Trump to grant blanket amnesty, give non-Americans special rights

...his hard line on immigration has driven rivals to match his biting anti-immigrant language and positions long considered extreme. It risks another general election cycle in which Hispanics view the party as unfriendly no matter who the nominee is, Republican strategists warned.

National Republican strategists warn that catering to the most hard-line voters on immigration in the nominating contest will hurt the party in the general election...

A valid concern.

ON the other hand, the high levels of immigration, legal and illegal are causing tremendous harm to our nation and the interests of it's citizens.

SO, rock and hard place.

The dems have it easy. They don't care about the interests of Americans or America.
...his hard line on immigration has driven rivals to match his biting anti-immigrant language and positions long considered extreme. It risks another general election cycle in which Hispanics view the party as unfriendly no matter who the nominee is, Republican strategists warned.

National Republican strategists warn that catering to the most hard-line voters on immigration in the nominating contest will hurt the party in the general election...
Illegal Hispanics might very well find the gop unfriendly. Question is, why the hell should we care? I can't think of a single reason.
...his hard line on immigration has driven rivals to match his biting anti-immigrant language and positions long considered extreme. It risks another general election cycle in which Hispanics view the party as unfriendly no matter who the nominee is, Republican strategists warned.

National Republican strategists warn that catering to the most hard-line voters on immigration in the nominating contest will hurt the party in the general election...
Illegal Hispanics might very well find the gop unfriendly. Question is, why the hell should we care? I can't think of a single reason.

Because while you are incarcerating their cousins, legal immigrants will be voting Democrat. For starters
Illegal Hispanics might very well find the gop unfriendly.

Question is, why the hell should we care? I can't think of a single reason.

of course you can't... :itsok:

A record 11.2 million Latinos voted in the 2012 presidential election
Inside the 2012 Latino Electorate

ILLEGAL is the key word. Course that doesn't bother you lefties. You all champion the cause of criminal black thugs every time one is put down. Why should slightly lighter skin matter? Unless of course they kill a black man. Then they're not Hispanics but rather "whites"

Fucking moralless mindless leftist morons

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