Trump vs Every other Pres

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.
Islam is not a race.
Yeah, should have used bigot instead.
They just blurt out that word as a matter of second nature. Kind of an ideological Tourrette's.

Well everyone can have racist views but as you pointed out Islam is not a race so to claim Trump actions is based on race is a little far fetch on that one but could it because of his bigoted view?

Well now there could be a debate.

Had Tommy used Mexico or Central America in his claim for racism then maybe but one has to know why Trump truly hate Mexico has to do with a law suit and less about what he is selling to those that voted for him.

Is Trump a racist?

Most likely seeing all humans have a racist and bigoted view...
I don't know if it even gets as far as skin color for him. I think he looks at a person in terms of how they can benefit him, help him, glorify him, increase in stature in some way. How they can be used. So skin color may not even enter into his surface thought processes.
Stupid Brits don't realize that their protests of an American president have no effect on who Americans will vote for.

You all should use your time on something more productive

Actually ... it has a big influence.

In 2004, The Guardian, England's largest leftist newspaper, ran advertisements in many swing states urging Americans not to re-elect President Bush.

President Bush actually did very well everywhere those ads ran. Exit-polling identified a strong backlash from the British interference.

I'm truly hoping they pull the same stunt against President Trump in 2020. Should make his inevitable re-election even more one-sided.

i remember that
the guardian also started a letter writing campaign where they gave yellow crooked teffers mailing addresses of people in ohio and brits wrote em letters

their was something more recent about trump another
"we should have the right to vote in US elections "

it could of been the guardian again
3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.
Islam is not a race.
Yeah, should have used bigot instead.
They just blurt out that word as a matter of second nature. Kind of an ideological Tourrette's.

Well everyone can have racist views but as you pointed out Islam is not a race so to claim Trump actions is based on race is a little far fetch on that one but could it because of his bigoted view?

Well now there could be a debate.

Had Tommy used Mexico or Central America in his claim for racism then maybe but one has to know why Trump truly hate Mexico has to do with a law suit and less about what he is selling to those that voted for him.

Is Trump a racist?

Most likely seeing all humans have a racist and bigoted view...
I don't know if it even gets as far as skin color for him. I think he looks at a person in terms of how they can benefit him, help him, glorify him, increase in stature in some way. How they can be used. So skin color may not even enter into his surface thought processes.

I hate to agree but you might be correct...

I can see him thinking that way because actually that is how I think...
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.

The UK has enough of it’s own problems without spending time an energy on worrying about the Cheeto.

That being said, the entire world realizes that America elected an empty suit and the sooner he is out of office, the better it will be for both the US and the world on the whole.
Tells you how easily controlled Limeys are.
Direct Bureaucracy Government control of TEE VEE is even more effective than a corporate/government fascistic think tank marriage apparently.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..
3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

Islam is not a race.

What an unenlightened remark that is. Racism is regarding human beings as inferior in any way merely for their membership of a group. Islam is not a race, neither is Muslims, nor gays, women, etc., and yet, singling any of them out for special treatment because of their membership is still racism. We may apply more descriptive terms, and yet racism is the core, the structure of misogyny, homophobia, islamophobia, etc. That's how folks proclaiming they are not racists look ridiculous and stupid while hating on Mexicans, Hondurans, gays, Muslims (etc.).
2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

Anyone who insists on treating the cold-blooded murder of innocent children as a “human right” is in no position whatsoever to lecture anyone else on any matter of morality, ethics, or any distinction between right and wrong. Abortion is pure evil; and it takes a soulless sociopath to defend it.

Of course, it is no surprise to see it defended by someone who openly sides with the Islamist child-rape gangs.
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There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
If it hadn't been for the support of a British citizen, he would have never been elected. He is, in effect, the pawn of Rothschild.

Do your research. If his Rothschild's agent, and Trump's Commerce Secretary, Wilbur Ross, hadn't bailed his ass out of all his bankruptcy's years ago, he would not now be president.

Trump is an agent of one of your own citizen's.
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There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..
I have reported your post and a few others for breach of cdz rules.
Regarding the non abusive part of your post. I really couldnt care less. I dont know anyone else who is bothered either. I am no supporter of colonialism , not sure who is.
UK has a huge Leftist element. These persons are for open borders, Islamic domination, awful economy and loss of British culture and history. On the other side you have Brexit supporters. 250k is a tiny % of the population.

Lastly, Trump is polarizing. That is true whether you like or dislike him.
Your final sentence probably explains it because the UK hasnt changed since Bush was over here.
UK has a huge Leftist element. These persons are for open borders, Islamic domination, awful economy and loss of British culture and history. On the other side you have Brexit supporters. 250k is a tiny % of the population.

Lastly, Trump is polarizing. That is true whether you like or dislike him.
Your final sentence probably explains it because the UK hasnt changed since Bush was over here.

London had a Muslim mayor when Bush was there? The people voted to leave the EU when Bush was there? I do not agree with you.
Trump puts America's best interests first, so of course many foreigners don't like him. There's also that nasty TDS epidemic.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.
There will be about 250k protesters out today in London and there will be regional protests around the UK.

I have never seen anything like it although the visit of the Chinese leader caused a lot of disruption a few years back.

But the US is our ally and Presidential visits have never generated this level of hostility. Obama was treated like a rockstar and even Bush Jnr was given the respect he probably didnt deserve.

So why this time ?

Firstly forget about any Dem/Gop partisanship. Very few people over here have any interest in that relationship. Not enough to take a day off work anyway.

Its not really anti Americanism either although there will be some elements their. People dont like Americas oil wars or their propping up Israel. But again that is nothing new, it has always been there.

In the UK we watch American films,listen to American music and our cultures are heavily influenced by the US.

The issue is Trump himself. He is seen as a living breathing manifestation of everything wrong with humanity. Misogyny , racism, greed,lying, cheating, narcissism, I could go on.

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..

These are the key issues that I think are driving the protests.

1. Climate change. The US should be leading on this but Trump is in the pocket of fossil fuel interests. This affects all of us and is huge.

2. Womens rights. Abortion is only an issue in Northern Ireland which is at least a generation behind modern Britain.People can see hard fought rights being taken away from their sisters in the US by right wing loons.The fear is that what happens in the US today comes to Europe tomorrow.

3. Racism. The Muslim ban shocked folk over here. We all have Muslim friends . Singling out one group for special treatment has been tried before and is Un American.

4. The NHS. People are terrified that a post brexit deal with the US will introduce the more barbaric elements of US healthcare into the UK. Trump wants it and our government would do anything to get a deal with the US. Scary times.

I am sure there are other issues but these seem to be the main ones. The good news is that it will all go away with Trump and it will be business as usual with his successor. The bad news is that liberal values are under threat across the world. We havent moved on too much from the gas chambers.

I know he has a strong personal base. I can imagine how they will react to this post. I am just trying to explain why the US President is so hated in the UK.
So when Obama sent the bust of Churchill packing back to UK, you loved the faggot? When Obama game the queen his I-pod of speeches that was okay? When Obama gave the PM a set of DVD of old movies that was okay? Oblammer hated your guts for colonialism, I guess you are okay? What a fucking dumbass you are..
I have reported your post and a few others for breach of cdz rules.
Regarding the non abusive part of your post. I really couldnt care less. I dont know anyone else who is bothered either. I am no supporter of colonialism , not sure who is.
No body likes a tattletale
UK has a huge Leftist element. These persons are for open borders, Islamic domination, awful economy and loss of British culture and history. On the other side you have Brexit supporters. 250k is a tiny % of the population.

Lastly, Trump is polarizing. That is true whether you like or dislike him.
Your final sentence probably explains it because the UK hasnt changed since Bush was over here.
yeah you're all still a bunch of monarch worshiping sycophants
Trump is president and here b/c the elites want him there, THEY WANT folks hating.

HATE and controversy is a terrific agent of change.

Folks are so dumb when they are not asking questions, and instead just hating on each other and on everything.

Secretive Bilderberg Meeting Draws Pompeo and Kushner

Mike Pompeo arrives at secretive Bilderberg conference in Switzerland despite NOT being on guestlist | Daily Mail Online

Participants 2019

We change presidents, but we always get the same types of assholes filling every administration. They always contain members of the Transnational Capitalist Class including the CFR, Trilateral Commission, and Bilderburg.

Thanks to a media and academia controlled by these elitist groups, most Americans have no idea what is going on.
Stupid Brits don't realize that their protests of an American president have no effect on who Americans will vote for.

You all should use your time on something more productive
---------------------------------- 'brits' gotta understand that Tommys complaints are music to Real Americans ears eh ,
If the British are protesting Trump because of your failing NHS that has nothing to do with Trump, then you folks really have gone around the bend with your psychosis.
UK has a huge Leftist element. These persons are for open borders, Islamic domination, awful economy and loss of British culture and history. On the other side you have Brexit supporters. 250k is a tiny % of the population.

Lastly, Trump is polarizing. That is true whether you like or dislike him.
Your final sentence probably explains it because the UK hasnt changed since Bush was over here.

London had a Muslim mayor when Bush was there? The people voted to leave the EU when Bush was there? I do not agree with you.
I dont understand the link you are making. Ken Livingstone was the Mayor. He hated the Americans. Mr Khan is extremely moderate in comparison. Sadiq Khan is a pretty minor figure in all of this.

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