Trump vs Every other Pres

There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
His gang is no different from Obama’s gang, yet you were fine with them.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..

one of the embarrassing moments in American presidential history
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
------------------------------------------- so its an emotional thing eh ?? All i say is America first and MAGA Nosmo ,
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
His gang is no different from Obama’s gang, yet you were fine with them.
How many Obama staff are sitting in federal prison?
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
------------------------------------------- so its an emotional thing eh ?? All i say is America first and MAGA Nosmo ,
Not emotional at all. His comportment shows not mere incompetence, but criminality.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.

I said the same when Bush slunk out of Washington in a hail of jeers. Now, look what happened.

American voters...


Britons are in an unenviable position, having set themselves up to lose the mutual support within the EU framework, to be at the mercy of, by and large, the U.S. and China, both currently headed by fairly uncanny figures. And they know it. Neither of the big bullies will for one millisecond contemplate anything other than pressing their respective national interests, and it's hard to tell what they wouldn't trample into the ground provided it stands in their way. So, Britons are justifiably worried, and are sending a warning to May (and her successor) that handing over the store to the Mafia Boss is not an option.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.

Obama was treated like a Rockstar

For no apparent reason.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
------------------------------------------- so its an emotional thing eh ?? All i say is America first and MAGA Nosmo ,
Not emotional at all. His comportment shows not mere incompetence, but criminality.
Never expected you to fall but then again I've oft seen the most rational, intellectual individuals turn into blithering partisan idiots in seconds when politics raises it's ugly head.......
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
His gang is no different from Obama’s gang, yet you were fine with them.
Keep calm and carry on. Donald Trump is an anomaly. Once he is gone and jailed, we will never make such a mistake again.
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
------------------------------------------- so its an emotional thing eh ?? All i say is America first and MAGA Nosmo ,
Not emotional at all. His comportment shows not mere incompetence, but criminality.
Never expected you to fall but then again I've oft seen the most rational, intellectual individuals turn into blithering partisan idiots in seconds when politics raises it's ugly head.......
I read the Mueller Report.
I can honestly say: Americans give zero fucks what people in England think, there's a reason we kicked their statist asses out of our country by force, bitch. :funnyface:

All this does is highlight the indoctrination and weak minds of the UK people and how easily led they are. It started with communist infiltration into their education system in the early 70s and now the US is headed down the same path.

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery." -Winston Churchill
Read more at: Winston Churchill Quotes
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There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
Trump is restoring respect,, that scares you lefties who have invaded our cherished positions.. you will be gone soon
---------------------------- You might be correct , thats why its important to reelect the TRUMP and then the Pence in 2020 - 2024 and the future or maybe the 'TedCruz' Nosmo .
You may be tolerant of such a buffoon. The majority is embarrassed of him and his gang of grifters.
------------------------------------------- so its an emotional thing eh ?? All i say is America first and MAGA Nosmo ,
Not emotional at all. His comportment shows not mere incompetence, but criminality.
Never expected you to fall but then again I've oft seen the most rational, intellectual individuals turn into blithering partisan idiots in seconds when politics raises it's ugly head.......
I read the Mueller Report.
So? If a "Mueller Report" was honestly done on just about every politician that ever lived you'd come to the same conclusion......... If you were unbiasely honest....... :eusa_whistle:

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