Trump says Democrats are child killers.


The fetus has a different DNA than its mother or father so he fetus is not the woman's body

Yes this killing has brought a big imbalance of young to old that also helps destroy a nation

Trump will have to get the men to rise up and save this nation

Here's an FYI for you. Men can't get pregnant and in many, many cases, they actually encourage or even demand that the woman they got pregnant have an abortion. And, what about the 10 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle? Should she be forced to carry a child full term while her own body is still pretty much a baby and might either kill her or render her sterile for the rest of her life? And speaking of rape, what about the hundreds of women who are raped and impregnated? Should they be forced to have their rapists child?

Men raise up and save the nation? What a frigging joke! He wanted Marla to have an abortion when she was pregnant with Tiffany. Do you honestly think he cares about abortion? He only says that to play to his base. He really doesn't give a shit about it.

And, we give billions to Israel where abortion is available on reason necessary. Your tax money going to pay for many, many abortions.

The fetus has a different DNA than its mother or father so he fetus is not the woman's body

Yes this killing has brought a big imbalance of young to old that also helps destroy a nation

Trump will have to get the men to rise up and save this nation

Here's an FYI for you. Men can't get pregnant and in many, many cases, they actually encourage or even demand that the woman they got pregnant have an abortion. And, what about the 10 year old who was raped by her father/brother/uncle? Should she be forced to carry a child full term while her own body is still pretty much a baby and might either kill her or render her sterile for the rest of her life? And speaking of rape, what about the hundreds of women who are raped and impregnated? Should they be forced to have their rapists child?

Men raise up and save the nation? What a frigging joke! He wanted Marla to have an abortion when she was pregnant with Tiffany. Do you honestly think he cares about abortion? He only says that to play to his base. He really doesn't give a shit about it.

And, we give billions to Israel where abortion is available on reason necessary. Your tax money going to pay for many, many abortions.

Abortions along with other liberal harms had brought the death sentence to western democracies

This death sentence is this imbalance of young to old.

Now Europe is trying to replace
Their young with the young Muslims which will also totally destroy Europe as we know it

And America is doing the same running in the young of lower logic illegals

Democracy does indeed commits suicide
Maybe it's the Russians fault? ... :dunno:
Guess Who Is Likely To Profit If Trump Gets His Border Wall? RUSSIAN Steel


Russia is going to profit from the Wall, just like they do from the Keystone Pipeline.

Sorry to break it to you people, when Trump fuks the country, he get's you guys too.

Mehh. One of the items protecting my household against border-jumpers is also a beautiful piece of Russian steel...


But I prefer the Hungarian steel better..

Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooof course Don says wack shit that contradicts his own crap; news?

The OP is freakishly stupid. Every time it blinks, it believes it's a new day. Trump lives in it's skull rent free, but charging rent to live in such filth would be a crime even in Sri Lanka.
So true...
If our awesome Pres.Trump thinks that Russian steel is the best steel for Americans to buy and use.

Why should we doubt his sage wisdom? ... :dunno:

Not only that, but think of the sheer irony of it: Not only did Vladimir Putin protect our American sovereignty and rights by "giving" us Donald Trump for a President, but Russian steel will soon be protecting our border from foreign invaders.

Bring on the liberal meltdowns. :laughing0301:
He's right. By supporting Pisslam, you liberals are directly contributing to violent, human-rights-atrocity deaths of a gazillion little muslim girls every year! That's a proven fact, not my opinion! You liberals are certainly child molesters; for no good reason whatsoever, you are obsessed with importing into this country the pedophile-founded, pedophile-commanding Quran doctrine, most child-fucking epidemic in the history of mankind, your precious Pisslam. In which muslim males love to marry little girls who are blood-related to them (half the muslim world is cousin-inbred, per Mohammed's example).

And yes, HORSE'S ASS, Pisslam murders thousands of children a year and not just by child-suicide-bombers; thousands of young muslim girls die of shock/infection/exsanguination from having their CLITS NON SURGICALLY CHOPPED OFF! Because you liberals' favorite hate-bloodbath is soooooo afraid of women (even little girls) that in Pisslam, it's a horrible sin for a woman to feel any physical pleasure of any kind. THAT'S what you liberal humanoid-moneran-life are obsessed with importing to the Western world because your hissy-fit, attention-whoring little tin god Obamaggot told you it was a good idea! It is a proven FACT that Pisslam murders thousands of innocent young women a year because of pure sadistic, insecure cruelty.
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Too bad they left Deanturd behind. Planned Unparenthood should have been his last stop.
Democrats fight for a woman's right to control her own body.

Republicans are on the side of child deaths.

It couldn't be more clear.

How do we know?

Look at what they did in Puerto Rico.

Look at what they do at the border.

That's why evil must be defeated! For the good of the country. For the good of the world.
then you had better hide,because you are an evil far lefty....
So true...
If our awesome Pres.Trump thinks that Russian steel is the best steel for Americans to buy and use.

Why should we doubt his sage wisdom? ... :dunno:
Only the truly delusional believe "lies" are "wisdom".
What is it with that one? Surely no one can be that damn stupid
So true...
If our awesome Pres.Trump thinks that Russian steel is the best steel for Americans to buy and use.

Why should we doubt his sage wisdom? ... :dunno:

You're a disgrace to this country if you think that. tramp is paying back Russia for keeping whatever dirty secrets they have on him, not that any of it would sway your blind devotion of him.
You're a disgrace to this country if you think that. tramp is paying back Russia for keeping whatever dirty secrets they have on him, not that any of it would sway your blind devotion of him.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump doesn't owe the Russians anything for their help in getting him elected.

Putin knew that Trump was the best hope for saving the planet from the evil ideology of liberalism and ecological disaster.

Thus all loyal and patriotic Americans owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Russians and their awesome ruler Putin. ... :thup:
You're a disgrace to this country if you think that. tramp is paying back Russia for keeping whatever dirty secrets they have on him, not that any of it would sway your blind devotion of him.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump doesn't owe the Russians anything for their help in getting him elected.

Putin knew that Trump was the best hope for saving the planet from the evil ideology of liberalism and ecological disaster.

Thus all loyal and patriotic Americans owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Russians and their awesome ruler Putin. ... :thup:
Said like a good traitor. You really wouldn't care if we were taken over by Putin, would you? You do realize that after he's finished with tramp and he loses his usefulness, tramp will "conveniently" disappear, don't you? That what Putin does with people, uses them and then disposes of them.
Said like a good traitor. You really wouldn't care if we were taken over by Putin, would you? You do realize that after he's finished with tramp and he loses his usefulness, tramp will "conveniently" disappear, don't you? That what Putin does with people, uses them and then disposes of them.
I would enthusaisticly vote to make Trump an Emperor for Life of our nation, but unfortunately he is too old and doesn't have that many years left to rule us.

Although, if we had a one world government.

Putin would hands down be the best choice to rule the planet!! ... :thup:
Said like a good traitor. You really wouldn't care if we were taken over by Putin, would you? You do realize that after he's finished with tramp and he loses his usefulness, tramp will "conveniently" disappear, don't you? That what Putin does with people, uses them and then disposes of them.
I would enthusaisticly vote to make Trump an Emperor for Life of our nation, but unfortunately he is too old and doesn't have that many years left to rule us.

Although, if we had a one world government.

Putin would hands down be the best choice to rule the planet!! ... :thup:
You are seriously sick in the head if you really believe this. You would like living under a dictatorship where you had no say in anything and would be tortured or killed if you dared to speak out against anything? If you would, then you really are nothing but a puppet. Maybe you should move to Russia so you can really see what it's like if you think it would be so wonderful.
You would like living under a dictatorship where you had no say in anything and would be tortured or killed if you dared to speak out against anything?
Why would I need to speak out and complain?? ... :dunno:
I guess you wouldn't because you would actually like living under a dictatorship. You wouldn't have to think because you would be told what and how to think. Intelligent people however, don't want to live like that.

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