Trump says Biden vowing to pick a female VP is insulting to some men


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2016
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."
This is a little play on words that Trump uses, "some people would say". So Trump didn't say that picking a female VP is insulting to men, but some people would say picking a female VP is insulting to men.
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

Fake news.
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

Would saying he would pick a white man be insulting to some women?
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

I am sure some men are insulted.
Its quite sexist.
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

Makes sense to me. What's the issue with it?

Trump is saying Joe Biden should not have ruled out more than half the field so soon. Then he goes on to say some men may be insulted that Biden ruled them out without even looking at them, and some may be OK. You decide.

What don't you get? It's pretty straight forward. Is your TDS that bad?
Biden's VP is all about checking two boxes.
Box 1: Has vagina!
Box 2: Isn't white!
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

He didn't make the point as I would, but he is right. If you decided pre-emptively that you will choose a female, it negates 50% of your pool right off the top, and for what reason? "it's time"?

You are telling men, "look, you're going to have to live with a female president if I win. She could be a useless POS, she might openly hate men and want to put conscription into law for men to send you to war somewhere, it doesn't matter. Deal with it sucka, competence doesn't matter, just her gender".

Now, he did it out of a desperation to get the Dem donors and support as he was in trouble in the Primaries. However, once he won, he was cornered. It doesn't mean he can't choose a good female V.P, it means it will be tainted, and at the very least, many will suspect it was forced.

That's not a meritocracy at work. Most men and women, support merit over nepotism or politics.
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?

"I would be inclined to go a different route than what he's done," Trump told Clay Travis, a sports commentator who hosts a national radio show based in Nashville, Tennessee. "First of all he roped himself into a certain group of people."
Trump went on to say that "some people would say that men are insulted by that. And some people would say it's fine. I don't know."

He's got little else beyond hoping for a vaccine, an econ miracle, or suburban voters fearing an "insurgency" (Fox news) of blacks bringing death and anarchy … or maybe polls are wrong. So he throws out shit.

It's not as good as the Lysol injection thing
Is this a joke? Is he really this out of touch or is this some political angle that I’m not understanding? Can anybody explain this statement made by Trump?
You are not understanding it correctly. Trump cannot publicly say what it really is.

The situation is an insult to the Black women who are being publicly introduced as candidates for the Biden presidential ticket, because it is obvious that Joe Biden is inevitably going to be incapacitate to fulfill the duties of the executive officer of the federal government. It is some sort of "vulturism," to be awaiting the succession to the presidency; and yet, subject to the direction of the people who are directing Joe Biden.

Why were the other women candidates disregarded - what was the qualification standards that had to be met??? Kamala Harris, a former prosecutor, is not going to take orders from someone else; especially when it is going to be so obvious. Tom Perez, the chairman of the DNC, is probably the ultimate director, and will probably be the Biden administration Chief of Staff - he's a real fucked-up social justice activist. Perez probably could not deal with Stacy Abrams, because she is way too dopey. I don't think Duckworth would be able to handle the public appearance schedule.

It is really wild how the Republicans rip him a part right in front of his family, and they don't understand what's going on. Perez does not even show up for the second hearing.
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