Trump Throws Pro-Lifers Under the Bus

So how do you define a "Stillbirth"
When the Doctor preforms the procedure to account for this "Stillbith"

do you count that as
1) an abortion?
2) an act of nature where the dr. needs to perform a procedure?
3) murder?
4) a life that died in the womb?
I would say that 4 is most accurate in most cases. To clarify my position, I'm not against abortions that are done for medical emergencies.

I'm even ok with abortions done for somewhat eugenic reasons. There are some birth defects that lead to a short and painful life for the child, where abortion is an act of mercy.

Elective abortions are what I completely object to. The procedure should only be done for medical reasons, not convenience or economic reasons.
So how do you define a "Stillbirth"
When the Doctor preforms the procedure to account for this "Stillbith"

do you count that as
1) an abortion?
2) an act of nature where the dr. needs to perform a procedure?
3) murder?
4) a life that died in the womb?
The doctor does not 'account' for a stillbirth. He just has to remove the dead fetus ASAP before it starts infecting the 'birthing person' (LOL). If YOU want to 'account' for it maybe you'd call it an abortion to save the life of the 'birthing person.' (LOL sorry can't help it)
That was the question asked.
When do I define birth?
Our answers can differ.
I said "LIFE" begins at birth.

No, just not a baby's life.
Otherwise you commit murder every time you masturbate.
That's just dumb. You must agree.
Yes I know what you said I just say that is wrong. There is life all around us everyday and it sure as Hell don't all look like a baby!! We commit 'murder' every second by just breathing in air with tiny molecules of life. You're a big boy, pull up your pants and wipe it off. LOL (Maybe wipe first though). Off with you now!!
'birthing person.' (LOL sorry can't help it)
You're barking up the wrong tree here.
A woman, a biological woman with a uterus, can give birth.
Preach that BS to those that say otherwise.
That ain't me.....and you know stop.
'birthing person.' (LOL sorry can't help it)
You're barking up the wrong tree here.
A woman, a biological woman with a uterus, can give birth.
Preach that BS to those that say otherwise.
That ain't me.....and you know stop.
Like your 11-12 year old daughter gets raped, and you consider this an 'elective abortion'
Well no shit sherlock.
That 11-12 year old deserves to NOT have this forced pregnancy.

Am I wrong?
Actually, that would probably qualify as an abortion for medical reasons. While girls that young can get pregnant, they don't typically survive giving birth, so abortion would be justified to save her life.

I don't believe rape overall justifies an abortion, but there are plenty of situations involving rape where other factors necessitate it. I understand that this kind of policy would require a much more robust social safety net for orphanages, the adoption process, and aid for single mothers, but I would support expanded funding for all of those things in exchange for the applicable abortion restrictions.
Yes I know what you said I just say that is wrong. There is life all around us everyday and it sure as Hell don't all look like a baby!! We commit 'murder' every second by just breathing in air with tiny molecules of life. You're a big boy, pull up your pants and wipe it off. LOL (Maybe wipe first though). Off with you now!!
I'm an adult.
Treat me as such.
Your juvy retorts miss the target.

You want to talk, then talk.
You want to try to belittle me, you will fail.

Are we clear?
Any examples? At all?
Getting stats on abortion, particularly of that political nature, are difficult. But as I said earlier, the frequency doesn't matter. Moral questions are hypothetical in nature.

And again, if it never happens, then restrictions on it shouldn't be an issue. If only emergency abortions occur at that point, then legally restricting the practice to emergencies shouldn't hurt anyone.
Lone Wanderer cannot provide any evidence of late term abortions. If they never happen, why are we worrying about such laws?

Only a MAGAturd would approve of it, only a MAGAturd doctor would do it,
Lone Wanderer cannot provide any evidence of late term abortions. If they never happen, why are we worrying about such laws?

Only a MAGAturd would approve of it, only a MAGAturd doctor would do it,
I could ask you the same question. Many on the left oppose legal restrictions on the third trimester that limit things to emergencies. Why is that a problem for them?

If it truly is a case where only emergency abortions happen in that period, then the left has no reason to be angry about said restrictions.
You're barking up the wrong tree here.
A woman, a biological woman with a uterus, can give birth.
Preach that BS to those that say otherwise.
That ain't me.....and you know stop.
Sorry, I hate bogus names and definitions too. Like 'Family Planning' for an abortion clinic. Or, 'Planned Parentood' for abortion pushers. I honestly have nothing against 'pregnant persons' getting abortions just stop hiding killing a developing human being behind these dishonest names and explanations. I think having a 'pregnant person' see the fetus inside them moving with heart beating should be required before most abortions.
I'm an adult.
Treat me as such.
Your juvy retorts miss the target.

You want to talk, then talk.
You want to try to belittle me, you will fail.

Are we clear?
TheN ACT like and adult. A BABY is not the definition of life and I TOLD you why! "ARE WE CLEAR?"
Actually, that would probably qualify as an abortion for medical reasons. While girls that young can get pregnant, they don't typically survive giving birth, so abortion would be justified to save her life.

I don't believe rape overall justifies an abortion, but there are plenty of situations involving rape where other factors necessitate it. I understand that this kind of policy would require a much more robust social safety net for orphanages, the adoption process, and aid for single mothers, but I would support expanded funding for all of those things in exchange for the applicable abortion restrictions.
You have an excuse for everything:

probably qualify as an abortion for medical reasons.
they don't typically survive giving birth.
I don't believe rape overall justifies an abortion.
but I would support expanded funding for all of those things in exchange for the applicable abortion restrictions.

So....Planned Parenthood, expanded funding, you support that, since Planned Parenthood supports:

Birth Control
Women's Services
Mental Health
HIV Services
Patient Education
STD Care

and Multiple other things, which both you and I don't care for.
You have an excuse for everything:

probably qualify as an abortion for medical reasons.
they don't typically survive giving birth.
I don't believe rape overall justifies an abortion.
but I would support expanded funding for all of those things in exchange for the applicable abortion restrictions.

So....Planned Parenthood, expanded funding, you support that, since Planned Parenthood supports:

Birth Control
Women's Services
Mental Health
HIV Services
Patient Education
STD Care

and Multiple other things, which both you and I don't care for.
What you call an "excuse", I call nuance. Abortion is probably the most contentious political issue that exists because of its complexity, so that's why it requires a nuanced approach.

As for PP, I don't particularly care for them for multiple reasons. First, they are a political organization first and foremost. They are no different from your average DNC PAC. They specialize in abortion because they make a lot of money off of organs and stem cells. They actually tend to charge far more for all other health services than most of their competition.

By contrast, Crisis Pregnancy Centers are affordable and don't provide abortion. They also tend to stay out of political operations. They definitely have gotten the ire of the media and some politicians though. Even Google has tried to defame them thoroughly, which you'll notice with their curated results of the phrase.

So, those places are better for receiving the funding I mentioned, but they are only a small part of the system.

I would defund PP entirely. They can get whatever private funding they want, but they should receive no public funding.
Getting stats on abortion, particularly of that political nature, are difficult.
Ok, try this....honestly.

The conservatives (Right) suggest that the liberals (Left), and ONLY the liberals support abortion.

Would the stats agree that conservatives also employ the 'abortion tool' ?????........even though they supposedly deny it.
Trump's stance on the subject hasn't changed at all... he has always supported choice in instances of rape or incest and the life of the mother... Trump wanted this to return to the states to be hashed out... to find a solution that everyone can accept in their state.... which was the right call....

That's exactly what DeSantis did. And Trump calls it "terrible" for putting a 6 week limit on when a woman and her doctor can murder a child?

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