Trump: The Economy Does Better Under Democrats

The 258 People, Places & Things Donald Trump Has Insulted on Twitter: A Complete List:

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Since declaring his candidacy for president last June, Donald Trump has used Twitter to lob insults at presidential candidates, journalists, news organizations, nations, a Neil Young song and even a lectern in the Oval Office. We know this because we’ve read, tagged and quoted them all. Below, a directory of sorts, with links to the original tweets. Insults within the last 60 days are highlighted. :argue: :9: :bang3: :blahblah:
I know he'll say he was being sarcastic, but here are his words for everyone to enjoy.

He was not being sarcastic. This was BEFORE he decided rightly that the deluded, duped New BS GOP was ripe for a takeover by someone just willing to parrot all the tripe and hate and silly "solutions". Mission accomplished.
I know he'll say he was being sarcastic, but here are his words for everyone to enjoy.

This is why sheeple think Democraps make the economy better.

The same thing can be said of Ronald Reagen. He was once a democrat who saw the writing on the wall back in the 1950s.

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