Trumper loses job for harrassing workers in the street.

This is the very definition of white privilege. To assume that you have the right to hassle and intimidate anyone who doesn’t look or talk like you do.
Like the people that assault and harass those wearing a MAGA hat you mean?
Yeah, those people are real lily white pieces of shit! I couldn't agree more.

As for this woman she probably rightly assumed this worker was an illegal immigrant and while I wouldn't have confronted someone face to face illegals displace American workers and put a strain on the safety nets
intended to support citizens and tax payers of the USA. and not illegal job thieves.

Your misplaced outrage is asinine.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
She is described as a "Life-long Democrat" in this article.

Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)
I pay a white guy to mow my lawn. He does it himself. DEPORT THEM ALL AND DAMN YOUR BULLSHIT EXCUSES.
LOL. If you paid him more he could hire some help! Better yet, get off your fat ass and do it yourself. Good exercise. Meet your neighbors.

You are reaching. White guy mows lawn. Why you think this is impossible, is you being anti-American.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently.

Nope. She showed reasonable concern about a fucking massive crisis that is fuckging this country up, and so she had to be silenced.

I do agree, that is a common theme recently.

She zero evidence that they were illegal and acted like an asshole. Her employer no longer wanted to associate with her anymore after her foolishness.

She had weak evidence they were illegal. I note that no one is bragging that she was wrong, and that they were legal.

Funny, that would have been the cherry on top of this story, if it were true.
I wish this stuff wouldn't get people fired.

I want these people to show us who and what they are, every day, loud and proud.

A grim but critical reminder of how far we still have to go. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Hey, you democrats have made it clear, freedom is too precious to let just anyone have it.
Hey, you democrats have made it clear, freedom is too precious to let just anyone have it.

Hey, Cult45 has made it clear, freedom is too precious to let just anyone have it.

Wow Comrade Traitor, that was really original.

Heart filled with hate, head filled with shit.

Yep, you're a democrat alright....

:auiqs.jpg: I just don't care about opinions from the poorly educated simple animals that support traitors and crooks. Heart filled with hate, head filled with shit is your tribe's shtick.
:auiqs.jpg: I just don't care about opinions from the poorly educated simple animals that support traitors and crooks. Heart filled with hate, head filled with shit is your tribe's shtick.

Sure Comrade traitor.

You do that 3rd grade education of your's proud.

:auiqs.jpg: I just don't care about opinions from the poorly educated simple animals that support traitors and crooks. Heart filled with hate, head filled with shit is your tribe's shtick.

Sure Comrade traitor.

You do that 3rd grade education of your's proud.

View attachment 364709

:dunno: When you use the same old bad faith tactics and tricks as regressives you hate, Imma gonna call you out on it. Then you 'SCREEE' just like them. Full circle of hate. You're just too poorly educated to notice. :itsok: I get it.

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