Trump: Shock and awe in Alabama baby!

It's kind of frightening that we become so enamored of Celebrities that we will flock to a guy only because he is famous, not because he has any real qualifications for the job.

He's lighting a fire in people who have become disillusioned with politics and political leaders who promise everything and deliver nothing except to enrich themselves.

Cripes Trump was even a hit in Flint and Saginaw because of his plain speak and zeroing in on what American workers care about.


Really? What is his plan for more jobs?
I've been working for a lotta years , never had any trouble getting a job , never needed 'government' to get a job . Besides that , I'm sure that TRUMP will have some plans , maybe shut down 'epa' and stop worrying about the 'green agenda' . Maybe stop attacking ' big coal' and get the coal miners back to work. Send the pipeline deal through and start pumping oil through the USA [KEYSTONE in'it] Candy ?? Anyway , details will come out when Donald is ready 'candy' .

So, you have to elect him to find out what he'll do.

That's very funny.

Trump is a one trick pony, a used car salesman who just keeps saying "Trust me" over and over in hopes you won't notice that what little he does say is not true.
and in reply to your post number 47 Candy . Eisenhower did a good job in the 50s . He did a good job with his jackboots and I was never hounded by any jackboots Candy . The cost , I don't care about the cost , less food stamps and services for illegal aliens and anchor babies is the answer perhaps . Anyway , check out this article , opinion , history piece that many may know nothing about . Eisenhower sure cleaned up the USA for 'my' generation . Maybe TRUMP can do the same thing for a couple more generations Candy . --- Conservative Review - Why Trump is the New Eisenhower on Immigration ---

Suddenly you don't care about the cost (100-200 BILLION DOLLARS). . Amazing...simply amazing.

Hillary Clinton came out with a plan to spend $350 B over a 10 years educating Americans who wished to go to community college or trade schools. Instead of spending money on hearings, money is spent on text books and classes. It would be paid for by capping itemized deductions on wealthy families. Not eliminating them; capping them.

Surely if you're willing to spend $100-$200 B and get zero return on investment, you'd be willing to spend a percentage more to educate Americans, right?

Let me guess, you can't begin to count the number of issues you have with Hillary's plan and suddenly, once again, care about the cost....right?

We can't afford another Republican. All of them want more wars, tax the poor and give to the rich, lose all the jobs and economic recovery Obama has accomplished and silly oaf Drumpf wants to build a "beautiful wall" for no reason.

hey Luddley !! And , if MR.Trump builds the wall it'll be a beautiful wall . probably have his name on it so TRUMP wants it to be good looking wall Luddley .
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and in reply to your post number 47 Candy . Eisenhower did a good job in the 50s . He did a good job with his jackboots and I was never hounded by any jackboots Candy . The cost , I don't care about the cost , less food stamps and services for illegal aliens and anchor babies is the answer perhaps . Anyway , check out this article , opinion , history piece that many may know nothing about . Eisenhower sure cleaned up the USA for 'my' generation . Maybe TRUMP can do the same thing for a couple more generations Candy . --- Conservative Review - Why Trump is the New Eisenhower on Immigration ---

Gee, what was the program called, pray tell.[/ think it was 'operation Wetback , didn't you know that ?? Geez , looks like you need more education than I thought !! Anyway , it was a good operation , as a kid I liked growing up in an American USA . Even my Mothers 'chili' was excellent and it was 100% American 'chili' .
He should have arranged for free corn dogs and slushies and added some live music. He wold have gotten that place more than half way full and had to lie about the attendance.
I replied Candy but reply went somewhere , anyway the operation of rounding up illegal aliens in the 50s was called ' operation w3tback' . I spelled it out in my first reply to you , replace the 3 with an 'e' and you'll have the word that I typed in my first reply to you . Maybe nowadays with the illegal aliens being so diverse an Eisenhower type program would be called 'operation Alien' or similar Candy !!
and in reply to your post number 47 Candy . Eisenhower did a good job in the 50s . He did a good job with his jackboots and I was never hounded by any jackboots Candy . The cost , I don't care about the cost , less food stamps and services for illegal aliens and anchor babies is the answer perhaps . Anyway , check out this article , opinion , history piece that many may know nothing about . Eisenhower sure cleaned up the USA for 'my' generation . Maybe TRUMP can do the same thing for a couple more generations Candy . --- Conservative Review - Why Trump is the New Eisenhower on Immigration ---

Suddenly you don't care about the cost (100-200 BILLION DOLLARS). . Amazing...simply amazing.

Hillary Clinton came out with a plan to spend $350 B over a 10 years educating Americans who wished to go to community college or trade schools. Instead of spending money on hearings, money is spent on text books and classes. It would be paid for by capping itemized deductions on wealthy families. Not eliminating them; capping them.

Surely if you're willing to spend $100-$200 B and get zero return on investment, you'd be willing to spend a percentage more to educate Americans, right?

Let me guess, you can't begin to count the number of issues you have with Hillary's plan and suddenly, once again, care about the cost....right?
-- looks like you are just changing the subject Candy . Lets just do TRUMPS plan on immigration ehh !!
Can we call this dunce your "messiah" yet, and clamor on about how you hero worship, while ignoring his sexist & racist past.....

Or is it too early, tinydancer, you Canadian.

Well a quick FYI I'm dual and have lived in the US for many a year and certainly have a better grasp of US politics than your average joe and mary six pack.

Trump is not my messiah. Only Christ is my Messiah.

No hero worship for Trump. Just admiration of his successes in life and enjoying every minute of watching the Donald fuck over the establishment.

Just thrilled to death to witness an exciting political race where the inside the beltway sons of bitches have lost control of it.


Loving every minute of it. And what "sexist and racist" past are you talking about?
He should have arranged for free corn dogs and slushies and added some live music. He wold have gotten that place more than half way full and had to lie about the attendance.

The stadium appearance was put together in a couple of days.

CNN lied about the 30,000? The city of Mobile lied about the 30,000? Did they Camp?


". The City of Mobile confirmed late Friday that 30,000 people attended.

"It was one of the greatest events Mobile ever put on aside from Mardi Gras," said Colby Cooper, Mayor Sandy Stimpson's chief of staff."

30,000 turn out for Trump's Alabama pep rally

By Theodore Schleifer and Noah Gray, CNN

30,000 turn out for Donald Trump's Alabama pep rally -
Not exactly shocking that a Kick Out The Darkies rally would be popular there kiddos.

pure fantasy...the desperation is palpable...
I've seen the pictures. Just the We Hate Wetbacks, at work and play.

So white Clorox is calling it copyright infringement...
I already asked GT for response on his claims that TRUMP is racist and Sexist but looks like he has decided not to respond Tinydancer !! And I asked him an hour or 2 ago .
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally
If he is serious he needs to be putting a ground game together in each state...dont know that you can rely on on just public sentiment...political machine of GOP is probably working furiously to freeze him out

Finally found this quote for you!

More telling is the quite serious staff Trump has assembled in Iowa (campaign co-chair Tana Goertz, a LOSER from “The Apprentice,” notwithstanding), to lead a quite serious, and terrifically clever, ground game:

The Trump campaign is targeting voters who may not have participated in a caucus before, modeling its strategy on Barack Obama’s 2008 Iowa campaign, which mobilized tens of thousands of new caucusgoers.

That is some smart strategizing, the kind you wouldn’t expect from a candidate unless he actually intended to win. Which is why his rivals and their strategists are getting nervous about the whole thing:

“I see them as a major threat to all the other campaigns because of the aggressiveness of their ground game,” said Sam Clovis, a prominent Iowa conservative who leads former Texas governor Rick Perry’s campaign.

“You cannot swing a dead cat in Iowa and not hit a Trump person,” Clovis continued.

“It’s unlike anything I’ve ever seen. . . . Every event we go to — the Boone County Eisenhower Social, the Black Hawk County Lincoln Dinner, the Boots and Barbecue down in Denison — the Trump people are everywhere with literature and T-shirts and signing people up.”

and apologies in advance to the link :) sorries. but it's the quote I was looking for.

We Are Sorry, Mr. Trump, We Really Thought You Were Joking

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