Trump says Democrats are child killers.

I guess you wouldn't because you would actually like living under a dictatorship. You wouldn't have to think because you would be told what and how to think. Intelligent people however, don't want to live like that.
Looney liberals think they are soo smart because they are never satisfied and are always griping and complaining all the time about everything.

The feminists are the worst. .... :cuckoo:
I guess you wouldn't because you would actually like living under a dictatorship. You wouldn't have to think because you would be told what and how to think. Intelligent people however, don't want to live like that.
Looney liberals think they are soo smart because they are never satisfied and are always griping and complaining all the time about everything.

The feminists are the worst. .... :cuckoo:
I showed your comments to my friends and they all had a good laugh. They told me to ignore you because either you're a troll who is only here to incite, or you really are that damn stupid.

I'd rather be a liberal than someone as brainwashed as you seemed to be. And, I'm also a feminist who believes in equality for everyone.

Oh, and by the way, if you really are a Muslim as you claim, then there are a lot of members here who hate you and think you should be killed.

So now I'm going to do as they suggest and from now on ignore you.
Trump is correct again.
The Democrats do not value children, other than using them as political props.
You're a disgrace to this country if you think that. tramp is paying back Russia for keeping whatever dirty secrets they have on him, not that any of it would sway your blind devotion of him.
Our wonderful Pres.Trump doesn't owe the Russians anything for their help in getting him elected.

Putin knew that Trump was the best hope for saving the planet from the evil ideology of liberalism and ecological disaster.

Thus all loyal and patriotic Americans owe a huge debt of gratitude to the Russians and their awesome ruler Putin. ... :thup:


We do not need to be Russia's enemy with their ability with their nukes. Trump is indeed trying to save humanity. But the deep stste traitors wants war to cover up their traitor crimes

Also Putin is protecting white Christians and would take the white Christians from south africs failing nation because of wider democracies that destroys nations
This post by kitty mom

I'd rather be a liberal than someone as brainwashed as you seemed to be. And, I'm also a feminist who believes in equality for everyone.


Equality of 8 yr olds to 50 yr olds
Equality of 40 IQ with 140 IQ

Outrageous low logic person and why men and women are totally opposite trump .....

Men will not let this nation fall because of unwise women being brainwashed by crooks

There soon will be a high logic ability test for voters and a lot more men will pAss and stop liberalism in its tracks

And abortion has created a tremendous problem. This big imbalance of young to old.

Men now will rise up to stop the unwise from voting in crooks
This post by kitty mom

I'd rather be a liberal than someone as brainwashed as you seemed to be. And, I'm also a feminist who believes in equality for everyone.


Equality of 8 yr olds to 50 yr olds
Equality of 40 IQ with 140 IQ

Outrageous low logic person and why men and women are totally opposite trump .....

Men will not let this nation fall because of unwise women being brainwashed by crooks

There soon will be a high logic ability test for voters and a lot more men will pAss and stop liberalism in its tracks

And abortion has created a tremendous problem. This big imbalance of young to old.

Men now will rise up to stop the unwise from voting in crooks

Equality for both men and women, but you already knew that, you just had to come here and show your ass. It also appears that you're a woman hater too. Men are not superior to women no matter what you think.

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