Trumponomics: The debt machine


Nov 14, 2012
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...
We have always carried debt over the last hundred years or blame Trump when we have a do nothing dem congress is stupid....
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
As I recall, it was St Reagan that got the debt ball rolling.

If it was good enough for your Messiah, it's good enough for everyone.
Spend, spend, spend.

Its the Republican way.

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Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
Your credit line is exhausted.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
Your credit line is exhausted.

Not hardly. This is the richest and most powerful country in the world. it's not like we're going to run out of anything soon.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
Your credit line is exhausted.

Not hardly. This is the richest and most powerful country in the world. it's not like we're going to run out of anything soon.
Not yet. But this isn´t something that can go on forever.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
Your credit line is exhausted.

Not hardly. This is the richest and most powerful country in the world. it's not like we're going to run out of anything soon.
Not yet. But this isn´t something that can go on forever.

Unlimited resources.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

At least we have an unlimited amount of collateral for that debt. What do you have, except for some bombed and burned out buildings?

I'll give you $100 USD for everything you own, that's my final offer. :laughing0301:
Your credit line is exhausted.

Not hardly. This is the richest and most powerful country in the world. it's not like we're going to run out of anything soon.
Not yet. But this isn´t something that can go on forever.

Unlimited resources.
Every country can make new bills.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar.

Show your math, comrade.
Trump, all Americans, make their living with debts and more debts. That´s also Trumps economic policy: More debts. That´s all he did.

Debt per day government: 3,4 Billion USD (overall 23,1 Trillion)
Debt per day companies: 2,08 Billion USD (overall 15,74 Trillion)
Debt per day citizens: 1,33 Billion USD
Debt per day banks: 1 Billion USD (overall 16,5 Trillion)

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar. Future generations will be grateful...

Overall, Trump spends 2,8 Dollar to increase the GDP by 1 Dollar.

Show your math, comrade.

United States GDP | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast | News

GDP grew by $1.009 trillion in 2018.

2018 United States federal budget - Wikipedia

Trump spent $4.094 trillion in 2018.

4.094/1.009 = 4.05.

So, actually, about $4.00 of spending for every dollar of GDP growth.
The real reason Trump spends record amounts of money is because he promised the rube herd 6 percent GDP growth.

GDP = C + I + G + (X – M)


GDP = private consumption + gross investment + government investment + government spending + (exports – imports).

There's the secret sauce of the pseudocon's huckster messiah. Trump spends other people's money in order to artificially juice the GDP figure.

Not just other people's money, he spends the money of the unborn, too.

He inherited a declining deficit, and immediately set to work doubling it with the GOP congress.

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