Trump Will Not Abandon Kavanaugh, Regardless of Any Negative Facts In Ford’s Testimony


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Brett Kavanaugh is proving to be one of the worst nominees for the Supreme Court the people of the United States have ever seen. His record is that of a far-right extremist, not an impartial jurist appointed to the USSC to protect the Constitution.

It is more than likely that he lied to Congress about stolen memos (and other issues), and now he faces a credible accusation of assaulting Prof. Christine Blasey Ford.

His past actions are more than enough to keep him off the Supreme Court, and should also be enough to warrant his removal from his existing seat as a federal appeals court judge. (This won’t happen as long as he has the protection of the corrupt congressional Republican majority.)

It is unacceptable for Kavanaugh to sit in judgment of others with a record like this. How can he determine right from wrong when, it appears, he has done so much wrong himself?

If Democrats are in control of Congress next year, they can and they must impeach Kavanaugh and seek his removal by a trial in the Senate -- whether he's on the Supreme Court or still at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kavanaugh was mentored by Reagan appointee Judge Alex Kozinski who resigned in disgrace after fifteen different women came forward accusing Kozinski of years of sexual harassment. Of course Kosinski claimed his friends and family wanted him to remain on the bench long enough to defend himself. But Kosinski knew his actions over the decades were indefensible, so he chose to leave office because he could not “ ‘be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle.’ ” Yeah, right.

The idiot trump’s support for Kavanaugh has not been shaken by his lying or accusations against him for sexual assault. Ain’t that surprisin’? A lying sex criminal still supports another lying sex criminal, after all, it IS the conservative thing to do.

Naturally, the idiot trump's fans approve of Kavanaugh's sexual assault(s), and his lying. This is expected, since they approve of the idiot trump's admitted sexual assaults on women and his constant lies. These facts make any reply to the conservatives' response to this OP useless.

Trump wants to hear from Kavanaugh's accuser but doesn't think she can change his mind




Brett Kavanaugh is proving to be one of the worst nominees for the Supreme Court the people of the United States have ever seen. His record is that of a far-right extremist, not an impartial jurist appointed to the USSC to protect the Constitution.

It is more than likely that he lied to Congress about stolen memos (and other issues), and now he faces a credible accusation of assaulting Prof. Christine Blasey Ford.

His past actions are more than enough to keep him off the Supreme Court, and should also be enough to warrant his removal from his existing seat as a federal appeals court judge. (This won’t happen as long as he has the protection of the corrupt congressional Republican majority.)

It is unacceptable for Kavanaugh to sit in judgment of others with a record like this. How can he determine right from wrong when, it appears, he has done so much wrong himself?

If Democrats are in control of Congress next year, they can and they must impeach Kavanaugh and seek his removal by a trial in the Senate -- whether he's on the Supreme Court or still at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kavanaugh was mentored by Reagan appointee Judge Alex Kozinski who resigned in disgrace after fifteen different women came forward accusing Kozinski of years of sexual harassment. Of course Kosinski claimed his friends and family wanted him to remain on the bench long enough to defend himself. But Kosinski knew his actions over the decades were indefensible, so he chose to leave office because he could not “ ‘be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle.’ ” Yeah, right.

The idiot trump’s support for Kavanaugh has not been shaken by his lying or accusations against him for sexual assault. Ain’t that surprisin’? A lying sex criminal still supports another lying sex criminal, after all, it IS the conservative thing to do.

Naturally, the idiot trump's fans approve of Kavanaugh's sexual assault(s), and his lying. This is expected, since they approve of the idiot trump's admitted sexual assaults on women and his constant lies. These facts make any reply to the conservatives' response to this OP useless.

Trump wants to hear from Kavanaugh's accuser but doesn't think she can change his mind

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Brett Kavanaugh is proving to be one of the worst nominees for the Supreme Court the people of the United States have ever seen. His record is that of a far-right extremist, not an impartial jurist appointed to the USSC to protect the Constitution.


I stopped reading right there. This is what the rantings of a lunatic look like.

Kavanaugh is pretty moderate as judges go. He is, however; a textual originalist and that makes him eminently qualified for the job. The American people will be lucky to have him.
Ford isn't going to testify... this is all a leftwing ploy...nothing more. If the liberals gave a fuck beyond political hijinks, we would have heard about this months ago!

Anyone taken in by this leftist farce is a fool.

And politically weaponizing the #metoo movement makes liberals lower that whale shit at the bottom of the ocean.

Brett Kavanaugh is proving to be one of the worst nominees for the Supreme Court the people of the United States have ever seen. His record is that of a far-right extremist, not an impartial jurist appointed to the USSC to protect the Constitution.

It is more than likely that he lied to Congress about stolen memos (and other issues), and now he faces a credible accusation of assaulting Prof. Christine Blasey Ford.

His past actions are more than enough to keep him off the Supreme Court, and should also be enough to warrant his removal from his existing seat as a federal appeals court judge. (This won’t happen as long as he has the protection of the corrupt congressional Republican majority.)

It is unacceptable for Kavanaugh to sit in judgment of others with a record like this. How can he determine right from wrong when, it appears, he has done so much wrong himself?

If Democrats are in control of Congress next year, they can and they must impeach Kavanaugh and seek his removal by a trial in the Senate -- whether he's on the Supreme Court or still at the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

Kavanaugh was mentored by Reagan appointee Judge Alex Kozinski who resigned in disgrace after fifteen different women came forward accusing Kozinski of years of sexual harassment. Of course Kosinski claimed his friends and family wanted him to remain on the bench long enough to defend himself. But Kosinski knew his actions over the decades were indefensible, so he chose to leave office because he could not “ ‘be an effective judge and simultaneously fight this battle.’ ” Yeah, right.

The idiot trump’s support for Kavanaugh has not been shaken by his lying or accusations against him for sexual assault. Ain’t that surprisin’? A lying sex criminal still supports another lying sex criminal, after all, it IS the conservative thing to do.

Naturally, the idiot trump's fans approve of Kavanaugh's sexual assault(s), and his lying. This is expected, since they approve of the idiot trump's admitted sexual assaults on women and his constant lies. These facts make any reply to the conservatives' response to this OP useless.

Trump wants to hear from Kavanaugh's accuser but doesn't think she can change his mind

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View attachment 217372


Ms. Ford refuses to testify.

So I can't see how the Senate can punish him with non-confirmation for an Attempted Rape that the alleged victim failed to testify to under oath.

Our Constitution, which ALL 100 senators agreed to uphold, gives all of the accused the RIGHT to face their accusers.

Under those circumstances, McConnell should just hold a voice vote and have Kavanaugh confirmed by acclamation.
If this is what the left pulls against a sweet nerd like Brett Kavanaugh, I can't wait for the hearings to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg!

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