Trump sells F-52 fighter aircraft to Normay.................

If Normay can exist, then so can F-52 fighters.

Think Normay is going to become one of our best allies now because of all the F-52's that we've sold them?
And they love their socialist government too.

It's easy to be socialist when you have a very small educated population, and huge oil reserves that the government controls. It works for Denmark too. How's it working in Venezuela though?
You know Sunni, there is a wonderful new thing called Google that you can use to look up actual facts before you post so you don't sound like a total idiot. No, it wasn't the president that did that, and no, your story is false. It was an Air Force general LeMay who lobbied for the SR designation because he liked that variant and got Johnson to change the designation in his speech. Pay attention to the last 2 paragraphs of the linked article.

Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird - Wikipedia


SR-71 Blackbird assembly line at Skunk Works

The SR-71 designation is a continuation of the pre-1962 bomber series; the last aircraft built using the series was the XB-70 Valkyrie; however, a bomber variant of the Blackbird was briefly given the B-71 designator, which was retained when the type was changed to SR-71.[14]

During the later period of its testing, the B-70 was proposed for a reconnaissance/strike role, with an RS-70 designation. When it was clear that the A-12 performance potential was much greater, the Air Force ordered a variant of the A-12 in December 1962.[15] Originally named R-12[N 1] by Lockheed, the Air Force version was longer and heavier than the A-12, with a longer fuselage to hold more fuel, two seats in the cockpit, and reshaped chines. Reconnaissance equipment included signals intelligence sensors, a side looking airborne radar and a photo camera.[15] The CIA's A-12 was a better photo reconnaissance platform than the Air Force's R-12, since the A-12 flew somewhat higher and faster,[12] and with only one pilot it had room to carry a superior camera[12] and more instruments.[16]

During the 1964 campaign, Republican presidential nominee Barry Goldwater repeatedly criticized President Lyndon B. Johnson and his administration for falling behind the Soviet Union in developing new weapons. Johnson decided to counter this criticism by revealing the existence of the Lockheed YF-12A Air Force interceptor, which also served as cover for the still-secret A-12,[17] and the Air Force reconnaissance model since July 1964. Air Force Chief of Staff General Curtis LeMay preferred the SR (Strategic Reconnaissance) designation and wanted the RS-71 to be named SR-71. Before the July speech, LeMay lobbied to modify Johnson's speech to read SR-71 instead of RS-71. The media transcript given to the press at the time still had the earlier RS-71 designation in places, creating the story that the president had misread the aircraft's designation.[18][N 2]

In 1968, Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara canceled the F-12 interceptor program; the specialized tooling used to manufacture both the YF-12 and the SR-71 was also ordered destroyed.[19] Production of the SR-71 totaled 32 aircraft with 29 SR-71As, 2 SR-71Bs, and the single SR-71C.[20]
That is the official cover up story, So that Pres. Johnson (D) wouldn't look like more of a bozo than he already was. .... :cool:
You know, if he can't keep straight what kind of military equipment we are selling to Norway, how the hell is he going to be able to direct the military in time of war?

You know you're not being fair here. Obama probably knew even less, outside of the Bushs, approx. the last 60 years of presidents don't know much of the military any more than I do.

Mattis is going to run the military, as will leadership within their ranks. Trumps only decision is "attack or don't attack" and "how much of this stuff can I sell to allies or enemies of my enemies"?
No president in our history has known less about the US military the Obama and Trump. The difff being of course that the former didn't give his brown rat's ass about it while the latter's white rat's ass does.
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You know, if he can't keep straight what kind of military equipment we are selling to Norway, how the hell is he going to be able to direct the military in time of war?

You know you're not being fair here. Obama probably knew even less, outside of the Bushs, approx. the last 60 years of presidents don't know much of the military any more than I do.

Mattis is going to run the military, as will leadership within their ranks. Trumps only decision is "attack or don't attack" and "how much of this stuff can I sell to allies or enemies of my enemies"?
No president in our history has known less about the US military the Obama and Trump. The difff being of course that the former didn't give a brown rat's ass about it while the latter white rat's ass does.

I will give him that for sure.At least he's trying. :happy-1:

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