Trump Won't Compel Corporations To Produce Medical Supplies Because...Conservatism


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
With every passing hour of this pandemic, the shortage of medical equipment—as hospitals prepare for a massive influx of sick Americans—becomes more acute, and the need for such equipment and supplies becomes more dire. The Defense Protection Act (DPA), passed in 1950, grants a president extraordinary powers to order private industry to respond, on behalf of the nation, to an urgent public need, vital to the defense and preservation of the country.

But we really are not “all in this together.” Americans are “all in this” with a Hobbesian fantasy called “conservatism,” which has reared its ugly head at the precisely the worst moment possible in American history. In a crisis environment which literally threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the extraordinary measures we should be taking to ramp up production of medical supplies would seem self-evident—except to that species of American blinded by a political ideology that abhors the very idea of government actually helping its people.

Trump administration won't compel corporations to produce medical supplies—because of 'conservatism'

Hobbesian Fantasy. Yep, that sums it up perfectly.
With every passing hour of this pandemic, the shortage of medical equipment—as hospitals prepare for a massive influx of sick Americans—becomes more acute, and the need for such equipment and supplies becomes more dire. The Defense Protection Act (DPA), passed in 1950, grants a president extraordinary powers to order private industry to respond, on behalf of the nation, to an urgent public need, vital to the defense and preservation of the country.

But we really are not “all in this together.” Americans are “all in this” with a Hobbesian fantasy called “conservatism,” which has reared its ugly head at the precisely the worst moment possible in American history. In a crisis environment which literally threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the extraordinary measures we should be taking to ramp up production of medical supplies would seem self-evident—except to that species of American blinded by a political ideology that abhors the very idea of government actually helping its people.

Trump administration won't compel corporations to produce medical supplies—because of 'conservatism'

Hobbesian Fantasy. Yep, that sums it up perfectly.

That’s right, instead we should just increase tariffs on China and bring those jobs back here.
OMG, the "dailykos"!! A pos rag that hates Trump and conservatism. Nice bullshit link.

The fact is that the president cannot force-feed corporations to do things they are not geared to do.
Too many US factories (~12,000) were moved overseas such that the supply line to the US is not simple or nimble.
Corporations need to advise the WH what they are capable of producing.
Don't forget, everything needs raw materials and/or fabricated components.
With every passing hour of this pandemic, the shortage of medical equipment—as hospitals prepare for a massive influx of sick Americans—becomes more acute, and the need for such equipment and supplies becomes more dire. The Defense Protection Act (DPA), passed in 1950, grants a president extraordinary powers to order private industry to respond, on behalf of the nation, to an urgent public need, vital to the defense and preservation of the country.

But we really are not “all in this together.” Americans are “all in this” with a Hobbesian fantasy called “conservatism,” which has reared its ugly head at the precisely the worst moment possible in American history. In a crisis environment which literally threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the extraordinary measures we should be taking to ramp up production of medical supplies would seem self-evident—except to that species of American blinded by a political ideology that abhors the very idea of government actually helping its people.

Trump administration won't compel corporations to produce medical supplies—because of 'conservatism'

Hobbesian Fantasy. Yep, that sums it up perfectly.
Why yes we need to toss out the constitution, congress and the Supreme Court and make Trump the supreme leader. You know the one you pretend to hate.
Because that is what you are advocating.

I just love how partisans chills bounce from one stupid thing to another.
With every passing hour of this pandemic, the shortage of medical equipment—as hospitals prepare for a massive influx of sick Americans—becomes more acute, and the need for such equipment and supplies becomes more dire. The Defense Protection Act (DPA), passed in 1950, grants a president extraordinary powers to order private industry to respond, on behalf of the nation, to an urgent public need, vital to the defense and preservation of the country.

But we really are not “all in this together.” Americans are “all in this” with a Hobbesian fantasy called “conservatism,” which has reared its ugly head at the precisely the worst moment possible in American history. In a crisis environment which literally threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the extraordinary measures we should be taking to ramp up production of medical supplies would seem self-evident—except to that species of American blinded by a political ideology that abhors the very idea of government actually helping its people.

Trump administration won't compel corporations to produce medical supplies—because of 'conservatism'

Hobbesian Fantasy. Yep, that sums it up perfectly.

If they is why Trump did not do it, then he was correct for once. And the good news is that private companies are stepping up and doing the right thing without governmental force.

I have been reading hundreds of stories about people stepping up, all without compulsion.

Arenas are giving their food to food banks and homeless shelters.

Medical based TV shows are giving their medical supplies (mask and gloves and the rest) to needy hospitals.

There are links in the post above to more of this.

Do you only do good things because the government forces you to?
Private industry is responding. Of course they are, there's money to be made, and lots of it right now.

The problem is that factories don't just turn on a dime. Equipment needs to be ordered, installed, staff trained on usage etc.

This takes time.

Order a cnc machine, ok. 1-2 weeks to get it from port to the floor, another day to a week to install it, based on complexity. More time to train staff. You're looking at a couple weeks to month.

For molded products, it's similar execept molds need to be made as well.

And all of that assumes the bidding process is done and PO'S are in hand.

This does not, cannot, happen overnight. Add to that the simple fact that we've offshored a lot of that and we are looking at a shortage of facilities and, more importantly, skilled people, which was already a major problem for manufacturing before this virus showed up.
Private industry is responding. Of course they are, there's money to be made, and lots of it right now.

The problem is that factories don't just turn on a dime. Equipment needs to be ordered, installed, staff trained on usage etc.

This takes time.

Order a cnc machine, ok. 1-2 weeks to get it from port to the floor, another day to a week to install it, based on complexity. More time to train staff. You're looking at a couple weeks to month.

For molded products, it's similar execept molds need to be made as well.

And all of that assumes the bidding process is done and PO'S are in hand.

This does not, cannot, happen overnight. Add to that the simple fact that we've offshored a lot of that and we are looking at a shortage of facilities and, more importantly, skilled people, which was already a major problem for manufacturing before this virus showed up.
Some are even donating supplies.

And haven’t you heard about the small distillery’s that are now making hand sanitizer and giving it way as well?
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer and giving it out for free to combat coronavirus
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Trump is encouraging and negotiating with some companies to retool and make some medical supplies we are short of. That's what a good US President does. This isn't Red China where government can tell companies what to make, how much to make and how much to charge. We're a free country.
Private industry is responding. Of course they are, there's money to be made, and lots of it right now.

The problem is that factories don't just turn on a dime. Equipment needs to be ordered, installed, staff trained on usage etc.

This takes time.

Order a cnc machine, ok. 1-2 weeks to get it from port to the floor, another day to a week to install it, based on complexity. More time to train staff. You're looking at a couple weeks to month.

For molded products, it's similar execept molds need to be made as well.

And all of that assumes the bidding process is done and PO'S are in hand.

This does not, cannot, happen overnight. Add to that the simple fact that we've offshored a lot of that and we are looking at a shortage of facilities and, more importantly, skilled people, which was already a major problem for manufacturing before this virus showed up.
Some are even donating supplies.

And haven’t you heard about the small distilleries that are now making hand sanitizer and giving it way as well?
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer and giving it out for free to combat coronavirus

It is happening all over the country...and all without governmental compulsion.
First company to seize is the Goog.....then CNN.....make them do something useful besides spew hate and falsehoods, real job might calm them.
With every passing hour of this pandemic, the shortage of medical equipment—as hospitals prepare for a massive influx of sick Americans—becomes more acute, and the need for such equipment and supplies becomes more dire. The Defense Protection Act (DPA), passed in 1950, grants a president extraordinary powers to order private industry to respond, on behalf of the nation, to an urgent public need, vital to the defense and preservation of the country.

But we really are not “all in this together.” Americans are “all in this” with a Hobbesian fantasy called “conservatism,” which has reared its ugly head at the precisely the worst moment possible in American history. In a crisis environment which literally threatens the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, the extraordinary measures we should be taking to ramp up production of medical supplies would seem self-evident—except to that species of American blinded by a political ideology that abhors the very idea of government actually helping its people.

Trump administration won't compel corporations to produce medical supplies—because of 'conservatism'

Hobbesian Fantasy. Yep, that sums it up perfectly.

I don't believe this shit. What does Mother Jones and Huffpost have to say about this? Did AOC opine yet?
Amid shortage, Pence says millions of masks available 'now' for hospitals to buy

"Honeywell alone is repurposing a factory that was destined for Mexico to produce another 120 million masks per year. 3M is increasing output to 420 million masks per year. We really -- we have put a priority, at the president's direction, on making sure those that are providing health care services to America have the protection to keep themselves and their families safe," Pence said.
Amid shortage, Pence says millions of masks available 'now' for hospitals to buy

"Honeywell alone is repurposing a factory that was destined for Mexico to produce another 120 million masks per year. 3M is increasing output to 420 million masks per year. We really -- we have put a priority, at the president's direction, on making sure those that are providing health care services to America have the protection to keep themselves and their families safe," Pence said.

Your mistake is in assuming they are doing this because of Trump.
Don't worry, Trump is getting stuff done. Even some Canadians are looking to him for leadership as we know our ship is going to sink (it was already on the way before this virus), if we have to go 4-6 weeks like this.

Come to Canada, in Ontario we have little partnership, and even Doug Ford was a bit testy when talking about some U.S companies as he said "I love (I think it was 3M), but they are going to be manufacturing for their citizens down south, we need it done in Ontario".

As it were, not only is it not being done, but economic experts in our country have suggested that a 6 week shutdown (we are just finishing our first), will ensure approx. 40-50% permanent layoff of employees in the nation. Just 6 weeks! This is after a less than optimally useful $82B is going to be put back in the economy.

The reason, few citizens will see the cash. This is a function of an already weak economy in Canada that lacks the diversity and innovation that America has. Our politicians know it. Those that don't, are plain stupid. This is why they are trying to NOW spend as little as possible after burning hundred of billion in the past on boondoggles, The Paris Accord etc.

So compare the U.S to other nations like France, Italy who have suppressed rights and still seen massive death numbers, to America that due to not allowing flights from China has been impacted far less, while still having normalcy in most of your nation.
Private industry is responding. Of course they are, there's money to be made, and lots of it right now.

The problem is that factories don't just turn on a dime. Equipment needs to be ordered, installed, staff trained on usage etc.

This takes time.

Order a cnc machine, ok. 1-2 weeks to get it from port to the floor, another day to a week to install it, based on complexity. More time to train staff. You're looking at a couple weeks to month.

For molded products, it's similar execept molds need to be made as well.

And all of that assumes the bidding process is done and PO'S are in hand.

This does not, cannot, happen overnight. Add to that the simple fact that we've offshored a lot of that and we are looking at a shortage of facilities and, more importantly, skilled people, which was already a major problem for manufacturing before this virus showed up.
Some are even donating supplies.

And haven’t you heard about the small distilleries that are now making hand sanitizer and giving it way as well?
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer and giving it out for free to combat coronavirus

It is happening all over the country...and all without governmental compulsion.
Why of course not, according to you, even though many report they are working with the administration.
Amid shortage, Pence says millions of masks available 'now' for hospitals to buy

"Honeywell alone is repurposing a factory that was destined for Mexico to produce another 120 million masks per year. 3M is increasing output to 420 million masks per year. We really -- we have put a priority, at the president's direction, on making sure those that are providing health care services to America have the protection to keep themselves and their families safe," Pence said.

Your mistake is in assuming they are doing this because of Trump.
Your mistake is in assuming many aren’t.
Private industry is responding. Of course they are, there's money to be made, and lots of it right now.

The problem is that factories don't just turn on a dime. Equipment needs to be ordered, installed, staff trained on usage etc.

This takes time.

Order a cnc machine, ok. 1-2 weeks to get it from port to the floor, another day to a week to install it, based on complexity. More time to train staff. You're looking at a couple weeks to month.

For molded products, it's similar execept molds need to be made as well.

And all of that assumes the bidding process is done and PO'S are in hand.

This does not, cannot, happen overnight. Add to that the simple fact that we've offshored a lot of that and we are looking at a shortage of facilities and, more importantly, skilled people, which was already a major problem for manufacturing before this virus showed up.
Some are even donating supplies.

And haven’t you heard about the small distilleries that are now making hand sanitizer and giving it way as well?
Distilleries are making hand sanitizer and giving it out for free to combat coronavirus

It is happening all over the country...and all without governmental compulsion.
Why of course not, according to you, even though many report they are working with the administration.

Working "with" and working "for" are two very different things.

We do not need the government to tell us to do the right thing

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