Trumper loses job for harrassing workers in the street.

Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently.

Nope. She showed reasonable concern about a fucking massive crisis that is fuckging this country up, and so she had to be silenced.

I do agree, that is a common theme recently.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL
However...I bet this CONSERVATIVE broad never ONCE chastised business hiring practices.
I bet she never ONCE called for business fines, or business shutdowns if they were found to be in violation.
The liberals help them over the border, and the conservatives pay them to stay.
You're all fuckin guilty. *****.
The woman is a moron. Italian immigrants worked with other Italian immigrants just as my Slovak ancestors worked with other Slovaks because they could communicate with each other. That`s the way it works. The children of that first generation will be bilingual and their children will speak English.
The important question unanswered was were the workers here legally?

odds are the are illegal aliens

First you assume they’re illegal and then you support her sense of entitlement.

The important question here is whether or not she should be arrested for harassment, intimidation and just generally being an idiot.

This is the very definition of white privilege. To assume that you have the right to hassle and intimidate anyone who doesn’t look or talk like you do.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)
I pay a white guy to mow my lawn. He does it himself. DEPORT THEM ALL AND DAMN YOUR BULLSHIT EXCUSES.
LOL. If you paid him more he could hire some help! Better yet, get off your fat ass and do it yourself. Good exercise. Meet your neighbors.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently.

Nope. She showed reasonable concern about a fucking massive crisis that is fuckging this country up, and so she had to be silenced.

I do agree, that is a common theme recently.

She zero evidence that they were illegal and acted like an asshole. Her employer no longer wanted to associate with her anymore after her foolishness.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol
The woman is a moron. Italian immigrants worked with other Italian immigrants just as my Slovak ancestors worked with other Slovaks because they could communicate with each other. That`s the way it works. The children of that first generation will be bilingual and their children will speak English.
The important question unanswered was were the workers here legally?

odds are the are illegal aliens

Mind your business. No one appointed you a citizenship patrol agent. In fact, you sound like those German fellows in WWII who walked around asking for people's papers.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.
Do we know she wasn't just asking nicely because she didn't understand them? Or was it mean spirited? That makes a difference. IF she was being mean spirited can anyone tell us why?

We don't even know if it happened.

We have an ISIS Jihadi quoting an openly Marxist tabloid.

Not exactly a credible source.

It happened. Right in front of a restaurant that my wife and I frequent.
I wish this stuff wouldn't get people fired.

I want these people to show us who and what they are, every day, loud and proud.

A grim but critical reminder of how far we still have to go. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

Literally millions of illegals in this country and it is taboo to talk about it.

Between 50 and 80 million.
Do we know she wasn't just asking nicely because she didn't understand them? Or was it mean spirited? That makes a difference. IF she was being mean spirited can anyone tell us why?

We don't even know if it happened.

We have an ISIS Jihadi quoting an openly Marxist tabloid.

Not exactly a credible source.

It happened. Right in front of a restaurant that my wife and I frequent.

Wow, the video doesn't support the demagoguery of the OP at all.

While I see it as a stunt, nothing she said was wrong.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.
I wish this stuff wouldn't get people fired.

I want these people to show us who and what they are, every day, loud and proud.

A grim but critical reminder of how far we still have to go. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.

There's more to this story if you want do some more research. It's like a week old. I think I read elsewhere that she pays the station for her airtime, not the other way around. After this incident, the station simply decided to stop taking her money. So, if that's the case, is it really a job? I could be incorrect about that, however. Don't really care either way.

The point is, this societal influence of cancel culture can sometimes do good when bigots and assholes like this Karen self identify.

I mean, look at what she said:
"He's a black man, and he's going to protect the brown man from this white woman who's practising white privilege because she happened to walk by and heard this guy talking to all of these guys doing this work in Spanish,"

Couldn't have said it better myself.

A conservative radio show host lost her job after she filmed herself telling landscapers to speak English.

Dianna Ploss, a supporter of Donald Trump and conservative talk radio host in New Hampshire, filmed herself berating a man for speaking Spanish while he was working.

Ms Ploss was on the way to her radio station when she overheard a landscaper speaking Spanish. She began filming herself and started harassing the workers.

What a shocker this woman is. A perfect poster child for trumpism and all it represents. And now she is unemployed.
Never heard of her.
If I haven't heard of her....she's not legit.
Dumb tart should’ve minded her own damn business.

It is all of our business, when they are here illegally.

Which she had zero evidence that they were illegal. She acted a fool and lost her job as result. That’s appears to be a common theme recently. fools take such pride in having your head in your do you do that with a straight face?
If one speaks gibberish on American soil they are not American....there’s no doubt for anyone sane...they are ILLEGAL

The fact that it triggered your retarded ass is the icing on the cake. lol

Not triggered at all...I love it...Real Americans are woke, wise and angry...we HATE what foreigners have done/are doing to our nation...We want it back, we’re taking it back.

It’s not the “foreigners” you should be worried about. It’s the guy who’s taking his cues from Putin.

Americans are woke wise and angry -at idiots like YOU. You’re the ones destroying the nation with your ignorance and hate.
Don't like it? Simples. Mow your own damned lawn!

(or good luck trying to find a landscaper who can still make money without hiring immigrants)

They're here to vote Democat.

Obama told them they should.

They’ll be coming for Asians next. You make too much money. Those jobs should be going to whites. Go back where you can from.

You already forgot didn’t you?
$50 million in taxpayer cash and Robert Mueller destroyed your Russian fantasies...REMEMBER?

Good real Americans love Asians...they’re productive, self funded, clean, responsible, accountable, law abiding...etc etc...They are everything your beloved dark folks are not. Weird’s almost as if skin color = genetic defects or something huh?
Do we know she wasn't just asking nicely because she didn't understand them? Or was it mean spirited? That makes a difference. IF she was being mean spirited can anyone tell us why?

We don't even know if it happened.

We have an ISIS Jihadi quoting an openly Marxist tabloid.

Not exactly a credible source.

It happened. Right in front of a restaurant that my wife and I frequent.

Wow, the video doesn't support the demagoguery of the OP at all.

While I see it as a stunt, nothing she said was wrong.

You got a small snippet in this video. There's a couple more minutes of her making an asshole out of herself.
But I'm sure OANN will be calling.

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