TRUMPED: Befuddled Hillary Clinton Begs Big Money Donors for Advice on Debating Donald Trump

Asking for advice from rich guys? Good fucking idea.
I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear. I would insist that she gave her opening statement on how she would improve the lot of the average American (after all, ladies first) and then I would politely wait for her to finish and then it would be my turn. It would go something like this.....

"What I propose to raise America up is to dissolve USA.INC, the corporate entity that was created with the Act Of 1871 and it's powers only delegated within the District of Columbia...what is it a district of? We will get back to that one later. USA.INC has been ran by international bankers that have extended us credit and then bankrupted us in 1912, 1933 and 1950 and we are on the verge of bankruptcy yet again...but it doesn't have to be this way. The "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated and essential government services is no different than any other corporate you work for that corporate entity? No...... do I work for that corporate entity? Of course not. All it was contracted to do was to provide services that were enumerated in their corporate charter constitution in a for profit venture. What has happened, my fellow citizens is that those that held the purse strings used your sweat equity and labor to move a fiat currency that is backed by nothing while charging us interest on top of that. To put it bluntly, they milked us for all they could and gave us their credit card bill to pay in the form of budgets that were always in the red. In a nutshell, we must dismantle USA.INC and do a top down audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, we audit all of the holdings of their 185,000 subsidiaries as well as Wall Street that are incorporated under the Universal Commercial Code instead of constitutional law. What we will find is trillions upon trillions of dollars and hard assets that have been stolen from us. We will do a "civil asset forfeiture" according to their own law for fraud and put it into a trust fund......this will fund the government and provide for the people until we can "right the wrongs" of this funny money monetary system. The hard assets are there that have been hidden. We can return to Common Law instead of the UCC/admiralty law and we will do away with the thousands upon thousands of acts, statutes and codes all designed to milk the average American out of their hard earned money.......any rebuttal, Ms Clinton????"
I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear. I would insist that she gave her opening statement on how she would improve the lot of the average American (after all, ladies first) and then I would politely wait for her to finish and then it would be my turn. It would go something like this.....

"What I propose to raise America up is to dissolve USA.INC, the corporate entity that was created with the Act Of 1871 and it's powers only delegated within the District of Columbia...what is it a district of? We will get back to that one later. USA.INC has been ran by international bankers that have extended us credit and then bankrupted us in 1912, 1933 and 1950 and we are on the verge of bankruptcy yet again...but it doesn't have to be this way. The "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated and essential government services is no different than any other corporate you work for that corporate entity? No...... do I work for that corporate entity? Of course not. All it was contracted to do was to provide services that were enumerated in their corporate charter constitution in a for profit venture. What has happened, my fellow citizens is that those that held the purse strings used your sweat equity and labor to move a fiat currency that is backed by nothing while charging us interest on top of that. To put it bluntly, they milked us for all they could and gave us their credit card bill to pay in the form of budgets that were always in the red. In a nutshell, we must dismantle USA.INC and do a top down audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, we audit all of the holdings of their 185,000 subsidiaries as well as Wall Street that are incorporated under the Universal Commercial Code instead of constitutional law. What we will find is trillions upon trillions of dollars and hard assets that have been stolen from us. We will do a "civil asset forfeiture" according to their own law for fraud and put it into a trust fund......this will fund the government and provide for the people until we can "right the wrongs" of this funny money monetary system. The hard assets are there that have been hidden. We can return to Common Law instead of the UCC/admiralty law and we will do away with the thousands upon thousands of acts, statutes and codes all designed to milk the average American out of their hard earned money.......any rebuttal, Ms Clinton????"
And while they might wait politely before calling you a complete and total loon, I very much doubt it Sovereign Citizen born a slave. That's too nuts even for a Trump rally and that's saying something.
They have no idea what Trump will throw at her, and after not having to field questions or attacks in an unrehearsed setting for so long, there's a good chance the queen bitch will have a seizure in front of millions of people. This should be interesting.
I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear. I would insist that she gave her opening statement on how she would improve the lot of the average American (after all, ladies first) and then I would politely wait for her to finish and then it would be my turn. It would go something like this.....

"What I propose to raise America up is to dissolve USA.INC, the corporate entity that was created with the Act Of 1871 and it's powers only delegated within the District of Columbia...what is it a district of? We will get back to that one later. USA.INC has been ran by international bankers that have extended us credit and then bankrupted us in 1912, 1933 and 1950 and we are on the verge of bankruptcy yet again...but it doesn't have to be this way. The "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated and essential government services is no different than any other corporate you work for that corporate entity? No...... do I work for that corporate entity? Of course not. All it was contracted to do was to provide services that were enumerated in their corporate charter constitution in a for profit venture. What has happened, my fellow citizens is that those that held the purse strings used your sweat equity and labor to move a fiat currency that is backed by nothing while charging us interest on top of that. To put it bluntly, they milked us for all they could and gave us their credit card bill to pay in the form of budgets that were always in the red. In a nutshell, we must dismantle USA.INC and do a top down audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, we audit all of the holdings of their 185,000 subsidiaries as well as Wall Street that are incorporated under the Universal Commercial Code instead of constitutional law. What we will find is trillions upon trillions of dollars and hard assets that have been stolen from us. We will do a "civil asset forfeiture" according to their own law for fraud and put it into a trust fund......this will fund the government and provide for the people until we can "right the wrongs" of this funny money monetary system. The hard assets are there that have been hidden. We can return to Common Law instead of the UCC/admiralty law and we will do away with the thousands upon thousands of acts, statutes and codes all designed to milk the average American out of their hard earned money.......any rebuttal, Ms Clinton????"
And while they might wait politely before calling you a complete and total loon, I very much doubt it Sovereign Citizen born a slave. That's too nuts even for a Trump rally and that's saying something.

No, those are the facts and there is plenty of documentation to back it up. Where do you disagree with anything in my dissertation? Because the District of Columbia is the headquarters of USA.INC. I have posted links from Dun and Bradstreet proving that the IRS is a corporate entity, the FBI is a corporate entity, the SUPREME COURT is incorporated and various towns and cities as proof......from that site. Only a fool turns up her nose on things that she has never researched or done due diligence on....I have. Help me, help you......
I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear. I would insist that she gave her opening statement on how she would improve the lot of the average American (after all, ladies first) and then I would politely wait for her to finish and then it would be my turn. It would go something like this.....

"What I propose to raise America up is to dissolve USA.INC, the corporate entity that was created with the Act Of 1871 and it's powers only delegated within the District of Columbia...what is it a district of? We will get back to that one later. USA.INC has been ran by international bankers that have extended us credit and then bankrupted us in 1912, 1933 and 1950 and we are on the verge of bankruptcy yet again...but it doesn't have to be this way. The "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated and essential government services is no different than any other corporate you work for that corporate entity? No...... do I work for that corporate entity? Of course not. All it was contracted to do was to provide services that were enumerated in their corporate charter constitution in a for profit venture. What has happened, my fellow citizens is that those that held the purse strings used your sweat equity and labor to move a fiat currency that is backed by nothing while charging us interest on top of that. To put it bluntly, they milked us for all they could and gave us their credit card bill to pay in the form of budgets that were always in the red. In a nutshell, we must dismantle USA.INC and do a top down audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, we audit all of the holdings of their 185,000 subsidiaries as well as Wall Street that are incorporated under the Universal Commercial Code instead of constitutional law. What we will find is trillions upon trillions of dollars and hard assets that have been stolen from us. We will do a "civil asset forfeiture" according to their own law for fraud and put it into a trust fund......this will fund the government and provide for the people until we can "right the wrongs" of this funny money monetary system. The hard assets are there that have been hidden. We can return to Common Law instead of the UCC/admiralty law and we will do away with the thousands upon thousands of acts, statutes and codes all designed to milk the average American out of their hard earned money.......any rebuttal, Ms Clinton????"
what you're saying is, you want to start another revolution, just to be blunt about it all. one problem, though. it's not the corporate structure of the united states that's at fault as you suggest. if the american people are so foolish as to believe that cartoons are real, which is absurd but for the issue with the federal reserve system and the printing press, those very same people aren't just going to give up on those tendencies with some boring audit, and if you disrupt the bread and circus, sucks to be you.
I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear. I would insist that she gave her opening statement on how she would improve the lot of the average American (after all, ladies first) and then I would politely wait for her to finish and then it would be my turn. It would go something like this.....

"What I propose to raise America up is to dissolve USA.INC, the corporate entity that was created with the Act Of 1871 and it's powers only delegated within the District of Columbia...what is it a district of? We will get back to that one later. USA.INC has been ran by international bankers that have extended us credit and then bankrupted us in 1912, 1933 and 1950 and we are on the verge of bankruptcy yet again...but it doesn't have to be this way. The "successor to contract" to provide the 19 enumerated and essential government services is no different than any other corporate you work for that corporate entity? No...... do I work for that corporate entity? Of course not. All it was contracted to do was to provide services that were enumerated in their corporate charter constitution in a for profit venture. What has happened, my fellow citizens is that those that held the purse strings used your sweat equity and labor to move a fiat currency that is backed by nothing while charging us interest on top of that. To put it bluntly, they milked us for all they could and gave us their credit card bill to pay in the form of budgets that were always in the red. In a nutshell, we must dismantle USA.INC and do a top down audit of the Federal Reserve Bank, we audit all of the holdings of their 185,000 subsidiaries as well as Wall Street that are incorporated under the Universal Commercial Code instead of constitutional law. What we will find is trillions upon trillions of dollars and hard assets that have been stolen from us. We will do a "civil asset forfeiture" according to their own law for fraud and put it into a trust fund......this will fund the government and provide for the people until we can "right the wrongs" of this funny money monetary system. The hard assets are there that have been hidden. We can return to Common Law instead of the UCC/admiralty law and we will do away with the thousands upon thousands of acts, statutes and codes all designed to milk the average American out of their hard earned money.......any rebuttal, Ms Clinton????"
what you're saying is, you want to start another revolution, just to be blunt about it all. one problem, though. it's not the corporate structure of the united states that's at fault as you suggest. if the american people are so foolish as to believe that cartoons are real, which is absurd but for the issue with the federal reserve system and the printing press, those very same people aren't just going to give up on those tendencies with some boring audit, and if you disrupt the bread and circus, sucks to be you.

Not a revolution but an awakening as to how we got to this point in time. The dismantling of the middle class and the working poor was not due to bad decisions concerning fiscal policies or gridlock between the two main political parties at all. This was all contrived by the robber barons that control every central bank in every country and how they attain hard assets with a currency with no intrinsic value. People did not have access to the information that we do now when this debt slavery system was put into place. People are waking up to it and they are starting to question and standing up for themselves. Those of us that are awake and can see what has transpired have a duty to call it to the attention of those that are willing to listen. There are a lot of sheeple though...they don't want to see what has been done to them but they can deal with it now or have it come crashing down later when it's too late to do anything about it.
She won't be dealing with Trump. The MSM will be doing that.

I expect to see debate so biased, that MSM will be done afterwards.
She'll ignore Trump for the most part and if he wants to play the buffoon she'll more than welcome it and stick with her script.
She won't be dealing with Trump. The MSM will be doing that.

I expect to see debate so biased, that MSM will be done afterwards.
Trump's best strategy is simply to ignore the debate "moderators" and go after Hillary hammer and tongs.
She'll ignore Trump for the most part and if he wants to play the buffoon she'll more than welcome it and stick with her script.

She won't be able to ignore Trump when he's pointing out how corrupt and incompetent she is.
Yes, even though Trump has had three campaign managers in two months, is getting hammered in the polls, has members of his own party running from him, flip flops on pretty much every position he has, has little infrastructure in place in battleground states, says he's going to start PACs to fund those running against Ted Cruz and John Kasich for not supporting him, has been running almost no ads, and is trailing badly in fundraising, it's Hillary who's campaign in disarray because she doesn't know what the crazy guy on the other side is going to say during the debates.

You guys are hilarious.
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I wish I could take Trump's place and debate Hitlery because I would blow her off the stage with the things that I would propose and expose all for the masses to see and hear.

Yeah, that would be awesome. YOu could tell them a bout Chemtrails and how Sandy Hook was a hoax... And it might come off just as coherent as anything Trump might say... (not very.)
Yes, even though Trump has had three campaign managers in two months, is getting hammered in the polls, has members of his own party running from him, flip flops on pretty much every position he has, has little infrastructure in place in battleground states, says he's going to start PACs to fund those running against Ted Cruz and John Kasich for not supporting him, has been running almost no ads, and is trailing badly in fundraising, it's Hillary who's campaign in disarray because she doesn't know what the crazy guy on the other side is going to say during the debates.

You guys are hilarious.
A progressive flip flopping buffoon debating a lying corrupt criminal...sounds like stupidity will ensue.

Sounds like a good script for a comedy.
Actually, the question should be, will Trump even show up for a SECOND debate.....???

In a debate, Trump will NOT be allowed to simply answer questions from the moderators with such responses as "...Trust me. I'm the best businessman that has ever walked the planet."
She'll ignore Trump for the most part and if he wants to play the buffoon she'll more than welcome it and stick with her script.

She won't be able to ignore Trump when he's pointing out how corrupt and incompetent she is.

Oh yes she will and quite to her advantage knowing that if he is dumb enough to do so, then the less time he has for explaining his thoughts on the issues. Which is why I think neither will spend much effort unloading on the other until their closing statement and even then it'll be more mature and controlled than what we saw in the GOP primary debates. If either treats this in a reality TV series vote-the-other-off-the-island sort of way they lose big time.
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