Trump Trolls Kim Jong Un, Says His Nuke Button is Bigger

Wow, sure seems that a lot of progressives just wet their pants.

Dry cleaning bill going up all across America. Trump boosts the economy once again!!

special snowflake here!!!!

He should have been removed from office months ago for dereliction of duty and abuse of his power, and for being mentally unfit to serve the Nation.

People who have picked party over Nation, need to do some soul searching about this NYC gangster, money laundering Russian owned pawn, WHO IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY from within....

all for the mighty dollar he gets to continue to collect and put in his pocket, funded by the Russian oligarchs cozy to Putin, loaning him the money for ALL of his businesses from Canada to Florida to New York....that American banks refused to loan him, because he was such a high risk of failure and going bankrupt.

Never ever ever in a million gazillion years, could I have imagined all of you, siding and supporting a complete, from top to bottom, and inside out, traitor to our Nation....


Not even with him buying your souls, with a SC justice here and a tax cut there and all the stuff you believe in, I still would have never thought that you would not be able to recognize when we are in danger,

and really thought when push comes to shove, choosing your NATION FIRST would set in, instead of still supporting a crazy man who is in personal partnership with a country like Russia, that wants nothing more than harming us and reducing us to NOTHING on the world stage...

I just do not get have sold your heart and souls to Satan...mark my words, you WILL regret voting for him, and your children and children's children will ask someday, how you could continue to support such a scummy, unfit to serve, man.


You are the most contemptible individual I have had the misfortune to encounter on this message board. You are stupid, mean, and generally obnoxious. I am going to raise the IQ level of the room and place you on ignore, which is something we all should have done a long time ago.
Care4All? You're losing it, Admiral. She may have a different spin on this than you, but she is none of the things you say.

Oh, yes she is! The bullshit she spins is completely over the top and based on nothing but her own lack of education. She can never back up her claims is performs no other function that to be a liberal with a huge spoon in the shit pot, stirring as if her life depended on it. She can lick the spoon clean as far as I am concerned,
Lets have a penis olympics Trump vs UN,,,A dick off republicans are good at that

No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
Lets have a penis olympics Trump vs UN,,,A dick off republicans are good at that

No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
Sorry toob I want a dick off Let them put both their dicks on a table bring out the tape best man wins ...loser shuts his pie hole

Trump was the always the boy in school looking over at the other's while pissing and singing, "My dick is bigger than your dick my dick is bigger's than yours and my dicks bigger cause I eat kennel ration oh, my dick is bigger than yours.

I'll bet you had that song in your ear all of your life!

Yep, since birth and I bet my dick is bigger than yours teach.
Little Debbie?
Lets have a penis olympics Trump vs UN,,,A dick off republicans are good at that

No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
Lets have a penis olympics Trump vs UN,,,A dick off republicans are good at that

No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
Sorry toob I want a dick off Let them put both their dicks on a table bring out the tape best man wins ...loser shuts his pie hole

Trump was the always the boy in school looking over at the other's while pissing and singing, "My dick is bigger than your dick my dick is bigger's than yours and my dicks bigger cause I eat kennel ration oh, my dick is bigger than yours.

I'll bet you had that song in your ear all of your life!

Yep, since birth and I bet my dick is bigger than yours teach.

That's probably true. I wore mine down over time. Your is probably still fresh from the wrapper.
I agree with this person.
"Bishop Talbert Swan‏Verified account @TalbertSwan · 2h
POTUS is so easily baited! KJU plays him like a pair of bongos and #Trump takes the bait every time! Shameful that America’s president is unhinged and cannot resist his compulsion to attack and have the last word. Grow up for crying out loud Mr. 45!"

Trump has the intellectual and emotional level of an adolescent boy.

I think it’s more that people like Talbert Swan are the ones being baited and taking it every time.
The next election will determine who is taking it. Both sides feel empowered right now. The Left because Trump does sound like an immature child who can’t be honest to save his life... and the Right because they hold power and are progressing their agenda. 2018 and 2020 will show who America agrees with

So in 2018 and 2020 the question will be wich retarded side do you want to destroy this country faster!?!

Why the hell can't we just have moderates and not mental midgets!?!

I mean give me Romney, Webb and Manchin over the Trumps and Clintons!
I totally agree. Trump in the White House is gasoline on the fire of partisanship and division. I’m hoping for a wave of some quality moderates in the next elections

Like who?
I haven’t seen a presidential candidate float to the surface yet but I’m keeping a close look
special snowflake here!!!!

He should have been removed from office months ago for dereliction of duty and abuse of his power, and for being mentally unfit to serve the Nation.

People who have picked party over Nation, need to do some soul searching about this NYC gangster, money laundering Russian owned pawn, WHO IS DESTROYING OUR COUNTRY from within....

all for the mighty dollar he gets to continue to collect and put in his pocket, funded by the Russian oligarchs cozy to Putin, loaning him the money for ALL of his businesses from Canada to Florida to New York....that American banks refused to loan him, because he was such a high risk of failure and going bankrupt.

Never ever ever in a million gazillion years, could I have imagined all of you, siding and supporting a complete, from top to bottom, and inside out, traitor to our Nation....


Not even with him buying your souls, with a SC justice here and a tax cut there and all the stuff you believe in, I still would have never thought that you would not be able to recognize when we are in danger,

and really thought when push comes to shove, choosing your NATION FIRST would set in, instead of still supporting a crazy man who is in personal partnership with a country like Russia, that wants nothing more than harming us and reducing us to NOTHING on the world stage...

I just do not get have sold your heart and souls to Satan...mark my words, you WILL regret voting for him, and your children and children's children will ask someday, how you could continue to support such a scummy, unfit to serve, man.


You are the most contemptible individual I have had the misfortune to encounter on this message board. You are stupid, mean, and generally obnoxious. I am going to raise the IQ level of the room and place you on ignore, which is something we all should have done a long time ago.
Care4All? You're losing it, Admiral. She may have a different spin on this than you, but she is none of the things you say.

She is a disgusting pile of filth.

And she has you fooled.
No surprise coming from you, Sunshine. I didn't know the Admiral was that out of it, though.
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Real presidential, that is.
Let's have a pissing contest, a penis measuring contest, a real old fashioned wingding in the locker room.
TRUMP IS SUPPOSED TO BE ENCOURAGING DIPLOMACY here, not poking that fucker with a stick.
Real presidential.

Yeah, diplomacy has worked with NK so well since 1953. Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results!
No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
Sorry toob I want a dick off Let them put both their dicks on a table bring out the tape best man wins ...loser shuts his pie hole

Trump was the always the boy in school looking over at the other's while pissing and singing, "My dick is bigger than your dick my dick is bigger's than yours and my dicks bigger cause I eat kennel ration oh, my dick is bigger than yours.

I'll bet you had that song in your ear all of your life!

Yep, since birth and I bet my dick is bigger than yours teach.

That's probably true. I wore mine down over time. Your is probably still fresh from the wrapper.

You Irish?

Sorry toob I want a dick off Let them put both their dicks on a table bring out the tape best man wins ...loser shuts his pie hole

Trump was the always the boy in school looking over at the other's while pissing and singing, "My dick is bigger than your dick my dick is bigger's than yours and my dicks bigger cause I eat kennel ration oh, my dick is bigger than yours.

I'll bet you had that song in your ear all of your life!

Yep, since birth and I bet my dick is bigger than yours teach.

That's probably true. I wore mine down over time. Your is probably still fresh from the wrapper.

You Irish?

View attachment 169383

That's hilarious!
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Real presidential, that is.
Let's have a pissing contest, a penis measuring contest, a real old fashioned wingding in the locker room.
TRUMP IS SUPPOSED TO BE ENCOURAGING DIPLOMACY here, not poking that fucker with a stick.
Real presidential.

Yeah, diplomacy has worked with NK so well since 1953. Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results!
You WANT to have a nuclear war?
What other option besides war do we have but diplomacy? The guy has nukes. I doubt anyone will talk him out of them, but if he could at least get in line with the rest of the nuclear world as far as agreeing not to build more of them and not to use them, that would be cool.
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
I agree with this person.
"Bishop Talbert Swan‏Verified account @TalbertSwan · 2h
POTUS is so easily baited! KJU plays him like a pair of bongos and #Trump takes the bait every time! Shameful that America’s president is unhinged and cannot resist his compulsion to attack and have the last word. Grow up for crying out loud Mr. 45!"

Trump has the intellectual and emotional level of an adolescent boy.

I think it’s more that people like Talbert Swan are the ones being baited and taking it every time.
The next election will determine who is taking it. Both sides feel empowered right now. The Left because Trump does sound like an immature child who can’t be honest to save his life... and the Right because they hold power and are progressing their agenda. 2018 and 2020 will show who America agrees with

So in 2018 and 2020 the question will be wich retarded side do you want to destroy this country faster!?!

Why the hell can't we just have moderates and not mental midgets!?!

I mean give me Romney, Webb and Manchin over the Trumps and Clintons!
I totally agree. Trump in the White House is gasoline on the fire of partisanship and division. I’m hoping for a wave of some quality moderates in the next elections

What we REALLY need is people that support the Constitution, freedom and individuality. Not people that just shit all over us from both sides of the isle.
Let the snowflake meltdowns begins

Donald J. Trump on Twitter
Real presidential, that is.
Let's have a pissing contest, a penis measuring contest, a real old fashioned wingding in the locker room.
TRUMP IS SUPPOSED TO BE ENCOURAGING DIPLOMACY here, not poking that fucker with a stick.
Real presidential.

Yeah, diplomacy has worked with NK so well since 1953. Let's just keep doing the same thing over and over again and expect different results!
You WANT to have a nuclear war?
What other option besides war do we have but diplomacy? The guy has nukes. I doubt anyone will talk him out of them, but if he could at least get in line with the rest of the nuclear world as far as agreeing not to build more of them and not to use them, that would be cool.

No, but KJU apparently wants to provoke his own incineration.

What is the incentive for him to stop building nukes? His own people are starving to death and he still builds them.
Trump was the always the boy in school looking over at the other's while pissing and singing, "My dick is bigger than your dick my dick is bigger's than yours and my dicks bigger cause I eat kennel ration oh, my dick is bigger than yours.

And there is nothing homoerotic about this STAFF photo, either. And notice the "O" thing with his tiny fingers was evident even back then.

It's stupid. If you were capable of honesty, you'd say as much.

I agree that it’s stupid, but it’s entertaining watching people get all melodramatic over it


What is it with people who find pleasure when people react in a normal manner after the president behaves stupidly and irresponsibly?

It is fuckng weird.

I don't WANT the people of the world thinking that this bloated orange con man represents the way Americans think and act. Not THIS American.
I've spent my life cultivating relationships with people from everywhere, and I don't intend for Trump to transform us into "The Ugly Americans".

There was a book written by that title, interesting reading.

Screw you pansy we are not Europe , and we don't suck dick
Exactly what would you have wanted him to say in response?
No one says any another what Kim aim said!
If JFK had said the exact same thing, his Quote would have gone down in History
I find it interesting how the left constantly takes sides with our worst enemies against our president. I think that is dangerous to say the least.
Exactly, these people would rather side with our worst enemies than with a Republican President
You have to be pretty pretty stupid to not know you don't troll a nuclear power especially one that claims they can hit ANY part of the USA.
LOL..... N Korea can barely hit the Pacific ocean with one of their missiles. (the ones that don't blow up on the launching pad).

Looney libs are a laugh riot. ... :lol: :lol:

Can barely hit the Pacific? Really? Wanna explain why the military is so concerned with his missiles?

By the way..................have you missed the latest round of missile tests? They have been successful. But, keep burying your head in the sand to any information that goes against what your Cheeto in Chief tells you.
Lets have a penis olympics Trump vs UN,,,A dick off republicans are good at that

No, better, I want Trump to tell Kim to meet him somewhere, they lock themselves in the room and fight it out mano y mano. Winner takes all. I say Trump kicks his whiny ass.
That is not a fight, a fat ass and a whiney ass. A fight would be where I would pick up trump by the ankles and used him as a weapon and some one else pikced up fat boy by the ankles and used him as a weapon. Let those two fight and you will see two grown men cry!

How are you going to do it with out be shot or thrown in jail?
Let's check in on Twitter reactions -

Clearly The Orange Man-Child needs to be stopped from making any nuke decisions on his own

Stephen Colbert


Please don’t make me picture your “Button.”
...also don’t start a nuclear war, you “Buttonhead.” …

8:49 PM - Jan 2, 2018

Chuck Wendig





Scott Aukerman


Most years are 365 days; some are 366. This one’ll be about four, probably? It’s been a good run! …

6:02 PM - Jan 2, 2018

Laurence Tribe


Having a president like Trump who brags “Mine is bigger than yours” to overcome an apparent fear of impotence and emasculation would be merely pathetic if it didn’t risk nuclear war. Hate to say it, but @realDonaldTrump is a danger to civilization. …

5:59 PM - Jan 2, 2018
Sara Rue


I've read Un's New Years statement... I think it's official, our leader is the more unstable one. In Un's New Year's statement there was a sliver of hope for talks. A tiny olive branch was hidden deep within his rhetoric and Trump just shit all over it. #Impeach …

6:33 PM - Jan 2, 2018

Kenneth Roth


Small hands. Big button. Fragile ego. Big danger. …

21:35 - 2 Jan 2018

Rep. Eric Swalwell


If you love our country, help me put this lunacy in check. Tell @realDonaldTrump this is not normal behavior. Any @HouseGOP members want to make sure Congress has some say before he pushes that button? …

6:01 PM - Jan 2, 2018


I am going to love it when the nukes fly just to watch the left cry .

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