Trump: You would be in jail.

He's going to grab you Democrats by the pussy and phony tits, get used to it.

Well he sure has a lot of experience grabbing Americans by the pussy without their consent- he feels he is entitled to- just like he feels he is entitled to imprison his opposition if he is elected President.

Trump only talked about it, Billy BJ actually continues to do it.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?
After she made that comment, Trump reminded everyone how low Michelle went in 2007. Perhaps you missed that because your pot habit makes your attention span work in fits.

You're a derp, hilarious that anyone would attack Michelle Obama who has carried herself with more class than almost any other first lady. No one cares what Trump said afterwards, the point was made, he goes low because that is who he is.

You people who try to defend this lowlife are just a sad lot. There were other actual respectable human beings running on the Republican side like Kasich, but you ankle-biters went for the loud knuckle-dragger who screams about how miserable life is. This is Trump's base, people that are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable with them. Misery loves company.
He's going to grab your pussy and lather up your phony tits and you'll dig it and let him.....eagerly.... because you're into that kinky shit.

Speaking metaphorically of course.

Wait, were we just talking about going low?

From a trolls point of view, of course.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.
And if Nixon was prosecuted, the fake pardon would have been null. Only a sitting president can issue a pardon after a conviction.

That is absurd. Ford was a sitting President when he pardoned Nixon, and a Presidential pardon is not a fake pardon.
You know, watching trump pimp those poor women out like common whores during his bizarre press conference yesterday for his own personal gain sickened me. And left me wondering just how low will the repub party go for this freak of nature!
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Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.
And if Nixon was prosecuted, the fake pardon would have been null. Only a sitting president can issue a pardon after a conviction.

That is absurd. Ford was a sitting President when he pardoned Nixon, and a Presidential pardon is not a fake pardon.
Only a sitting president can pardon a convicted felon. We've been over this from page one. My argument cannot be broken.
He's going to grab you Democrats by the pussy and phony tits, get used to it.

Well he sure has a lot of experience grabbing Americans by the pussy without their consent- he feels he is entitled to- just like he feels he is entitled to imprison his opposition if he is elected President.

Trump only talked about it, Billy BJ actually continues to do it.

Which political opponents is Bill Clinton imprisoning right now?
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
That should be very inappropriate!
I don't think Obama will be so naive! :)
I think Obama is vindictivey.

Well you think all sorts of stupid crap because you are vindictive and hateful.
Sounds like you got some sexual frustration. When's the last time a guy grabbed your pussy?
Yeah putting his political opponent in jail is going to make America great again. That's exactly what Putin does. Very third world like.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
That should be very inappropriate!
I don't think Obama will be so naive! :)

The day after President Obama leaves office....all of the right wing nut jobs here will be busy trying to cover their tracks about their 'predictions'- remember them though
  • Obama will pardon Clinton
  • Obama will take all of your guns
  • Obama will put his political opposition in FEMA camps
And those are just a few of the ones I remember- all crap- none of which will have happened.

Trump is the only one who has actually threatened to jail his political opponent.

Is it any surprise Trump admires Putin so much?
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
That should be very inappropriate!
I don't think Obama will be so naive! :)
I think Obama is vindictivey.

Well you think all sorts of stupid crap because you are vindictive and hateful.
Sounds like you got some sexual frustration. When's the last time a guy grabbed your pussy?

Please stop sharing your sexual fantasies here. None of us want to hear them.

Or maybe those are Trump's fantasies....
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
That should be very inappropriate!
I don't think Obama will be so naive! :)

The day after President Obama leaves office....all of the right wing nut jobs here will be busy trying to cover their tracks about their 'predictions'- remember them though
  • Obama will pardon Clinton
  • Obama will take all of your guns
  • Obama will put his political opposition in FEMA camps
And those are just a few of the ones I remember- all crap- none of which will have happened.

Trump is the only one who has actually threatened to jail his political opponent.

Is it any surprise Trump admires Putin so much?
Trump is running against a criminal, Obama wasn't.

Yeah putting his political opponent in jail is going to make America great again. That's exactly what Putin does. Very third world like.
You know, you Leftist shemales mention Putin far more than Trump ever has. Putin is barely a blip on Trump's radar, but he's overtaken you wingnuts with an obsession that causes people to ask, "Wait, what's really going on here?"
Can a president pardon convictions that occur AFTER he leaves office? Let's use some logic here.

No,but he can issue a Presidential pardon for any crimes or percieved crimes that were committed while he was in office or before he took office.
You'll forgive me if I don't want to repeat the first 5 pages. It's all there. Nobody has broken my argument.
Can a president pardon convictions that occur AFTER he leaves office? Let's use some logic here.

No,but he can issue a Presidential pardon for any crimes or percieved crimes that were committed while he was in office or before he took office.
You'll forgive me if I don't want to repeat the first 5 pages. It's all there. Nobody has broken my argument.

Broken your argument? That being Trump will change history and do what has never been done before and over ride a Presidential Pardon? That's not an argument, that's a dream. Wake that fuck up, and quit being so arrogant.

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