" Cruz. The Democrats were left for dead about a year ago, but then the bumbling bloated orangeball, blundered Covid and lied about election fraud which gave the Dems new life. The only reason Trump didn't die from Covid is because God didn't want him.
Sorry I got your panties all in a wad. Try walking bow-legged, that might help. :laughing0301:
And for once try acknowledging the TRUTH instead of the deep state's brainwashing that you have so obviously swallowed hook, line and sinker.
laughing 6.gif
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@Rancid writes:
Sorry I got your panties all in a wad. Try walking bow-legged, that might help. :laughing0301: And for once try acknowledging the TRUTH instead of the deep state's brainwashing that you have so obviously swallowed hook, line and sinker.

Sorry I got your panties all in a wad. Try walking bow-legged, that might help. :laughing0301: And for once try acknowledging the TRUTH instead of the deep state's brainwashing that you have so obviously swallowed hook, line and sinker.
laughing 6.gif
Another infantile QAnon moron who thinks insults and memes impresses men of intelligence and experience ...
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Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

I know you just want to prove to the class that you are the biggest asshole here but there is no need, everyone already knows.

As to the impact this trial will have on America, this will make Trump even a bigger loser than he already is.
ewww the cult is strong in this one
Democrats' impeachment case is imploding. :laughing0301:

And today, Trump's defense is based in part of what that guy mentions. Looks like Trump's lawyers gobbled together an 11th hour defense using Google.

Dems blew it, NO CHANCE of success with their insane impeachment attempt.
Insane Pelosi needs a good shrink ... and when the military finally acts she may very well be arrested for treason and find herself facing a military firing squad and get exactly what she deserves.

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Its a futile sophomoric revenge stunt and hoax to UnPresident a former President. Only those weak in their convictions seek opposition to be obliterated.
They won but they don’t know what to do with victory so they fall back to the default of victim redress.
They can only feel good if someone else feels bad. Very very emotionally ill people.

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