Trump smiles, gives thumbs up with orphaned baby

There's a reason journalist vultures create an unholy cacophony with the noise of their cameras snapping. -they want to get that shot of someone looking awkward.
What is with the Thumbs up?

Maybe he wanted to project confidence? I remember GWB looking confused, scared and small at the press conference about the looming financial crisis. Not a good look for the leader of a country. Also there's the fact that Trump has been posing for photos like this as long as I've been alive, it's probably ingrained behavior at this point.
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
Did Obama ever visit survivors of mass shootings when he was president?
I honestly don’t know.
Too many times
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
Did Obama ever visit survivors of mass shootings when he was president?
I honestly don’t know.
Too many times
Are you saying he did and shouldn’t have?
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.

View attachment 273564
This is what you are in a simple way.....Lost in Space...You are Dr. Zachary Smith with control of the constantly get the Robinson family in trouble and even nearly get them killed. You have gotten worse and worse as your power has grown. And the payoff for the family with their compassion and empathy the hatred you have for them which you try mightily to hide by telling all that will listen it is them doing the mean things to you. ....One of your rallying cries...Crush....Kill...Destroy...ah..ah...ah! Crush...Kill....Destroy...ah...ah...ah! And like him you are the true cowards. For you gained power but it is not enough. You will end up slithering at some point when things get real bad. Whether it is quick and painless for the nation or the nation suffers horribly. You will slither away.
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

Well it kind of works like this

You have to gauge your expression to the situation at hand
If the baby had just won the Best Looking Baby Contest, a grin and a thumbs up is appropriate

But given that the baby had just lost both its parents in a massacre, a Big Grin and Thumbs Up is kind of Creepy
And how does JOSweetHeart not already know this, in her heart if not in her head? The people who express their Christianity the most always turn out to be the least Christian, in words and in actions. Never fails.
Forgive me for preferring an uplifting looking photograph compared to one that would only be depressing.

What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
You make it sound like what we see in the photograph is the first that was done during the visit. I highly doubt that.

Trump needs to learn how to properly respond to tragedy
You saying this makes it sound like what we see in the photograph is the only thing that took place which brings me back to the first that I had to say about the matter. What kind of photo do you want in front of you? One that is uplifting or one that will only rip your heart out?

God bless you three always!!!


P.S. This whole matter reminds of what is said during the reception speech when Robert and Amy get married during the Everybody Loves Raymond show. "We didn't keep any of the bad photographs...just the good ones."
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Horrible optics so close to the massacre
If Trump wasn't there people would scream about that.

You can accuse Trump of being a bit tone deaf, smiling too much in the wake of a tragedy but if he didn't smile people (leftists, sort of like people but with less morals) would call him sullen and angry because he wasn't out on his golf course.

When someone just wants to hate and vilify they will find any reason at all to spew out anger and rage. If there is no reason they will invent one anyway.

This extended tantrum is tearing your party apart so it's not like something good hasn't come from it. But the bitching and wailing is tiresome and monotonous.

It's true his political enemies will always be that. Whatever thing he chooses to do will be met with skepticism. Some of it has been his fault because he's sort of like a bull in the China Shop, but I think from the beginning he drove Democrats crazy with anger because he wasnt like past Republicans who they could always count on to cower in fear from the News cycle or remain politely in their place and take their lumps like Bush.
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

Well it kind of works like this

You have to gauge your expression to the situation at hand
If the baby had just won the Best Looking Baby Contest, a grin and a thumbs up is appropriate

But given that the baby had just lost both its parents in a massacre, a Big Grin and Thumbs Up is kind of Creepy
And how does JOSweetHeart not already know this, in her heart if not in her head? The people who express their Christianity the most always turn out to be the least Christian, in words and in actions. Never fails.
Forgive me for preferring an uplifting looking photograph compared to one that would only be depressing.

What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
You make it sound like what we see in the photograph is the first that was done during the visit. I highly doubt that.

Trump needs to learn how to properly respond to tragedy
You saying this makes it sound like what we see in the photograph is the only thing that took place which brings me back to the first that I had to say about the matter. What kind of photo do you want in front of you? One that is uplifting or one that will only rip your heart out?

God bless you three always!!!


P.S. This whole matter reminds of what is said during the reception speech when Robert and Amy get married during the Everybody Loves Raymond show. "We didn't keep any of the bad photographs...just the good ones."
I expect a photograph that is respectful of a tragic situation

A shit eating grin and thumbs up is not such a photo. That is the image the Trumps chose to release
If Trump wasn't there people would scream about that.

You can accuse Trump of being a bit tone deaf, smiling too much in the wake of a tragedy but if he didn't smile people (leftists, sort of like people but with less morals) would call him sullen and angry because he wasn't out on his golf course.

Trump could eat a live puppy on TV and you'd be talking about the nutritional value of puppies.
So no confirmation of staffers and that big "debacle" :113: and some of these patients didn't want to meet with anyone...not just specifically Trump as was your claim.
And two victims who had been discharged returned with families to meet with Donald Trump!

So thanks for clarifying all your bullshit claims. You're as stupid making wild unsubstantiated claims
as your are gutless trying to capitalize on a tragedy so you can bash the President some more.

lol.......................... ' don't believe what you see & hear ' says trump & you are a good little foot soldier. i gave you 2 valid links & of COURSE you deny them. one article specifically states that none of the 8 patients wanted to meet with trump. but you pick out the blurb that a few didn't want to meet with anybody? lol!!!!!!!!!!!!! you would think that the ' prez ' wouldn't have been included in that declination. i guess donny just isn't that special.

& the fact that the 2 patients who were dismissed came back didn't clue you in as to why? that baby didn't even have a choice, but donny wanted some good PR, & it didn't matter that is was fro a massacre. & then he naturally turns it all around to be about him.

donny posed with prey for his staged photo op. tell me how you would have smiled & gave a thumbs up whilst posing with an orphan whose parents wre just slaughtered...

oooOOOOooo i forgot a link to that 'debacle' statement. lol... i wanna see you link something that says how great it all went.... but no worries- you won't cause you can't.

Trump and his aides apparently view his post-shootings visit to Dayton and El Paso as 'something of a debacle'
Peter Weber
1 day ago

Trump and his aides apparently view his post-shootings visit to Dayton and El Paso as 'something of a debacle'

Trump’s Trip Was ‘Something of a Debacle’

Trump's Visits to El Paso and Dayton Were a 'Debacle,' According to His Own Aides

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I’m glad we finally have a president who cares about the people in this country.....

View attachment 273637

that was also a staged photo op.... look at his tiny hands - not even a real embrace. he's PRETENDING to. he couldn't even put his hand on her shoulder? guess he was afraid the cheeto dust would rub off.....
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What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
Did Obama ever visit survivors of mass shootings when he was president?
I honestly don’t know.

San Bernardino shooting: Obama visits victims, loved ones - CNNPolitics

President Obama visits families of Orlando shooting victims

President Obama Visits Aurora Shooting Victims, Delivers Speech and Meets Families (Video)

Family Photos: Obama Meets with Relatives of Newtown Victims |

i don't even know if this is all of the times, but 4 fucking massacres is enough.
What a POS. Using this baby for a photo op, smiling and giving a thumbs up at the results of his words.
With him being our leader, he is going to get photographed at some point. How do you want him to look every time a camera flashes?

God bless you and him always!!!

So...yeah. Thumbs up and a stupid grin while visiting the survivors of a massacre is appropriate. I think we should all try that next time we are in any way involved with some tragedy.
Did Obama ever visit survivors of mass shootings when he was president?
I honestly don’t know.
Too many times
Are you saying he did and shouldn’t have?

THAT'S how you read that reply? sarcasm escapes you.

Take all the time you need, rightwinger. :)


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