Trump ranted, bragged, insulted and abruptly hung up on the Prime Minister of Australia

He also seems to have threatened the President of Mexico with a US military invasion.

News from The Associated Press

Nieto, the Mexican president, is in a tough spot. He's mildly right-wing, and therefore predisposed to suck up to Trump, but the Mexican people universally despise Trump. If he had let if be known Trump made that threat and he said nothing, he'd be run out of office on a rail.
----------------------------------------------------------- GOOD , then maybe the mexican people could revolt and run their country or farm governing out completely to the cartels !!

In an interesting twist of history, 100 years ago almost to this day, General Pershing's troops had to retreat from Mexico, on foot, not exactly covered with glory, after failing to find Pancho Villa. They couldn't use trains, out of fear Villa's partisans would sabotage them.
you don't wanna piss off AC/DC!

No ‘G’day, mate’: On call with Australian prime minister, Trump badgers and brags

Instead, President Trump blasted Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull over a refugee agreement and boasted about the magnitude of his electoral college win, according to senior U.S. officials briefed on the Saturday exchange. Then, 25 minutes into what was expected to be an hour-long call, Trump abruptly ended it.

At one point Trump informed Turnbull that he had spoken with four other world leaders that day — including Russian President Vladimir Putin — and that, “This was the worst call by far.”

“This is the worst deal ever,” Trump fumed as Turnbull attempted to confirm that the United States would honor its pledge to take in 1,250 refugees from an Australian detention center. Trump, who one day earlier had signed an executive order temporarily barring the admissions of refugees, complained that he was “going to get killed” politically and accused Australia of seeking to export the “next Boston bombers.”

------------------------------------------ why honor what mrobama arranged ??

Second that.
What happened during Trump and Turnbull’s 24-minute phone call?
From Australia

The two leaders covered the refugee deal struck a refugee resettlement agreement struck between the two countries under the Obama administration.

Mr Turnbull has been tight-lipped about the 25-minute conversation so far, but Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said he was “pleased with the outcome”.

Ah that changes things a bit. Sounds to me like the PM got put in his place if he was indeed trying to take such an arrogant approach against the US.

That said, President Trump likely had to do the 'right thing' here and honor America's commitments so we're going to end up with these refugees, but I can see him being pissed about it - hoping the PM would negotiate, and the PM being unwilling to do so (aka trumps statements about the press clobbering him and 'bitching' about the deal.) Not a politician, but very much like how most folks would react put into such a situation.

Displeasing, but I'm not sure there was much wiggle room. If President Trump got the extreme vetting agreement from the PM then he got most of what he wanted and I think it's less of a national security risk than just blindly taking them. Any that don't pass mustard will become the PM's problem.
obama agreed to take in 1200 "refugees" that are so dangerous Turnbull won't allow them in Australia. They are on an island. Trump refused to take them. OZ can pack them up and send them back.

Thank you President Trump for thinking of Americans. Do not take these "refugees" unless they are taken straight to Gitmo.
"Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why? I will study this dumb deal!" - Trump on twitter
Trump shows over and over again he doesn't have the temperament of a leader. Republicans could have chosen anyone else but Trump.
Meh not surprised Trump is pissed about the crap bomb Obama set up for him. Trump needs to remember that a lot of us saw what Obama did and won't abandon him for springing the booby-traps.
LOL That's right, you will just go along with any stupid thing that the orange clown does or says. You are as stupid as he is.

That dumb ass has succeeded in creating the most demonstrations we have seen since the Vietnam War. The clown has alienated three allies with whom our relationships goes back decades. And, all the time while doing that to our friends, is busy kissing Putin's ass. His minions are already speaking of going to war with two nations, without showing any real reason for doing so.

And now he is talking of changing Social Security and Medicare. I am sure that he will handle that with all the finesse and wisdom he has shown with the Muslim ban.
Actually most of the demonstrations are being caused by a foreign entities, anarchists, and fake media. Nothing to do with a /real/ problem - it's 90 days. They're throwing a tantrum.

Trump isn't going to war unless the globalist elitists start one. You are misinformed.

SS and Medicare are fucked up, they need to be changed. It wasn't a Muslim ban.
Trump gives the finger to one of our staunchest historical allies. Love it.
------------------------------------------------------ i'd prefer to get along with the aussies but they aren't MUCH more than a lightly populated island with no power to speak of OldSchool . Let them keep mrobamas refugees and be friends with the asians that would love to settle in Australia OldSchool !!
Dumb ass. it is not only the Aussies that are completely fed up with the antics of the orange clown. There are the Brits, Scots, Irish, the Scandanavian nations, Germany, France, Portugal, Spain, and many more, including the Asian nations. Only the puppeteer in Russia seems pleased. All his strings on the orange clown seem to be working. And the dumb bastard has not yet been President for two weeks. Just think of all he can do if he lasts a year.
Actually most of the demonstrations are being caused by a foreign entities, anarchists, and fake media. Nothing to do with a /real/ problem - it's 90 days. They're throwing a tantrum.

Trump isn't going to war unless the globalist elitists start one. You are misinformed.

SS and Medicare are fucked up, they need to be changed. It wasn't a Muslim ban.
The orange clown called it a ban, and that is what it is. Probably the most clumsily handled EO in the history of our Republic.

No asshole, what you mean is that you want them changed so the 1% can skim most of the funds out of SS and Medicare. Neither system is broke, so don't fix them. Particulary when the clown has shown himself to be a total idiot about how to handle governance.
I love Australia but I totally agree with Trump

Malcolm Turnbull is is a weak pathetic leader. YUCK

Hope he is gone soon.
The orange clown is the one that is a pathetic leader. Elected because of an eighteenth century electoral college, he lost the popular vote by nearly 3 million votes. And he has demonstrated nothing but incompetence in the less that two weeks he has been President. The person we all, the whole world, better hope leaves soon, is the orange clown.
What happened during Trump and Turnbull’s 24-minute phone call?
From Australia

The two leaders covered the refugee deal struck a refugee resettlement agreement struck between the two countries under the Obama administration.

Mr Turnbull has been tight-lipped about the 25-minute conversation so far, but Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said he was “pleased with the outcome”.
Alternate facts from that alternate universe the 'Conservatives' live in.
You're a raving lunatic...

SS has been fucked up since I was a kid, in fact, most folks my age kind of resigned that they weren't getting shit out of it, kids these days are at the point of rebelling and wanting the whole system shut down. It's a mess, it needs to be fixed.

If it was a Muslim ban it'd apply to all the countries, what 40+, but it doesn't, it applies to countries who are hot-beds of terrorist activity. There is also concern, specifically with Syria, that we don't have a database that we could check folks against, most other countries refugee programs do have them, but a lot of them aren't being cooperated with (like the gov isn't putting the info in like they need to.) The UN folks who do a lot of the vetting are also failing to look at really simple shit like Facebook posts... A pause to look into these glaring deficiencies is needed and smart - the nations which are left off the list, in general, aren't as concerning regarding ISIS implantation according to the experts, though there's been discussion of adding other countries if they can't meet the new vetting procedure standards.
Trump shows over and over again he doesn't have the temperament of a leader. Republicans could have chosen anyone else but Trump.
Trump shows over and over again he has the balls to stand up and look out for the best interest of Americans. Voters couldn't have chosen a better president.
What happened during Trump and Turnbull’s 24-minute phone call?
From Australia

The two leaders covered the refugee deal struck a refugee resettlement agreement struck between the two countries under the Obama administration.

Mr Turnbull has been tight-lipped about the 25-minute conversation so far, but Foreign Minister Julie Bishop said he was “pleased with the outcome”.
Alternate facts from that alternate universe the 'Conservatives' live in.

In our universe Donald Trump is President. He's kicking ass, and letting other countries fuck us over. All progressives can do is riot and squeal about it like petulant children.

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