Trump = the actual Anti-fascist? Restoring separation of powers to U.S. government?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....

Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

In a series of significant speeches at the Federalist Society’s national convention, the president’s lawyers have begun to articulate a framework for restoring the separation of powers:

First, Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch;

second, the executive branch will stop using informal “guidance documents” that deprive people of the due process of law without fair notice; and

third, courts should stop rubber-stamping diktats that lack the force of law.

Executive power is often described as a one-way ratchet: Each president, Democrat or Republican, augments the authority his predecessor aggrandized.

These three planks of the Trumpian Constitution — delegation, due process, and deference — are remarkable, because they do the exact opposite by ratcheting down the president’s authority.

If Congress passes more precise statues, the president has less discretion.

If federal agencies comply with the cumbersome regulatory process, the president has less latitude.

If judges become more engaged and scrutinize federal regulations, the president receives less deference.

Each of these actions would weaken the White House but strengthen the rule of law.

To the extent that President Trump follows through with this platform, he can accomplish what few (myself included) thought possible: The inexorable creep of the administrative leviathan can be slowed down, if not forced into retreat.

Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

Yes.....the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling....not Trump. The left wing judge is making a ruling based on his feelings, not the Constitution....thanks for reinforcing the main post...
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has several times stated his desire to do away with separation of power. He wants to control the judicial to the point of having the prosecute political 'enemies' without any evidence at all. Were it not for a few brave individuals, he would be creating a government on the model of Putin's Russia.
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has several times stated his desire to do away with separation of power. He wants to control the judicial to the point of having the prosecute political 'enemies' without any evidence at all. Were it not for a few brave individuals, he would be creating a government on the model of Putin's Russia.

You say all of that as if it is true.....he hasn't done any of that, not even close, yet you think he should get some professional help....
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

Yes.....the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling....not Trump. The left wing judge is making a ruling based on his feelings, not the Constitution....thanks for reinforcing the main post...
Really???? Point out how, PRECISELY AND IN DETAIL, how, "...the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling...."!

Be so kind as to point where in the following portion of the transcript of the decision below how Judge Orrick erred AND overstepped for each of the four reasons listed;

"The Counties challenge the enforcement provision of the Order, Section 9(a), on several grounds:
first, it violates the separation of powers doctrine enshrined in the Constitution because it improperly seeks to wield congressional spending powers;
second, it is so overbroad and coercive that even if the President had spending powers, the Order would clearly exceed them and violate the Tenth Amendment’s prohibition against commandeering local jurisdictions;
third, it is so vague and standard less that it violates the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause
and is void for vagueness;
and, finally, because it seeks to deprive local jurisdictions of congressionally allocated funds without any notice or opportunity to be heard, it violates the procedural due process requirements of the Fifth Amendment.

The Counties have demonstrated that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their challenge to Section 9(a) of the Executive Order, that they will suffer irreparable harm absent an injunction, and that the balance of harms and public interest weigh in their favor. The Counties’ motions for a nationwide preliminary injunction, enjoining enforcement of Section 9(a), are GRANTED. The defendants (other than the President) are enjoined from enforcing Section 9(a)of the Executive Order against jurisdictions they deem as sanctuary jurisdictions. This injunction does not impact the Government’s ability to use lawful means to enforce existing conditions of federal grants or 8 U.S.C. 1373, nor does it restrict the Secretary from developing regulations or preparing guidance on designating a jurisdiction as a “sanctuary jurisdiction.”"

Text of decision at bottom of article:
~~ Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Executive Order On Sanctuary Cities | HuffPost ~~

Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....

Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

In a series of significant speeches at the Federalist Society’s national convention, the president’s lawyers have begun to articulate a framework for restoring the separation of powers:

First, Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch;

second, the executive branch will stop using informal “guidance documents” that deprive people of the due process of law without fair notice; and

third, courts should stop rubber-stamping diktats that lack the force of law.

Executive power is often described as a one-way ratchet: Each president, Democrat or Republican, augments the authority his predecessor aggrandized.

These three planks of the Trumpian Constitution — delegation, due process, and deference — are remarkable, because they do the exact opposite by ratcheting down the president’s authority.

If Congress passes more precise statues, the president has less discretion.

If federal agencies comply with the cumbersome regulatory process, the president has less latitude.

If judges become more engaged and scrutinize federal regulations, the president receives less deference.

Each of these actions would weaken the White House but strengthen the rule of law.

To the extent that President Trump follows through with this platform, he can accomplish what few (myself included) thought possible: The inexorable creep of the administrative leviathan can be slowed down, if not forced into retreat.

Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?
Oh please. Trump hates the press and talks about how he should run the DOJ.

Stop with the massive FAIL!
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

Yes.....the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling....not Trump. The left wing judge is making a ruling based on his feelings, not the Constitution....thanks for reinforcing the main post...
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?
You sound so angry and unhappy. You should try on some gratitude.

The Key to Unhappiness
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....

Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

In a series of significant speeches at the Federalist Society’s national convention, the president’s lawyers have begun to articulate a framework for restoring the separation of powers:

First, Congress should cease delegating its legislative power to the executive branch;

second, the executive branch will stop using informal “guidance documents” that deprive people of the due process of law without fair notice; and

third, courts should stop rubber-stamping diktats that lack the force of law.

Executive power is often described as a one-way ratchet: Each president, Democrat or Republican, augments the authority his predecessor aggrandized.

These three planks of the Trumpian Constitution — delegation, due process, and deference — are remarkable, because they do the exact opposite by ratcheting down the president’s authority.

If Congress passes more precise statues, the president has less discretion.

If federal agencies comply with the cumbersome regulatory process, the president has less latitude.

If judges become more engaged and scrutinize federal regulations, the president receives less deference.

Each of these actions would weaken the White House but strengthen the rule of law.

To the extent that President Trump follows through with this platform, he can accomplish what few (myself included) thought possible: The inexorable creep of the administrative leviathan can be slowed down, if not forced into retreat.

Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?
Oh please. Trump hates the press and talks about how he should run the DOJ.

Stop with the massive FAIL!

Moron...he does run the is part of the Executive Branch....try reading the Constitution some time....
Isn't it interesting that the President the left keeps accusing of being a fascist, thought of course, the left are the fascists, is trying to restore the separation of powers....
How totally Ironic that you post this today while at the same time one of the Orange Clown's early Executive Orders from just his 5th day in office was permanently blocked by a federal judge in the last 24 for being violative of the Constitutional Separation of Powers and Amendment X.

~~ Executive Order: Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States ~~
~~ Federal judge blocks Trump’s executive order on denying funding to sanctuary cities ~~

I guess that NeoCon, Randian piece of garbage propaganda in the National Review about the Liar-in-Chief's fidelity to the Constitution just had the lie put to it AGAIN by truth, facts and the record! I see that Madison's admonition below from the lead paragraph of your "source" is applicable TO that fat bastard rather than in contrast.

"Our Constitution carefully separates the legislative, executive, and judicial powers into three separate branches of government: Congress enacts laws, which the president enforces and the courts review. However, when all of these powers are accumulated “in the same hands,” James Madison warned in Federalist No. 47, the government “may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.”"
Read more at: Is Trump Restoring Separation of Powers?

Yes.....the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling....not Trump. The left wing judge is making a ruling based on his feelings, not the Constitution....thanks for reinforcing the main post...
Really???? Point out how, PRECISELY AND IN DETAIL, how, "...the court is stepping over it's jurisdiction in it's ruling...."!

Be so kind as to point where in the following portion of the transcript of the decision below how Judge Orrick erred AND overstepped for each of the four reasons listed;

"The Counties challenge the enforcement provision of the Order, Section 9(a), on several grounds:
first, it violates the separation of powers doctrine enshrined in the Constitution because it improperly seeks to wield congressional spending powers;
second, it is so overbroad and coercive that even if the President had spending powers, the Order would clearly exceed them and violate the Tenth Amendment’s prohibition against commandeering local jurisdictions;
third, it is so vague and standard less that it violates the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause
and is void for vagueness;
and, finally, because it seeks to deprive local jurisdictions of congressionally allocated funds without any notice or opportunity to be heard, it violates the procedural due process requirements of the Fifth Amendment.

The Counties have demonstrated that they are likely to succeed on the merits of their challenge to Section 9(a) of the Executive Order, that they will suffer irreparable harm absent an injunction, and that the balance of harms and public interest weigh in their favor. The Counties’ motions for a nationwide preliminary injunction, enjoining enforcement of Section 9(a), are GRANTED. The defendants (other than the President) are enjoined from enforcing Section 9(a)of the Executive Order against jurisdictions they deem as sanctuary jurisdictions. This injunction does not impact the Government’s ability to use lawful means to enforce existing conditions of federal grants or 8 U.S.C. 1373, nor does it restrict the Secretary from developing regulations or preparing guidance on designating a jurisdiction as a “sanctuary jurisdiction.”"

Text of decision at bottom of article:
~~ Judge Blocks Donald Trump's Executive Order On Sanctuary Cities | HuffPost ~~


Wow....a left wing Social justice warrior pretending to be a judge made a ruling.....that went against Trump and supports the illegal actions of left wing post........
The treasonous fat senile old orange clown has several times stated his desire to do away with separation of power. He wants to control the judicial to the point of having the prosecute political 'enemies' without any evidence at all. Were it not for a few brave individuals, he would be creating a government on the model of Putin's Russia.

You say all of that as if it is true.....he hasn't done any of that, not even close, yet you think he should get some professional help....

Trump upset he can't control the FBI - Politics Message Board - GameFAQs

President Donald Trump said Thursday he wishes he could get involved with the Justice Department and direct it toward Hillary Clinton.

"The saddest thing is that because I'm the President of the United States, I am not supposed to be involved with the Justice Department," Trump said. "I am not supposed to be involved with the FBI."

Trump's comments on the radio program "The Larry O'Connor Show" about the Justice Department and FBI came the same week the Justice Department's special counsel investigation handed down indictments to his former campaign hands.

The President responded to a suggestion from the host that his listeners want the Justice Department to go after Clinton by saying that he'd like those entities to focus on his 2016 opponent as well.

"I look at what's happening with the Justice Department. Well, why aren't they going after Hillary Clinton with her emails and with her, the dossier?" Trump said, referring to the law firm Perkins Coie saying it had paid Fusion GPS to compile a dossier of information on Trump and Russia on behalf of Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee.

"I'm very unhappy with it that the Justice Department isn't going," Trump said."I am not supposed to be doing the kind of things that I would love to be doing. And I am very frustrated by it."

Trump is under significant scrutiny regarding his interactions with the Justice Department, and it remains unresolved whether he did anything improper by firing former FBI Director James Comey.

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