Trump supporters remind us all, how Hitler stayed in power for so long!!


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
I pity coal miners, I really do. When asked at a town hall why would you want the industry to return, this poor guy, said, I just want the high paying money it can't make that kinda money here where I live, forget about black lung, the danger, the health issues, dude just wanted to make a decent living for his family......Instead of debating wages in this country, which is the elephant in the room, we're discussing coal........we all know, there is no way in hell, the coal industry is gonna make comeback in this country, why Trump and the republicans can't fathom that message only God knows....natural gas is here to stay, its in abundance, its cleaner, its cheaper and coal is a thing of the past. My God, why would anyone want to work for that industry now, with Trump deregulating everything????

Lets talk wages, lets talk increasing wages in this country; there in lies your problem....Next I suspect Trump will be headed to the black community, if you want revive good paying jobs.....and giving life back to crack dealers.
I did not know that the coal industry is OVERS. When did that happen?
Seems to me that there must be some sort of technology that would protect
coal workers from black lung
Coal miners dont ask for your pity. They just ask for the chance to work. Shove your pity.

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