Trump reaching out to unions

Blue Collar workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Democrats should be very concerned. Those folks are the backbone of the Party. Trump's Anti-Globalist platform is really resonating with American Workers. They're beginning to agree that the Globalists are hurting them bigtime. I think more will be joining the Republican Party.

The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

I agree with sealybobo, a BAT of 20% and double that for outsourced jobs would avoid the retaliation that the term Tariff of even 10% arouses. Words have meaning with legal cosequences.

We need more Nationalism in this country. The Globalists have screwed American Workers bigtime. Trump seems to be one of the very few in Government who still cares about them. I truly hope he makes progress. But he's going up against incredibly powerful Globalist Elites. They run the show in the world. And as we're seeing in Western Europe, they're not gonna go quietly. They'll do anything to stay in power.

They have turned the tide a bit over there. They've beaten back the Nationalists, for now. But the Movement isn't dead, despite what Globalists think. Nationalists are making significant progress. They'll continue fighting. Trump vowed to put Americans first again, and that's seriously angered the Globalist Elites. He's a target now. I truly hope & pray he stays safe and succeeds in helping American Workers out. God bless him.
Part of the problem is that the MSM does not understand the term, nationalism and the rest of it is the MSM is collapsing.
Blue Collar workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Democrats should be very concerned. Those folks are the backbone of the Party. Trump's Anti-Globalist platform is really resonating with American Workers. They're beginning to agree that the Globalists are hurting them bigtime. I think more will be joining the Republican Party.

The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

I agree with sealybobo, a BAT of 20% and double that for outsourced jobs would avoid the retaliation that the term Tariff of even 10% arouses. Words have meaning with legal cosequences.

We need more Nationalism in this country. The Globalists have screwed American Workers bigtime. Trump seems to be one of the very few in Government who still cares about them. I truly hope he makes progress. But he's going up against incredibly powerful Globalist Elites. They run the show in the world. And as we're seeing in Western Europe, they're not gonna go quietly. They'll do anything to stay in power.

They have turned the tide a bit over there. They've beaten back the Nationalists, for now. But the Movement isn't dead, despite what Globalists think. Nationalists are making significant progress. They'll continue fighting. Trump vowed to put Americans first again, and that's seriously angered the Globalist Elites. He's a target now. I truly hope & pray he stays safe and succeeds in helping American Workers out. God bless him.
This is so weird. During Bush era Republicans said if we didn't buy from China consumers would be hurt. I'm glad you guys have stopped worrying about consumers and started worrying about American workers.
Blue Collar workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Democrats should be very concerned. Those folks are the backbone of the Party. Trump's Anti-Globalist platform is really resonating with American Workers. They're beginning to agree that the Globalists are hurting them bigtime. I think more will be joining the Republican Party.

The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

I agree with sealybobo, a BAT of 20% and double that for outsourced jobs would avoid the retaliation that the term Tariff of even 10% arouses. Words have meaning with legal cosequences.

We need more Nationalism in this country. The Globalists have screwed American Workers bigtime. Trump seems to be one of the very few in Government who still cares about them. I truly hope he makes progress. But he's going up against incredibly powerful Globalist Elites. They run the show in the world. And as we're seeing in Western Europe, they're not gonna go quietly. They'll do anything to stay in power.

They have turned the tide a bit over there. They've beaten back the Nationalists, for now. But the Movement isn't dead, despite what Globalists think. Nationalists are making significant progress. They'll continue fighting. Trump vowed to put Americans first again, and that's seriously angered the Globalist Elites. He's a target now. I truly hope & pray he stays safe and succeeds in helping American Workers out. God bless him.
This is so weird. During Bush era Republicans said if we didn't buy from China consumers would be hurt. I'm glad you guys have stopped worrying about consumers and started worrying about American workers.

Most Republicans still feel that way. Globalists dominate both major US political parties. That's why Trump is such a shock to the system. He's daring to put Americans first again. And that obviously doesn't sit well with Globalist Elite powers-that-be. They hate him. And they're capable of doing anything to destroy him. The man's a target. I just hope he survives long enough to help some American Workers out. Because God knows, most in our Government could care less about American Citizens at this point.

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

I agree with sealybobo, a BAT of 20% and double that for outsourced jobs would avoid the retaliation that the term Tariff of even 10% arouses. Words have meaning with legal cosequences.

We need more Nationalism in this country. The Globalists have screwed American Workers bigtime. Trump seems to be one of the very few in Government who still cares about them. I truly hope he makes progress. But he's going up against incredibly powerful Globalist Elites. They run the show in the world. And as we're seeing in Western Europe, they're not gonna go quietly. They'll do anything to stay in power.

They have turned the tide a bit over there. They've beaten back the Nationalists, for now. But the Movement isn't dead, despite what Globalists think. Nationalists are making significant progress. They'll continue fighting. Trump vowed to put Americans first again, and that's seriously angered the Globalist Elites. He's a target now. I truly hope & pray he stays safe and succeeds in helping American Workers out. God bless him.
This is so weird. During Bush era Republicans said if we didn't buy from China consumers would be hurt. I'm glad you guys have stopped worrying about consumers and started worrying about American workers.

Most Republicans still feel that way. Globalists dominate both major US political parties. That's why Trump is such a shock to the system. He's daring to put Americans first again. And that obviously doesn't sit well with Globalist Elite powers-that-be. They hate him. And they're capable of doing anything to destroy him. The man's a target. I just hope he survives long enough to help some American Workers out. Because God knows, most in our Government could care less about American Citizens at this point.

I don't think Trump is all that you think he is. But lets see if he makes trade fair and that translates into higher wages for the middle class. Boy wouldn't that be something?

And with less illegals coming in and more being deported, maybe we can and will right size our economy.

But pay attention as soon as wages go up too much they'll start crying that we need more workers and they can't find enough help and instead of illegal immigrants we will just start importing more LEGAL immigrants.

That's why I like Trumps position on the middle east even if it is unconstitutional. Those globalists as you call them want to keep flooding the American job market with low wage workers.

You call them globalists I call them Corporatists

Today's Immigration Battle Corporatists vs. Racists (and Labor is Left Behind)
This is what us liberals were saying in 2006. What were you cons saying?

Americans will do virtually any job if they're paid a decent wage. This isn't about immigration - it's about economics. Industry and agriculture won't collapse without illegal labor, but the middle class is being crushed by it.

Do a little math. The Bureau of Labor Statistics says there are 7.6 million unemployed Americans right now. Another 1.5 million Americans are no longer counted because they've become "long term" or "discouraged" unemployed workers. And although various groups have different ways of measuring it, most agree that at least another five to ten million Americans are either working part-time when they want to work full-time, or are "underemployed," doing jobs below their level of training, education, or experience. That's between eight and twenty million un- and under-employed Americans, many unable to find above-poverty-level work.

At the same time, there are between seven and fifteen million working illegal immigrants diluting our labor pool.
Great. I'm sure that will make everything just fine. Almost as effective as a rapist sending his victim a box of chocolates.

Who knows, maybe Trump will appoint Gov. Walker as the liaison; now that should go over well.
Very smart and popular move. Nobody will be critical.

I want Trump to try and win over unions. I suspect he will eventually go to war with them if they dare speak out against him and they better keep taking concessions because the only way Republicans will tolerate unions is if they are taking pay cuts.

Donald J. Trump


Chuck Jones, who is President of United Steelworkers 1999, has done a terrible job representing workers. No wonder companies flee country!

Donald Trump insulted a union leader on Twitter. Then the phone started to ring.

He's probably backed off some because he needs these white dudes to win in 2018 and 2020
Chuck Jones, a union leader who accused President-elect Donald Trump of misrepresenting the scope of an agreement to preserve some manufacturing jobs in Indiana, says he has been receiving threatening phone calls.

Jones told the Washington Poston Wednesday night that the threatening calls started after Trump tweeted him by name the same night, accusing Jones of "doing a terrible job" in his role as president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999 union.
More liberals getting violent and threatening...
Very smart and popular move. Nobody will be critical.

ahhhh.. the ever hated unions Republicans railed about for the last century because they destroyed the country are now BLESSED because of Trump.

F'n RW hypocrite bitches ... hit a knee and open wide Donnie's home.
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Chuck Jones, a union leader who accused President-elect Donald Trump of misrepresenting the scope of an agreement to preserve some manufacturing jobs in Indiana, says he has been receiving threatening phone calls.

Jones told the Washington Poston Wednesday night that the threatening calls started after Trump tweeted him by name the same night, accusing Jones of "doing a terrible job" in his role as president of the United Steelworkers Local 1999 union.
More liberals getting violent and threatening...
I condemn all violence except self defense of course
Blue Collar workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Democrats should be very concerned. Those folks are the backbone of the Party. Trump's Anti-Globalist platform is really resonating with American Workers. They're beginning to agree that the Globalists are hurting them bigtime. I think more will be joining the Republican Party.

The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

A little protectionism will lead to more job losses. It was part of what caused the Great Depression.
Blue Collar workers are leaving the Democratic Party in droves. Democrats should be very concerned. Those folks are the backbone of the Party. Trump's Anti-Globalist platform is really resonating with American Workers. They're beginning to agree that the Globalists are hurting them bigtime. I think more will be joining the Republican Party.

The Problem with Trump’s Protectionist Tariffs

It's Globalist policies that aren't working. The Globalist Elites threw American Workers overboard decades ago. A little 'Protectionism' is exactly what we need at this point.

A little protectionism will lead to more job losses. It was part of what caused the Great Depression.
And since when do Republicans or corporations want to raise wages. They're all about lowering costs and maximizing profits.

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