Trump: Shock and awe in Alabama baby!

yeah Candy my first real job in 1969 was preminm , got it by filling out a paper application . Best healthcare came with the job and I was rich after payday and I was only 19 or 20 and cost of living was low . Ike with his operation cleaned up the USA for my generation .
So price is no object and ethnic cleansing is a good thing. I think we have Trumps campaign slogan
It's right here, in black and white...

Making America great again, like when you could legally post this sign...
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

It's scary that people will actually wait in line, give up an entire day (that they'll never get back) to watch that ass wipe speak.

American schools are failing, we have too many idiots in this country.
wasn't ethnic cleansing , it was border control and the expulsion of illegal aliens to their own country Candy !! Lots of Americans with Mexican roots stayed in the USA same as the Americans with Welsh , Irish or Kenyan roots Candy !!
How cool is this? No matter how you feel about Trump politically, you have to admit he's got fire in the belly and he is electrifying crowds that are flocking to see him.

I love it! Only two days notice! Check it out!

"The turnout was all the more impressive given that it materialized on just two days' notice. The billionaire candidate arranged for free shuttle buses to ferry locals who didn't want to pay the $5 stadium parking fee, the Mobile Press-Register reported.

Mallory Hayden, who carried a cardboard facsimile of one of her tweets that Trump re-tweeted, said she was raised a Republican in Texas but never cared much for politics until Trump got involved.

A shortstop on the Southern Mississippi softball team, Hayden is planning to cast her first presidential vote next year. She said she likes Trump's business background, his seal-the-border policy and the fact he "won't back down.""

The Trump Bowl: Republican Front-Runner Packs 'Em In For Friday Night Rally

It's scary that people will actually wait in line, give up an entire day (that they'll never get back) to watch that ass wipe speak.

American schools are failing, we have too many idiots in this country.
maybe Trump will be able to fix the education problems as he is securing the borders . As example , my kids got good education , course they were educated in a small tiny town that had good people in it Hazlenut .
and PAINTS silly sign , that was PRIVATE business exercising its Rights . Course nowadays that kinda freedom shown in Paints sign is illegal . Mornin Paint !!
wasn't ethnic cleansing , it was border control and the expulsion of illegal aliens to their own country Candy !! Lots of Americans with Mexican roots stayed in the USA same as the Americans with Welsh , Irish or Kenyan roots Candy !!

Milosivich would be proud; he didn't call it ethnic cleansing either. Do you think the UN will have to send peacekeepers into the Rio Grande valley?
hey Candy , the only ones being expelled from the USA under the 'IKE' administration were illegal alien border jumpers and river swimmers Candy . Life was good , USA was still wide open as far as making money and freedom for Americans in 'their' country . ----------- I don't care about 'milosevich' , I think that you are trying to change the subject of the thread Candy .
hey Candy , the only ones being expelled from the USA under the 'IKE' administration were illegal alien border jumpers and river swimmers Candy . Life was good , USA was still wide open as far as making money and freedom for Americans in 'their' country . ----------- I don't care about 'milosevich' , I think that you are trying to change the subject of the thread Candy .

Old saying (still true) those who don't know history are condemned to repeat it. Feel free to google ol' Slovodan Trump and see the similarities.

As for "the only ones expelled" were illegals, you're ignoring the 11,000 complaints filed by those who were being cleansed. They were brown so you don't care, quite obviously.

As for "the good ol' USA"...wanting to go back to 1950 is a common ailment among conserve-hate-ives. So it's not surprising you're yearning for the Leave it to Beaver past. The only problem is that there is this thing called Globalization that isn't going away and you have to compete with other nations for contracts, corporation warehouses, etc... It wasn't an issue in 1950 due to a more stately pace of commerce. Now, as Wal Mart has proven, price is king and if they can get a similar product for less, they sell it to maximize profit. Americans want great wages for all as long as they don't have to pay for them in the stores.

I know it's hard for you to understand because of your "great" education...but your enemy isn't people with brown's consumerism without a conscience. And we're all guilty of it.

Brighten up.
like I have said , TRUMP may end up being the new Sheriff in town , we'll see what happens . No matter what though , the issue has been raised due to Mr. Trump so we will ALL see how it goes Candy !!
like I have said , TRUMP may end up being the new Sheriff in town , we'll see what happens . No matter what though , the issue has been raised due to Mr. Trump so we will ALL see how it goes Candy !!

You'll see how it goes. I know how it is going to go. Politics is a profession; best left to professionals. Watch and learn.

The huge band-aid Trump has is his money. He needn't worry about losing funding when he is funding his own campaign. So he can hang around forever. He won't have the support though.
It's kind of frightening that we become so enamored of Celebrities that we will flock to a guy only because he is famous, not because he has any real qualifications for the job.

He's lighting a fire in people who have become disillusioned with politics and political leaders who promise everything and deliver nothing except to enrich themselves.

Cripes Trump was even a hit in Flint and Saginaw because of his plain speak and zeroing in on what American workers care about.


Well you arer a candiian so your opinion counts for zero in the American Elections
think that TinyDancer said she is 'dual' citizen Guno . If so her opinion and support for any candidate and VOTE is just as good as yours .
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