Trump up in national poll


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 21, 2020
Phoenix, AZ

We may actually defeat the piece of human filth , Biden

We may actually defeat the piece of human filth , Biden
Why is it the only poll you idiots post is Rasmussen?
What difference does it make? They are all slanted one way or another.
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We may actually defeat the piece of human filth , Biden
Why is it the only poll you idiots post is Rasmussen?
/-----/ Well, here are a few more.

2.) The question, who’s your neighbor voting for? That, as you know, Gallup tried that, and they showed that people think, voters believe by 56% that Trump is gonna win, even though they may not say that to pollsters.

3.) “Gallup is reporting the youth interest in voting this cycle has hit its lowest levels since 2000. That’s in keeping with the results from Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham, whose polling data, which has been mentioned in the Washington Times and Forbes, suggests there will be one million fewer young people voting this cycle.”

4.) Biden is losing ground in IBD/TIPP, and now in Michigan. Michigan Trafalgar poll today: Trump 46.5%, Biden 45.9%

5.) Telemundo


We may actually defeat the piece of human filth , Biden
Why is it the only poll you idiots post is Rasmussen?
Rasmussen was one of the most accurate polls in 2016 ....... they had hillary up by 2 points but the silent Trump voters made up the difference ! so remember Trump won being down 2 points just before the election in nov 2016 ! now he's up 1point and thats not factoring in the silent Trump voter ...and there may be more silent support for Trump than it was in 2016 due to the anger directed at Trump supporters that is 10 times worse than it was in 2016 ! oh and biden just announced a 5 day lid on campaign ! biden is going back into hiding !
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T has a superb 4 yr record and is out doing double speeches in 2 states every day while Biden just hides in his basement
Biden is bombing
He was god awful in last debate and his scandals with his crack head son is sickening
I think T will win Florida

We don’t know about the 4 key other states : P, M, O and W

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