"Trumpgrets" New Site Devoted to Compiling Regretful Trump Voters

Trump cult member confessions, too funny. Talk about kool-aid drinkers, already he refilled much of the swamp. But it is going to be interesting when he asks congress for a trillion for infrastructure. Ryan wants to take from the old and the poor, maybe they'll get shovels. Make sure and tell all the old folk their Medicare is ending and it's their own fault. LOL
How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm glad I didn't vote for the Tramp

I can't help but wonder, why are the folks on the left so damn vicious though?

They just put the hate right out there, and the MSM, the popular culture, everyday folks, they don't say a word.

It's like it is acceptable to hate those who elected him, people on the left have no shame.

OTH, white nationalists, skin heads, neo-nazis, etc., when they hate, the folks on the right are continually shaming them, and are embarrassed that they have supported Trump. You can see it all the time.

I don't understand the double standard.

I saw this posted on a liberal friend of mine's FB the other day. . . . and there were folks that actually supported this type of shit. I just could not for the life of me believe it. Then I found out these fires were intentionally set, and I thought, I sure hope it wasn't politically motivated. .. .

How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm glad I didn't vote for the Tramp

I can't help but wonder, why are the folks on the left so damn vicious though?

They just put the hate right out there, and the MSM, the popular culture, everyday folks, they don't say a word.

It's like it is acceptable to hate those who elected him, people on the left have no shame.

OTH, white nationalists, skin heads, neo-nazis, etc., when they hate, the folks on the right are continually shaming them, and are embarrassed that they have supported Trump. You can see it all the time.

I don't understand the double standard.

I saw this posted on a liberal friend of mine's FB the other day. . . . and there were folks that actually supported this type of shit. I just could not for the life of me believe it. Then I found out these fires were intentionally set, and I thought, I sure hope it wasn't politically motivated. .. .


Yet another argument against the Electoral College right there ^.
How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm glad I didn't vote for the Tramp

I can't help but wonder, why are the folks on the left so damn vicious though?

They just put the hate right out there, and the MSM, the popular culture, everyday folks, they don't say a word.

It's like it is acceptable to hate those who elected him, people on the left have no shame.

OTH, white nationalists, skin heads, neo-nazis, etc., when they hate, the folks on the right are continually shaming them, and are embarrassed that they have supported Trump. You can see it all the time.

I don't understand the double standard.

I saw this posted on a liberal friend of mine's FB the other day. . . . and there were folks that actually supported this type of shit. I just could not for the life of me believe it. Then I found out these fires were intentionally set, and I thought, I sure hope it wasn't politically motivated. .. .


This is absolutely disgusting... people with this type of attitude should not wonder why she lost. Enemies of civilization they are...
How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, but I'm glad I didn't vote for the Tramp

I can't help but wonder, why are the folks on the left so damn vicious though?

They just put the hate right out there, and the MSM, the popular culture, everyday folks, they don't say a word.

It's like it is acceptable to hate those who elected him, people on the left have no shame.

OTH, white nationalists, skin heads, neo-nazis, etc., when they hate, the folks on the right are continually shaming them, and are embarrassed that they have supported Trump. You can see it all the time.

I don't understand the double standard.

I saw this posted on a liberal friend of mine's FB the other day. . . . and there were folks that actually supported this type of shit. I just could not for the life of me believe it. Then I found out these fires were intentionally set, and I thought, I sure hope it wasn't politically motivated. .. .


Yet another argument against the Electoral College right there ^.
So you disagree with my observation that the mainstream culture is more tolerant of hate from the radical left than it is from the reactionary right?
Yeah he may fizzle into a republican in name, but I think the fact he's bullied down the female journalists and other dingbats. That is a good thing, because those people bully the greater female population too much.
Trump cult member confessions, too funny. Talk about kool-aid drinkers, already he refilled much of the swamp. But it is going to be interesting when he asks congress for a trillion for infrastructure. Ryan wants to take from the old and the poor, maybe they'll get shovels. Make sure and tell all the old folk their Medicare is ending and it's their own fault. LOL

the bitter old white rube geezers shot themselves in both feet
Immediately after the election, the candidate who ran against the establishment, the guy who promised to “drain the swamp,” immediately surrounded himself with party hacks and lobbyists. He announced that Republican National Committee chair Reince Priebus, perhaps the most prominent face of the dreaded “establishment,” would be his chief of staff. Good-government advocates expect the Trump regime to gut what remains of our already tattered campaign-finance laws. Reuters reports that, “despite his professed opposition to the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, President-elect Donald Trump is considering several of the major advocates of that war for top national security posts.” And as Politico’s Ben White put it, “a populist candidate who railed against shady financial interests on the campaign trail is now putting together an administration that looks like an investment banker’s dream.”

Trump cult member confessions, too funny. Talk about kool-aid drinkers, already he refilled much of the swamp. But it is going to be interesting when he asks congress for a trillion for infrastructure. Ryan wants to take from the old and the poor, maybe they'll get shovels. Make sure and tell all the old folk their Medicare is ending and it's their own fault. LOL

the bitter old white rube geezers shot themselves in both feet
the bitter old white rube geezers shot themselves in both feet

By nominating HIllary
Yeah he may fizzle into a republican in name, but I think the fact he's bullied down the female journalists and other dingbats. That is a good thing, because those people bully the greater female population too much.


I told my son's mother about Hillary's war mongering ways. She was all on board for Hillary. If Clinton had won, that bill to draft mothers would have passed. If not now, during the next four years.

White House announces support for women in military draft

White House announces support for women in military draft

The new posture from the Obama administration came at an unusual time, just two days after House and Senate negotiators agreed to strip a provision from the annual defense policy bill that would have required young women to register.

The measure had roiled social conservatives, who decried it as another step toward the blurring of gender lines akin to allowing transgender people to use public lavatories and locker rooms. Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, spoke for a number of Republicans when he described the provision as "coercing America's daughters" into draft registration.

But proponents of including women in the draft pool viewed the requirement as a sensible step toward gender equality. They pointed to the Pentagon's decision last year to open all front-line combat jobs to women as removing any justification for gender restrictions on registration.
Yeah he may fizzle into a republican in name, but I think the fact he's bullied down the female journalists and other dingbats. That is a good thing, because those people bully the greater female population too much.


I told my son's mother about Hillary's war mongering ways. She was all on board for Hillary. If Clinton had won, that bill to draft mothers would have passed. If not now, during the next four years.

White House announces support for women in military draft

White House announces support for women in military draft

The new posture from the Obama administration came at an unusual time, just two days after House and Senate negotiators agreed to strip a provision from the annual defense policy bill that would have required young women to register.

The measure had roiled social conservatives, who decried it as another step toward the blurring of gender lines akin to allowing transgender people to use public lavatories and locker rooms. Rep. Pete Sessions, R-Texas, spoke for a number of Republicans when he described the provision as "coercing America's daughters" into draft registration.

But proponents of including women in the draft pool viewed the requirement as a sensible step toward gender equality. They pointed to the Pentagon's decision last year to open all front-line combat jobs to women as removing any justification for gender restrictions on registration.
That dude needs to be tortured to death. What's the point in a war if your wombs aren't protected? Fuck's sake. why bother.
How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

All in good time, my son. All in good time.

In good time, Trump will still be president. Resistance (or regret in this case) is futile.

You and your president will get the same civility you gave to Obama
"Your president"? What country are you from? Oh, and Obama got the same respect that was given to President Bush by the left.
lol, this is pure gold. Enjoy the delicious tears of Republican regret here:

No regrets at all.

Even though he's already backpedaled on his promises?

Also, you do know that he isn't going to build a wall, right?
Of course a wall will be built. I imagine it will be a pretty big wall too. Will the "wall" extend across the entire border? From the sound of it, i dont think that will be the case. It sounds like part of it will be a fence. Im no expert, but i imagine there will be some strategic planning involved. I imagine they will put the wall in the areas that are easiest to get to for illegal aliens to cross, while putting fences in less traveled areas. Where the walls are, they may not need as many border patrol agents, so you could consolidate them where the fences are.

If he makes any attempt at all to seal the border, thats good enough for me. Its more than Hillary would have done, so yeah, no regrets.
How unoriginal.

I guarantee you that very few of us here voted for Trump regret voting for Trump.

All in good time, my son. All in good time.

In good time, Trump will still be president. Resistance (or regret in this case) is futile.

You and your president will get the same civility you gave to Obama
"Your president"? What country are you from? Oh, and Obama got the same respect that was given to President Bush by the left.
Obama didn't start a bullshit war and give us a recession All Obama did was bail America out of the cesspool you repubs put us in

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