Trump Signing EOs Right This Very Minute

Interesting that in the same breath, you call hiring people based on their MERIT instead of mere skin color quotas as a loss of "democracy" when merit applies to anyone regardless of skin color and diversity programs are inherently biased BASED on race (anti-democratic), then in the next breath report that because Trump's system will go back to merit (grades, education, job performance, etc.), that this means that non-whites will not be able to compete.

Thanks, you just called every non-white person (black, asian, latino, etc) STUPID and LAZY.

It also suggests that you'd rather have a failing country full of hires based solely on skin color quotas rather than hiring the brightest and best first so that the country is strong and prosperous.

I'd like to see you run a business where you knew you were passing by people who would make you more money, work harder and be more productive to hire others instead simply because of the way they LOOKED, and it was all coming out of your own fucking pocket.
Well, dud IS stupid. You can't ask for much from the stupids you know...
' /---/ We're not a democracy, numbnuts. We're a Republic. See Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution and get an education.
' /---/ We're not a democracy, numbnuts. We're a Republic. See Article 4, Section 4 of the Constitution and get an education.
The representatives of the people are chosen democratically. See Article I, Section 1 for the House, the 17th Amendment for the Senate, Article II for the President, and other Constitutional amendments and numerous laws that further define and regulate elections from the federal level on down. But the essence is the same, we elect our legislators and the head of state.
Fuck the Paris Accords.
I was listening to BBC Radio 4 (UK) and caught a brief comment about whether other countries would follow suit with the Paris Accord. It's basically a too much, too fast, and too soon ambition that's basically wrecking economies. I doubt any will, but the question of following America's lead is being discussed/asked.

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