Trump aides leaking that their boss cannot handle embarrassment....DUH!

Trump’s Aides Leak Embarrassing Story About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you elected a 70 year old kid as president. A madman now holds the nuclear code. ENJOY!

Leaks like this and only four days into the administration.

What stupid white people elected, was a white man, who on his best day had people doing the hard work so that he could build a NAME...While he took to the public to brand himself, with his shows, his sponsorships, etc...they meaning ignorant people, saw this as a leader and we now know....he's about as smart as a box of wax, don't know shit about shit, is supper sensitive, can dish it out, but can't take a gotdamn thing when it comes his way...and the fact this moron is still trying to manipulate the public and the sad media into this numbers shit...proves, THE AMERICAN STUPID DESERVES THIS IDIOT AND MORE
Trump’s Aides Leak Embarrassing Story About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you elected a 70 year old kid as president. A madman now holds the nuclear code. ENJOY!

Leaks like this and only four days into the administration.
Obama is the one who thought "How Dare You Embarass Me", but Trump can't stand to be attacked, and if he is he dam sure will respond. Your hopes of provoking world war three will not come true, but you moonbats keep attacking Trump, then he might just push your dam buttons and then what ?? I know what, then you will probably run away crying is what I think.
Trump’s Aides Leak Embarrassing Story About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you elected a 70 year old kid as president. A madman now holds the nuclear code. ENJOY!

Leaks like this and only four days into the administration.

What stupid white people elected, was a white man, who on his best day had people doing the hard work so that he could build a NAME...While he took to the public to brand himself, with his shows, his sponsorships, etc...they meaning ignorant people, saw this as a leader and we now know....he's about as smart as a box of wax, don't know shit about shit, is supper sensitive, can dish it out, but can't take a gotdamn thing when it comes his way...and the fact this moron is still trying to manipulate the public and the sad media into this numbers shit...proves, THE AMERICAN STUPID DESERVES THIS IDIOT AND MORE
. It's called doing business moron, and now it's called doing the people's business.
Trump’s Aides Leak Embarrassing Story About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you elected a 70 year old kid as president. A madman now holds the nuclear code. ENJOY!

Leaks like this and only four days into the administration.
Obama is the one who thought "How Dare You Embarass Me", but Trump can't stand to be attacked, and if he is he dam sure will respond. Your hopes of provoking world war three will not come true, but you moonbats keep attacking Trump, then he might just push your dam buttons and then what ?? I know what, then you will probably run away crying is what I think.
Gotta put your dumb ass on igonre, another idiot savant on these threads....too stupid for words, bye
Trump’s Aides Leak Embarrassing Story About How He Can’t Handle Embarrassment

Yes, ladies and gentleman, you elected a 70 year old kid as president. A madman now holds the nuclear code. ENJOY!

Leaks like this and only four days into the administration.
We know you sure don't mind embarrassment. You keep posting.

Is that an "alternative fact?"......:woohoo:We now have the King of Lies in the White House!
You go ahead and run with that cupcake.
Maybe lefties live in a fantasy world or maybe their psychotic personalities distort reality but it seems that President Trump is handling the burden of the presidency pretty well. Don't forget that President Reagan respected the Oval Office so much that he never removed his suit jacket and Hillary's husband dropped his freaking pants.
Ha! Not here to defend Obama. I disagreed with him many times,

You have elected the Liar in Chief. The people in this country are seeing it and it is showing up in all the polls. I will be shocked if he makes it through his four years.

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