Trump vaccine hits 50 Million mark.


Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Nice job, President Trump.-Nostra

My face:
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.


The guy living in your head for free
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

The guy who saved 2 million lives.
Trump is not a pharmaceutical CEO or even a rep. The labs get the credit, the administration only any supportive enablement. "Enablement" is a problem for some people, even doctors: About what it was, or maybe now exists. The Ending of the Trumped-Up Shortages is now the credit that the Biden Administration gets to take.

The Nostra brand intended delays and murders: Widely in evidence--The Trumped-Up Administration!

Failed GOP represents the Baby Abandonment position, Safe Haven Baby Boxes even. GOP Red States do not advocate supports for parents of the newborn, instead. The prayers of those households--all members in them--are more supportive of the recent dog-mauling of the adult from Alabama. The dogs had escaped in another Red State power grid failure, Alabama man almost killed by pack of dogs in "horrific" attack The clear reference is to "Lives Don't Matter," of the Conservative Christian prayers: Matt 25: 14-30. The Fable-Maker's time-frame, (era), is in the context of the Imperial Roman practice and culture--Conservatively, original strict construction.

Money in Matthew is coinage and mineral. The arithmetic message had been created, Most likely Moses detailing the household alliance of Pharaoh in custom and practice, Deut 23: 19-20. Strict Construction and interpretation are Red State Conservative brand.

Money now is less mineral and more "Fiat," backed by governments. The basis currency is the USD. Even when Bill Clinton was elected President, "These people have the bomb," applied. It was more apparent from the Reagan Administration, GOP Terrorist example.

Notice a difference between household budget money, and federal deficit money. The accounting in the private sector demands repayment. The accounting in the public sector mainly requires a giant computer(?). Payments go out on time. Taxes arrive on time. Limits are met that are established by legislative fiat: Statute.

The rich do get richer. In the Red State prayers, the poor, however, get thrown clear out of the program: Any program whatsoever, there having been no Imperial Roman welfare state. Red State Baby Genitalia Mutilators rely on that in their Strict Construction, for example. The Roman custom acknowledged an urban location, locally understood. Away from the larger urban centers, then more likely the predators were loose--Like in the Alabama Example--to munch a bunch for lunch, even at 2:00 a.m.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid, even--gouging and screwing one another!)
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.


The guy living in your head for free
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

The guy who saved 2 million lives.
Oh, President Biden. Good to see him working to save Americans.
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.


The guy living in your head for free

Imagine Joe Biden fucked up. Who would you blame it on? That's the answer to your question ...
Trumpybear once touted a UK study that said China's delay in implementing non medical interventions cost thousands of lives, only to reproduce exponentially what China did. So instead of 60 to 120K deaths we're on track for more that a million.

That's what Republicans gave Americans.

Putin still smiles.
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Trump's administration said there would be 20 million people vaccinated by the end of 2020. The number ended up being a little over 2 million.
Probably because he was too busy filing lawsuits over his "stolen" election and whipping up a riot at the Capitol in one last ditch effort to overturn the election.
You know..important stuff. :)
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Trump's administration said there would be 20 million people vaccinated by the end of 2020. The number ended up being a little over 2 million.
Probably because he was too busy filing lawsuits over his "stolen" election and whipping up a riot at the Capitol in one last ditch effort to overturn the election.
You know..important stuff. :)
Veggie Joe said there wouldn’t even be a vaccine by the end of the year.

Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Why are you so excited about a shot you'll never get?
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Why are you so excited about a shot you'll never get?
What makes you think I will never get it, troll?
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Why are you so excited about a shot you'll never get?
What makes you think I will never get it, troll?
because you just don't need it for such a weak virus.
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Why are you so excited about a shot you'll never get?
What makes you think I will never get it, troll?
because you just don't need it for such a weak virus.
Troll elsewhere, troll.
Trump did an amazing job getting this vaccine developed and out! Kudos.

The anti-vaccine folks from the their very own VP Harris, who said spread fear by saying it wasn't safe.....should really be ashamed of themselves....fearmongering, mistrust, and division....the sad playbook of the left....

Trump did an amazing job getting this vaccine developed and out! Kudos.

The anti-vaccine folks from the their very own VP Harris, who said spread fear by saying it wasn't safe.....should really be ashamed of themselves....fearmongering, mistrust, and division....the sad playbook of the left....

Said she wouldn’t take it........jumped to the front of the line.
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

To be fair... I don't care which one takes credit for it... I'm not taking it. Ya'll can go first.
Nice job, President Trump.

Biden told America you wouldn’t get a vaccine done by the end of the year, and told America not to trust it because of you.

Now he is riding your coattails and trying to take credit for it.

Many said vaccines could never be developed that fast. They laughed at Operation Warp Speed.

And both Biden and Harris questioned the vaccines. Of course, Biden made a total mess when Øbama put him in charge of the H1N1 pandemic in 2009.


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