Trump Will Be Impeached

If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?

But wait....CNN and MSNBC et. al. all told their viewers Russiagate was real and it turned out to be a gigantic hoax. So where again is the " real" news coming from?

And when Barr and Hirowitz drop the MOAB on the DUMS next month, the MSM is gonna look pretty fucking st00pid!!:113::113:. Suddenly, liberals are going to be standing on the sidelines with their thumbs up their asses making plans to get ahead of the run in KY jelly!! Spiking the football is going to become a sport for folks on the right ( though they might need some new underwear from shitting their shorts from laughing too hard)

Everyone agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server. Trump campaign met many times with Russians and took no notes and lied about it. Cohen and manafort are in prison and Trump ordered them to do what they did,should be in prison too if he weren't president. Then he starts trying to blackmail foreign leaders into helping him get dirt on opponents is a crime and Trump cannot plead ignorance after the Russian thing. The damn idiot..... This is not Manhattan mobbed-up real estate world. Is no hoax. global warming is not a hoax either. Ridiculous. The brainwashed will believe anything it's scary, super duper.
Last edited:
Go look at Congress' website, PussyBitch. It lists all committees and current members.
And pussy bitch is triggered
So the democrats are calling witnesses and asking questions and the republicans are asking questions of the whole thing and complaining about the proceedings?
What pictures do you have of the affair?
List of witnesses?
And I'd like to see what questions have been asked as well as the answers.
Google it, brainwashed functional moron. nobody's keeping any secrets except you stupid propaganda machine, no matter what part of it you listen to. Even if it's only your stupid brainwashed functional moron friends acquaintances and co-workers.

Sooooo, brainwashed functional moron stupid propaganda brainwashed functional moron machine:
  1. You have no list of the witnesses.
  2. You have no list of the questions.
  3. You have no list of the topics.
  4. You have no list of the evidence.
  5. You have no idea the answers.
  6. You have no idea the reasons.
  7. You have no pictures from the hearings.
  8. You have no video from the hearings.
Are you even sure they are really going on?
Try some news media instead of your stupid propaganda machine dingbat. Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus what an idiot.

TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
And pussy bitch is triggered
Google it, brainwashed functional moron. nobody's keeping any secrets except you stupid propaganda machine, no matter what part of it you listen to. Even if it's only your stupid brainwashed functional moron friends acquaintances and co-workers.

Sooooo, brainwashed functional moron stupid propaganda brainwashed functional moron machine:
  1. You have no list of the witnesses.
  2. You have no list of the questions.
  3. You have no list of the topics.
  4. You have no list of the evidence.
  5. You have no idea the answers.
  6. You have no idea the reasons.
  7. You have no pictures from the hearings.
  8. You have no video from the hearings.
Are you even sure they are really going on?
Try some news media instead of your stupid propaganda machine dingbat. Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus what an idiot.

TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
Sooooo, brainwashed functional moron stupid propaganda brainwashed functional moron machine:
  1. You have no list of the witnesses.
  2. You have no list of the questions.
  3. You have no list of the topics.
  4. You have no list of the evidence.
  5. You have no idea the answers.
  6. You have no idea the reasons.
  7. You have no pictures from the hearings.
  8. You have no video from the hearings.
Are you even sure they are really going on?
Try some news media instead of your stupid propaganda machine dingbat. Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus what an idiot.

TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
I just enjoy yelling at them, the brainwashed functional morons... I did get one to switch sides, the only one I've ever seen in 12 years.
If the facts show the corruption the statements of people like Taylor are expressing and republicans don't vote to convict, they will be voted out. Not everybody who voted for Trump is a ride or die Trump nut job. Some voted for him only because he wasn't Hillary, not because they love Trump.
With the successes that Trump is enjoying as president, he can run on his record and win.
Why else have the dems looked like deer in the headlights? They got nothing, and they have done nothing.
This is their only hope (in their minds) for a win, and people aren't as stupid as they, and their wingnuts thinking they are.
If democrats in the House vote against impeachment, most of them will lose their jobs next November. Support for Trump among democrats is in the single digits.

Personally, I think it's a mistake to impeach Trump. I have no doubt he is guilty and a lot of democrat house member would suffer politically for not impeaching him but to do so would help Trump get elected. I say this because Senate republicans are not going to remove Trump from office. He is their only viable candidate and his campaign chest is stuffed with money. If the Senate fails to convict him, which is almost assured, his impeachment trial in the Senate and his victory may well sail him into office. Trump will claim he has been found innocent of all the bogus charges created by democrats. At Trump rallies you will here Innocent, Innocent, Innocent.

IMHO, democrats in the House should continue to investigation right up to the elections and let the voters determine guilt or innocent.
I'm sure everyone is standing in line to vote for a socialist/communist.....yes sir:rolleyes-41:, we'll show Trump.
A communist wants a dictatorship that owns all business and industry, super duper. There are none in the Democratic Party, Cold War dinosaur. Socialism everywhere but you are GOP bubba Love garbage propaganda, means fair capitalism with a good safety net. We are all socialists now!" President of Finland when ObamaCare passed.... Try to join the 21st century.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded
Brainwashed functional moron. Your facts are all wrong. Mr. Gun dealer. Davy Crockett would not get many votes these days the frontier is no more. Enjoy yourself though LOL good luck
Impeachment cant come fast enough for me! Go....go.....what is taking so long?

More division = a huge win for America. And wait'll Barr drops his MOAB on the DUMS. I'm likely going to shit my shorts from laughing so hard. Hoping the lid finally blows off....and watching that is going to be a hoot!! We will be seeing snowflakes getting poked in the eyes.....finally.....and hard! These limpwristers will regret being such dishonest dickheads!!:113::113:

Folks in the right should want impeachment....its the next step and we all know it. No more dicking around :2up:
think of the house as a grand jury that behind closed doors looks to see if there is reason for indictment. Then the Senate has the trial. This is the Constitution thank God for the Constitution, you BRAINWASHED functional morons will believe anything.

If it was a "grand jury", Leaking would not be permitted. However , the Pencil Necked Geek is selectively leaking daily.
Try some news media instead of your stupid propaganda machine dingbat. Google it I'm not your mother. Jesus what an idiot.

TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
I just enjoy yelling at them, the brainwashed functional morons... I did get one to switch sides, the only one I've ever seen in 12 years.
Frankie is so delusional he has to post to himself to get excited about supporting a losing agenda.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.
Whose misinformed Mr. trump Russia collusion, obstruction?
Why do you support a liar like Adam shit for brain
What happen to the whistleblower?
They already have plenty of votes to impeach but the whole point is to have an inquiry to find out what the facts are.
Wow! Thanks for finally admitting it, dumbass! Yep, Nancy had the votes to impeach 19 days after Trump took office and she still has the votes now, even though they don't even have all the facts yet! The democrats just want to impeach, they can taste it in their mouth and they just want the best excuse possible---- ---- Maxine has been yelling it for three years. They can't beat Trump, not in 2016, not in 2020. The smell of fear and desperation permeates the Left.

When this falls through like Mueller, what next, will you attempt to assassinate him? Maybe Donald should get a lot of lookalikes to go around in different cars at all times to stay safe from your attempted coup?
I have given this impeachment theatrics great thought.
I've come to the conclusion, with the dems numbers in the House,
they don't need one sliver of evidence, Schiff doesn't have to keep lying.
They have the votes for impeachment and always did....VOTE!!!!!
I would think most Americans want to have names for the upcoming election.
There is overwhelming evidence and yes they do have the votes easy but don't like doing what swine tell them to LOL just so Fox News will be happy

Then show it, rather than state it as 'fact'.

Trump admitted he asked the leader of a foreign country for a favor, getting dirt on Biden -8 times he mentioned Biden. People are sick to death of him and this chaos.

Tired of stupid!

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Senate Consideration of Treaty Document 106-16

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Read it, learn it, know it.
No. Impeachment is only done by congress. The senate convicts. When the evidence is shown to the American people, if the senate does not convict, they very well may be voted out of the majority.
They Will they have to convince 15 or 20 Republican senators, Who will be primaried out if they convict.

If the facts show the corruption the statements of people like Taylor are expressing and republicans don't vote to convict, they will be voted out. Not everybody who voted for Trump is a ride or die Trump nut job. Some voted for him only because he wasn't Hillary, not because they love Trump.
With the successes that Trump is enjoying as president, he can run on his record and win.
Why else have the dems looked like deer in the headlights? They got nothing, and they have done nothing.
This is their only hope (in their minds) for a win, and people aren't as stupid as they, and their wingnuts thinking they are.
If democrats in the House vote against impeachment, most of them will lose their jobs next November. Support for Trump among democrats is in the single digits.

Personally, I think it's a mistake to impeach Trump. I have no doubt he is guilty and a lot of democrat house member would suffer politically for not impeaching him but to do so would help Trump get elected. I say this because Senate republicans are not going to remove Trump from office. He is their only viable candidate and his campaign chest is stuffed with money. If the Senate fails to convict him, which is almost assured, his impeachment trial in the Senate and his victory may well sail him into office. Trump will claim he has been found innocent of all the bogus charges created by democrats. At Trump rallies you will here Innocent, Innocent, Innocent.

IMHO, democrats in the House should continue to investigation right up to the elections and let the voters determine guilt or innocent.
I'm sure everyone is standing in line to vote for a socialist/communist.....yes sir:rolleyes-41:, we'll show Trump.

People will not be voting for a Trump dictatorship.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.
Whose misinformed Mr. trump Russia collusion, obstruction?
Why do you support a liar like Adam shit for brain
What happen to the whistleblower?

You are. Your last post shows it. The courts have decided that all the grand jury information from the Mueller report be released. By next Wednesday. This means congress will get the information in unredacted form. So you might want to be quiet about the Mueller report. And the whistleblower doesn't matter anymore. Taylor, Yovanovitch, etc., have been fine whistleblowers and it seems that John Bolton might decide to blow his whistle too.

The time has come for Trump.
They already have plenty of votes to impeach but the whole point is to have an inquiry to find out what the facts are.
Wow! Thanks for finally admitting it, dumbass! Yep, Nancy had the votes to impeach 19 days after Trump took office and she still has the votes now, even though they don't even have all the facts yet! The democrats just want to impeach, they can taste it in their mouth and they just want the best excuse possible---- ---- Maxine has been yelling it for three years. They can't beat Trump, not in 2016, not in 2020. The smell of fear and desperation permeates the Left.

When this falls through like Mueller, what next, will you attempt to assassinate him? Maybe Donald should get a lot of lookalikes to go around in different cars at all times to stay safe from your attempted coup?
I have given this impeachment theatrics great thought.
I've come to the conclusion, with the dems numbers in the House,
they don't need one sliver of evidence, Schiff doesn't have to keep lying.
They have the votes for impeachment and always did....VOTE!!!!!
I would think most Americans want to have names for the upcoming election.
There is overwhelming evidence and yes they do have the votes easy but don't like doing what swine tell them to LOL just so Fox News will be happy

Then show it, rather than state it as 'fact'.

Trump admitted he asked the leader of a foreign country for a favor, getting dirt on Biden -8 times he mentioned Biden. People are sick to death of him and this chaos.

Tired of stupid!

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Senate Consideration of Treaty Document 106-16

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Read it, learn it, know it.

If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?
Believe me I know. This area 73% Trump and they are totally misinformed by Fox Rush etcetera. But seriously CNN MSNBC should not have pundits arguing all day maybe the second half hour each hour but the first half hour should be news from around the world. Our News programs have basically no foreign offices or foreign reporters. Pathetic in comparison to what it used to be. Whatever they should have at least a 10 minute news every hour from around the world.all this non-stop arguing is very divisive. It also gives a forum to the lying right wing scumbags. Poor America.
Whose misinformed Mr. trump Russia collusion, obstruction?
Why do you support a liar like Adam shit for brain
What happen to the whistleblower?

You are. Your last post shows it. The courts have decided that all the grand jury information from the Mueller report be released. By next Wednesday. This means congress will get the information in unredacted form. So you might want to be quiet about the Mueller report. And the whistleblower doesn't matter anymore. Taylor, Yovanovitch, etc., have been fine whistleblowers and it seems that John Bolton might decide to blow his whistle too.

The time has come for Trump.
Dude the Mueller report is dead
Why has no one been indicted from any of the Mueller report findings?
OH but guess what indictments are coming via Barr.
They already have plenty of votes to impeach but the whole point is to have an inquiry to find out what the facts are.
Wow! Thanks for finally admitting it, dumbass! Yep, Nancy had the votes to impeach 19 days after Trump took office and she still has the votes now, even though they don't even have all the facts yet! The democrats just want to impeach, they can taste it in their mouth and they just want the best excuse possible---- ---- Maxine has been yelling it for three years. They can't beat Trump, not in 2016, not in 2020. The smell of fear and desperation permeates the Left.

When this falls through like Mueller, what next, will you attempt to assassinate him? Maybe Donald should get a lot of lookalikes to go around in different cars at all times to stay safe from your attempted coup?
I have given this impeachment theatrics great thought.
I've come to the conclusion, with the dems numbers in the House,
they don't need one sliver of evidence, Schiff doesn't have to keep lying.
They have the votes for impeachment and always did....VOTE!!!!!
I would think most Americans want to have names for the upcoming election.
There is overwhelming evidence and yes they do have the votes easy but don't like doing what swine tell them to LOL just so Fox News will be happy

Then show it, rather than state it as 'fact'.

Trump admitted he asked the leader of a foreign country for a favor, getting dirt on Biden -8 times he mentioned Biden. People are sick to death of him and this chaos.

Tired of stupid!

Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters
Senate Consideration of Treaty Document 106-16

Text - Treaty Document 106-16 - Treaty with Ukraine on Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters

Read it, learn it, know it.

Translation: TRIGGERED.
They Will they have to convince 15 or 20 Republican senators, Who will be primaried out if they convict.

If the facts show the corruption the statements of people like Taylor are expressing and republicans don't vote to convict, they will be voted out. Not everybody who voted for Trump is a ride or die Trump nut job. Some voted for him only because he wasn't Hillary, not because they love Trump.
With the successes that Trump is enjoying as president, he can run on his record and win.
Why else have the dems looked like deer in the headlights? They got nothing, and they have done nothing.
This is their only hope (in their minds) for a win, and people aren't as stupid as they, and their wingnuts thinking they are.
If democrats in the House vote against impeachment, most of them will lose their jobs next November. Support for Trump among democrats is in the single digits.

Personally, I think it's a mistake to impeach Trump. I have no doubt he is guilty and a lot of democrat house member would suffer politically for not impeaching him but to do so would help Trump get elected. I say this because Senate republicans are not going to remove Trump from office. He is their only viable candidate and his campaign chest is stuffed with money. If the Senate fails to convict him, which is almost assured, his impeachment trial in the Senate and his victory may well sail him into office. Trump will claim he has been found innocent of all the bogus charges created by democrats. At Trump rallies you will here Innocent, Innocent, Innocent.

IMHO, democrats in the House should continue to investigation right up to the elections and let the voters determine guilt or innocent.
I'm sure everyone is standing in line to vote for a socialist/communist.....yes sir:rolleyes-41:, we'll show Trump.

People will not be voting for a Trump dictatorship.
It is not simply Republicans who are furious at what is taking place in the halls of Congress, but even members of the majority party are urging their leadership to regain sanity. New Jersey Democratic Rep. Jeff Van Drew is one such member. NBC News reported, "As Van Drew sees it, impeachment is a pointless, divisive exercise that will poison the well of bipartisanship and prevent Congress from taking up more important issues, like prescription drug prices and infrastructure."

I couldn’t agree more. There are so many opportunities for Congress to get legislation to the president’s desk to help middle-class Americans which are falling by the wayside because of this impeachment craze.
my friends: instead of waiting until the next election to make their case to the public about why it’s time for new leadership in the White House, the majority party in the House is obstructing democracy by trying to throw Trump out of office for any reason they can dream up.

That’s not governing. That’s chaos. And that’s the halls of your US Capitol.
If the Ukraine transcript is enough then stop playing Gilbert Grape never (seen the movie) and hold the vote and let’s get this trial under way

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
The house impeachment process is like a grand jury, deciding and secret weather and indictment is called for. Then the trial takes place in the Senate. Why is our media so stupid? why isn't it explain that there are Republicans on all these committees so they are hardly being held in secret. Yes pathetic media in this country. We need much more news from around the world and less pundits arguing garbage propaganda. That would be GOP garbage propaganda of course.

The real and honest news in America has reported the truth about republicans being on that committee. I've watched the news and have seen it reported.

You're dealing with people who don't use real and honest news. They watch fox so called news and online they read such reputable sources as gateway pundit, newsmax or britbart.

The last thing anyone is going to get from those sources is the truth.

Don't blame the real and honest news in America. Don't think that the far right radical extremists on this site are typical of Americans and actually want honest and true news.

These people have been spoon-fed the truth by people like you and others on this site but will never accept that truth. Just as they will never accept most truths. They still claim Obama is from Kenya and Michelle is a man for heaven's sake.

Do you honestly think people like that are going to accept any truths about anything?

But wait....CNN and MSNBC et. al. all told their viewers Russiagate was real and it turned out to be a gigantic hoax. So where again is the " real" news coming from?

And when Barr and Hirowitz drop the MOAB on the DUMS next month, the MSM is gonna look pretty fucking st00pid!!:113::113:. Suddenly, liberals are going to be standing on the sidelines with their thumbs up their asses making plans to get ahead of the run in KY jelly!! Spiking the football is going to become a sport for folks on the right ( though they might need some new underwear from shitting their shorts from laughing too hard)

Everyone agrees the Russians hacked the DNC server. Trump campaign met many times with Russians and took no notes and lied about it. Cohen and manafort are in prison and Trump ordered them to do what they did,should be in prison too if he weren't president. Then he starts trying to blackmail foreign leaders into helping him get dirt on opponents is a crime and Trump cannot plead ignorance after the Russian thing. The damn idiot..... This is not Manhattan mobbed-up real estate world. Is no hoax. global warming is not a hoax either. Ridiculous. The brainwashed will believe anything it's scary, super duper.

The Barr MOAB :blowup::blowup::blowup: changes the whole narrative to everybody except the hopeessly duped though!

d0y :coffee:
TRANSLATION: "I GOT NUTTIN.'" Kinda figured. Another democratic 'puff of smoke.'
Jesus what an ignoramus.... Googled it for you Jesus..... And you are an interested GOP voter! Poor America.what is this impeachment about? - Google Search

You wasted your time. The person you replied to doesn't want that information and will never click that link to read it.
Tell me something I don't know LOL
I just enjoy yelling at them, the brainwashed functional morons... I did get one to switch sides, the only one I've ever seen in 12 years.
Frankie is so delusional he has to post to himself to get excited about supporting a losing agenda. of the handful of the band of prolific crazies in here who go to bed every night listening to Don LaMon podcasts. We know them well but let's face it.....these forums would be excrushiatingly boring without them!!:2up:

Go...go on impeachment s0ns!!:113::113:

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