trump the snake-oil salesman

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Diamond Member
Apr 2, 2020
We all know the pussygraber for a variety of con jobs over the years, initially by breaking all sorts of laws regarding rental property, stiffing contractors, multiple bankruptcies, stealing from charity, fraud i.e. trump university, tax evasion, etc., now re-invented himself as a snake-oil salesman. His all out support for the use of plaquenil without any scientific evidence is just perplexing, we know pussygrabber wants to give a rosy picture of the crisis after screwing up so hard the all so important initial response. The two most recent short randomized trials, one from France another from China, absolutely show no benefit from its use. Pussygraber's support continues despite all the evidence against it, while patients remain exposed to the dangerous side effects from hydroxychloroquine. Billions of taxpayer dollars have been wasted in this snakeoil, all because pussygrabber had a hunch, ridiculous...
I wonder how many of these exactly alike Trumps posts are there going to be before it’s considered spam?
No one is forcing you to take it.
But I bet if you had Kung Flu and you were on your last days you'd take it.
As to your TDS, yup, that's terminal. No cure for you.
Exactly. Liberals shouldn't be allowed to take Trump's miracle drug.
Bait Thread. Next time you want to post trash that is hard for the educated to make heads or tails of, I suggest you post in The Rubber Room or Badlands.
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