Trumpist Interview Confirms Everything Wrong with America


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster.


What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?
Broad brush much? LOL

So do you speak for every black person in America when you post your insane comments on this board?

PS - No video...
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

Wow love how you mindless sheeple try to lecture us on thinking the opposite of are totally out of touch with real Americans looneybin.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

all I can say is, yeah....
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

Wow love how you mindless sheeple try to lecture us on thinking the opposite of are totally out of touch with real Americans looneybin.

What I enjoy is seeing psychoses in action because I have been a student of psychology since 1980 and it fascinates me how people can allow themselves to be a delusionary.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

A lot of Republicans think like that woman.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster.


What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?
Broad brush much? LOL

So do you speak for every black person in America when you post your insane comments on this board?

PS - No video...
He might you never ask you assumed.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

A lot of Republicans think like that woman.

I noticed that my dad who has never been anything but a Republican refused to acknowledge Trump in 2020. So did my Ma. I didn't ask who they voted for but they let me know they didn't like how he acted during Covid and they thought he wanted to lose because of his attitude, and they didn't think the election was stolen. They are late 70's and late 80's in age.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

A lot of Republicans think like that woman.

I noticed that my dad who has never been anything but a Republican refused to acknowledge Trump in 2020. So did my Ma. I didn't ask who they voted for but they let me know they didn't like how he acted during Covid and they thought he wanted to lose because of his attitude, and they didn't think the election was stolen. They are late 70's and late 80's in age.

Trump LOVES playing victim.. He did in fact, sabotage his re election. Your parents are pretty sharp.
How long will it last?
It will last until Black people show us how to organize just community - cooperative organizations - corporations.

You see, white people are inherently stupid, and we need Black people, who are inherently brilliant and just, to organize a government. It is absurd to believe that white people, two hundred years ago, designed a just government.

Just Do It.

You do not need white people's permission to compose a corporate or government charter.
Last edited:
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

A lot of Republicans think like that woman.

I noticed that my dad who has never been anything but a Republican refused to acknowledge Trump in 2020. So did my Ma. I didn't ask who they voted for but they let me know they didn't like how he acted during Covid and they thought he wanted to lose because of his attitude, and they didn't think the election was stolen. They are late 70's and late 80's in age.

Trump LOVES playing victim.. He did in fact, sabotage his re election. Your parents are pretty sharp.

I clearly saw it also, Trump got bored being president I guess he thought he'd be more aloof than he was, plus the real money is in fundraising, lobbying and speaking fees...
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

A lot of Republicans think like that woman.

I noticed that my dad who has never been anything but a Republican refused to acknowledge Trump in 2020. So did my Ma. I didn't ask who they voted for but they let me know they didn't like how he acted during Covid and they thought he wanted to lose because of his attitude, and they didn't think the election was stolen. They are late 70's and late 80's in age.

Trump LOVES playing victim.. He did in fact, sabotage his re election. Your parents are pretty sharp.

I clearly saw it also, Trump got bored being president I guess he thought he'd be more aloof than he was, plus the real money is in fundraising, lobbying and speaking fees...

All he did was tweet, insult everyone and play golf.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

Education is the issue. He mentioned media literacy and that is something that our schools have never done. You may get into that in University depending on the course you do but I see it in facebook posts every day from kids I went to school with.

They are easily programmed by the likes of trump. I do wonder if they had been better served if they had been taught to deconstruct a Daily Mail article or other propaganda than learning a list of kings and queens.

She has all her fallback positions neatly lined up and life is too short to spend time educating her.
everything wrong in America is the DEMORAT party infiltrated by terrorists funded by our government running the country troll.

The greater portion of what's wrong with America is that the Democratic Party has a large measure of control, and is not at all American.
This video showing clips from an interview w/a Trumpster shows the utter insanity it is to be a Trumpster...

What is true, to the them, is false, and what is actually false, to them, is truth.

We see the same madness exhibited here on USMB every day in the threads.

How long will it last?

Education is the issue. He mentioned media literacy and that is something that our schools have never done. You may get into that in University depending on the course you do but I see it in facebook posts every day from kids I went to school with.

They are easily programmed by the likes of trump. I do wonder if they had been better served if they had been taught to deconstruct a Daily Mail article or other propaganda than learning a list of kings and queens.

She has all her fallback positions neatly lined up and life is too short to spend time educating her.

Again, a mindless propaganda parrot lecturing us on being easily programmed....that's funnier than a guy eating strained peas in a diaper being president.
Education is the issue. He mentioned media literacy and that is something that our schools have never done. You may get into that in University depending on the course you do but I see it in facebook posts every day from kids I went to school with.

They are easily programmed by the likes of trump. I do wonder if they had been better served if they had been taught to deconstruct a Daily Mail article or other propaganda than learning a list of kings and queens.

She has all her fallback positions neatly lined up and life is too short to spend time educating her.
So true.
Education is the issue. He mentioned media literacy and that is something that our schools have never done. You may get into that in University depending on the course you do but I see it in facebook posts every day from kids I went to school with.

They are easily programmed by the likes of trump. I do wonder if they had been better served if they had been taught to deconstruct a Daily Mail article or other propaganda than learning a list of kings and queens.

She has all her fallback positions neatly lined up and life is too short to spend time educating her.
So true.
Awwwwk, so true, awwwwk!

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