trump to aide: "You don't know anything about the boxes."


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
Bull shit.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
What about the people who knew nothing about them? Trump is their boss too.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
See that is evidence. She has direct knowledge and makes a statement. No whistleblower statements incognito. She apparently will not lie for Trump. That is a true patriot. She does the right thing because its the right thing to do. Tell a lie to protect your boss in a legal matter is not patriotic.

Molly Michael told the FBI that Trump ordered her to feign ignorance after he discovered the feds were interviewing insiders about his refusal to hand over boxes of classified documents,

She probably will need protection now.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
LOL Lying scheming scumbag Comrade Smith is trying to get a gag order preventing Trump from calling him a lying scheming scumbag while the lying scheming scumbag is leaking all of this garbage to the press.
And what if Trump said it as a question? You don't know anything about the boxes? Pffft!
She is a direct witness to his attempts to hide secret documents, and has turned state against Trump. Yes, that is what is called evidence.

If he goes to trial on this he is utterly doomed.
And what if Trump said it as a question? You don't know anything about the boxes? Pffft!
Yea, the Jury is going to laugh at that. Your hero has been caught red handed.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
The Trump Crime Organization.
See that is evidence. She has direct knowledge and makes a statement. No whistleblower statements incognito. She apparently will not lie for Trump. That is a true patriot. She does the right thing because its the right thing to do. Tell a lie to protect your boss in a legal matter is not patriotic.

Molly Michael told the FBI that Trump ordered her to feign ignorance after he discovered the feds were interviewing insiders about his refusal to hand over boxes of classified documents,

She probably will need protection now.
Anyone that tells the truth and does not lie for trump needs protection. He is nothing more than a Mafia Boss in political clothing. And if the GOP does nominate him for the presidency in 2024, they are asking for a blood bath. But the MAGA repubs in his cult are not going to make that easy.
Heh. Jack Smith crying about Trump and the jury pool in DC as he leaks more [possibly] fake stuff to taint a jury pool in Florida.
I doubt it was leaked by the DOJ. And what if it was? This is obstruction of justice. No jury can look at this and not see how much of a criminal trump is.

This is just another example of obstruction of justice. trump tells an aide that was called to testify about the boxes of classified documents that she should forget anything she knows about the boxes. This is a clear example of obstruction of justice, telling a potential witness to lie to the FBI in an upcoming interview.
Its jimboliar, living up to his name yet again!
jimboliar, jimboliar, jimboliar.
Anyone that tells the truth and does not lie for trump needs protection. He is nothing more than a Mafia Boss in political clothing. And if the GOP does nominate him for the presidency in 2024, they are asking for a blood bath. But the MAGA repubs in his cult are not going to make that easy.
You have already ensured Trump is the nominee and next president. Only one cult brownshirt, and you are so stupid you cannot stop talking about your Trumpy!
I doubt it was leaked by the DOJ. And what if it was? This is obstruction of justice. No jury can look at this and not see how much of a criminal trump is.
Of course it was jimboliar. And correct, everything you Dimtards do is obstruction of justice.
Keep up the great campaigning jimboliar it gets closer to the election every day and you are ensuring Trump wins.
and repubs say, "We want a man who treats classified documents like toilet paper to be president again!"
We don't want Poopeypants to be president jimboliar.
Trump has/had every right to the documents he had in his possession. Pinochijoe never was authorized for his "toilet paper" now was he jimboliar?
Writing to do lists on the backs of classified docs? Jeez Louise.
Remember when establishment repubs said, "trump will grow with the job." Well, after all the indictments and even after a raid by the FBI, the stupid POS still cannot admit that he should never have taken classified documents our of DC. AND repubs WANT HIM TO HAVE A CHANCE TO DO IT AGAIN?
Remember when establishment repubs said, "trump will grow with the job." Well, after all the indictments and even after a raid by the FBI, the stupid POS still cannot admit that he should never have taken classified documents our of DC. AND repubs WANT HIM TO HAVE A CHANCE TO DO IT AGAIN?
He was president when he removed them and had every right to do so. You do know what our laws mean right jimboliar? We know who is allowed access to these docs and who is not, a lesson you morons still have not learned.
Poor jimboliar cannot stop talking about his Trumpy.

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