Trump Presides Over Bankruptcy of US

That is not true. I am a government contractor and do not have full medical coverage. That information is simply wrong.
Bullshit. Obama mandated that all contractors have to offer health coverage to their employees or they cannot bid on federal contracts. The price that a contractor charges the government has that requirement priced into the bid. This is why under most circumstances a job to paint the interior of the CTF building at Ft Campbell would have cost roughly $30-50,000, but instead costs $75,000- $100,000. If you don't have health insurance, you're getting screwed, because contractors are charging the federal government regardless.

That is not true as I know we are not alone.
Well, you obviously are misinformed or weren't aware of it.....most of what Obama implemented was thru EO. Trump could have rescinded it.
What the government tells us and what is actually going on sometimes isn't the same.
Did you know that black owners have a leg up on most federal contracts?
This is racism....but it is going on. Executive Order 13583-- Establishing a Coordinated Government-wide Initiative to Promote Diversity and Inclusion in the Federal Workforce
The last couple of years Obama was president he flooded the government with minority hires.
Today our supply office on Ft Campbell is almost all blacks.
The same thing was going on in our Exchange system.
Almost every new hire was either black or from a foreign country.

You do know there is a difference in the government employees and government contractors, right? Your statements indicate otherwise.
Yes. I do know the difference. :deal:
I've only been in government in one capacity or another since a temporary contactor and as a permanent government employee as well as active-duty.

You also should know that regulations are in force that often aren't followed. When Obama was president he instituted so many new regulations that it was difficult to comply with all of them. You may not have even known what the specific requirements were for bids on government contracts because they changed so fast.

Regardless, they often raised the costs of contracts. With Obama it was intentional.....he was trying to increase the debt.....and blame it on Bush.
We survive international threats, Sparky. We're America, and we have each other.
With the military in the shambles that Barack Obama left this nation, .
Obama wasn't a great president and he made plenty of mistakes but where do you come up with outright lies like this ?
With the military in the shambles that Barack Obama left this nation, .
Obama wasn't a great president and he made plenty of mistakes but where do you come up with outright lies like this ?

When ships cannot get underway because they have no fuel, when planes and helicopters cannot fly because they have no spare parts, when Army units are deploying overseas for a year about every 18 months at home, and many other inherent problems faced by the military due to Obama's mismanagement of the military, what does that chart have to do with any of that?
We survive international threats, Sparky. We're America, and we have each other.

And i would agree w/you Beau, save for the fact we are an oligarhy

'We the People' come 2nd to 'They the Elites'

Is tribalism preferable, then? If so, we should be speaking numerous tribal languages, and not a common tongue derived from our oppressors in the EU, where many Americans came from. Unfortunately, they wiped out and desecrated almost every tribe on the North American continent in order to institute a Republic of free men 250 years after arriving here on the Mayflower in the early digit 1600s. White settlers decimated their native benefactors who ceded lands to them when Europe promised their unwanted people shipped here with the false premise of opportunity, when a huge series of genocides would face them if they wanted a safe environment in the New World. And genocide they did to establish themselves here. Intermarriage occurred, which was the only way the DNA of some tribes could be preserved. Whites turned their back on "half breeds" whom they regarded as half-human beings, disgraced by being the love children of parents who fell in love with each other over the protests of both sets of parents.

Yeah, you could call us an oligarchy, but it is supposed to represent people from every kindred, and every tribe (except native Americans living on reservations, so conveniently ousting them from their native lands into lands so barren, their survival is nothing short of miraculous were it not for the pittance they receive from the Indian bureau of affairs.

"They" is us, sparky, at least before they got to DC as representatives. There, their skills of diplomacy are challenged by the 360-degree assaults being made on the treasury accumulated beginning in 1914, when it was decided by Congress to ignore the founding fathers' wisdom of never raising taxes against the common man. The common man got rich and too big for his britches, so the Congress decided to set aside the honor of serving the masses in favor of serving international causes such as WWI, and bailing out the lesser mighty of the more mighty in continental and expanded Europe to include those to the north, south, east, and west of the Baltic Sea. Europe liked it because it was like getting something for nothing. So here we are, tax poor like them, with ravenous wolves like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez screaming at the top of her lungs for even more money power so she can be rich like savvy dowager Nancy Pelosi, her idol and former benefactor.

Right now, all of us are drawn into this debate of who's boss? The Founders or the politically ambitious have-nots of the twenty-first century.

And throwing the baby out with the bathwater on every issue has our sensibilities overborne. And we have polarized to such dissention that we are making ourselves available to be confused, which is the perfect ground for interlopers, seeing the flaw, to swoop down on us and insert their dogma on us. That will take more lives than Hitler, Tse-Tung, and Stalin put together
We survive international threats, Sparky. We're America, and we have each other.

And i would agree w/you Beau, save for the fact we are an oligarhy

'We the People' come 2nd to 'They the Elites'

Is tribalism preferable, then? If so, we should be speaking numerous tribal languages, and not a common tongue derived from our oppressors in the EU, where many Americans came from. Unfortunately, they wiped out and desecrated almost every tribe on the North American continent in order to institute a Republic of free men 250 years after arriving here on the Mayflower in the early digit 1600s. White settlers decimated their native benefactors who ceded lands to them when Europe promised their unwanted people shipped here with the false premise of opportunity, when a huge series of genocides would face them if they wanted a safe environment in the New World. And genocide they did to establish themselves here. Intermarriage occurred, which was the only way the DNA of some tribes could be preserved. Whites turned their back on "half breeds" whom they regarded as half-human beings, disgraced by being the love children of parents who fell in love with each other over the protests of both sets of parents.

Yeah, you could call us an oligarchy, but it is supposed to represent people from every kindred, and every tribe (except native Americans living on reservations, so conveniently ousting them from their native lands into lands so barren, their survival is nothing short of miraculous were it not for the pittance they receive from the Indian bureau of affairs.

"They" is us, sparky, at least before they got to DC as representatives. There, their skills of diplomacy are challenged by the 360-degree assaults being made on the treasury accumulated beginning in 1914, when it was decided by Congress to ignore the founding fathers' wisdom of never raising taxes against the common man. The common man got rich and too big for his britches, so the Congress decided to set aside the honor of serving the masses in favor of serving international causes such as WWI, and bailing out the lesser mighty of the more mighty in continental and expanded Europe to include those to the north, south, east, and west of the Baltic Sea. Europe liked it because it was like getting something for nothing. So here we are, tax poor like them, with ravenous wolves like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez screaming at the top of her lungs for even more money power so she can be rich like savvy dowager Nancy Pelosi, her idol and former benefactor.

Right now, all of us are drawn into this debate of who's boss? The Founders or the politically ambitious have-nots of the twenty-first century.

And throwing the baby out with the bathwater on every issue has our sensibilities overborne. And we have polarized to such dissention that we are making ourselves available to be confused, which is the perfect ground for interlopers, seeing the flaw, to swoop down on us and insert their dogma on us. That will take more lives than Hitler, Tse-Tung, and Stalin put together

methinks perhaps we've common ground Beau , albeit i speak Klingon, and you Romulan

These are orwellian times , imho anything we read.hear,see is more a manifestation of our manifesto , than the reality of what it's become

But i guess they were right when the said "one can never go home"....

You try to be optimistic but it's looking like there's a bad moon on the rise.

Financial writer Bill Holter and renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair say the financial crash is here now. Holter says, “I think President Trump is going to preside over a bankruptcy. He’s gone through bankruptcies with his own companies and understands the process. That’s what this is. It’s the bankruptcy of the corporation of the United States.”

In closing, Sinclair says, “The dollar standard is over. We were on a gold standard, and then poof, Nixon, and out. What has happened to the petro dollar? Poof, it’s out in comparison to what it was. What system is next? The marbles standard? Gold is going back . . . to a store house of value.”

We’re Flash Crashing to Hell – Jim Sinclair & Bill Holter

Thanks, Obama
The bankrupt Fed has over-leveraged the dollar by 100 to 1 ....if hyperinflation kicks in, these guys are saying gold will land somewhere above $120,000 an ounce ( in petro dollars ).
View attachment 244063

The bankrupt Fed has over-leveraged the dollar by 100 to 1 ….

Can you translate that from nut job into English?

if hyperinflation kicks in, these guys are saying gold will land somewhere above $120,000 an ounce

Why would hyperinflation kick in?
You try to be optimistic but it's looking like there's a bad moon on the rise.

Financial writer Bill Holter and renowned gold and financial expert Jim Sinclair say the financial crash is here now. Holter says, “I think President Trump is going to preside over a bankruptcy. He’s gone through bankruptcies with his own companies and understands the process. That’s what this is. It’s the bankruptcy of the corporation of the United States.”

In closing, Sinclair says, “The dollar standard is over. We were on a gold standard, and then poof, Nixon, and out. What has happened to the petro dollar? Poof, it’s out in comparison to what it was. What system is next? The marbles standard? Gold is going back . . . to a store house of value.”

We’re Flash Crashing to Hell – Jim Sinclair & Bill Holter

The United State's credit rating hasn't been downgraded under Trump like it was Obama so we must not be as bad off as your uncles think.
I never wanted to see gold again after thieves broke into my mother-in-law's home and took all her gold necklaces and jewelry. It broke my mother-in-law's heart, because my father-in-law gave them when his career skyrocketed. He never forgot who he loved. Not ever.

That's why I made sure my jewelry was made of junk. All the gold is not worth one broken heart. Fortunately, she healed when she realized she still had the love and caring of the man who gave her beautiful things. It was a privilege for me to be in a family that had love for each other in it, no matter what.
I never wanted to see gold again after thieves broke into my mother-in-law's home and took all her gold necklaces and jewelry. It broke my mother-in-law's heart, because my father-in-law gave them when his career skyrocketed. He never forgot who he loved. Not ever.

That's why I made sure my jewelry was made of junk. All the gold is not worth one broken heart. Fortunately, she healed when she realized she still had the love and caring of the man who gave her beautiful things. It was a privilege for me to be in a family that had love for each other in it, no matter what.
My wife and two boys and I lost everything in a house fire-- we came home one day and saw our house burned down 15 years ago .And it was really brutal --jewelry, photo albums, home videos, trophies, all our clothes, furniture -all gone - and no homeowners insurance at the time.

But as devastating as it was, our 2 dogs and 2 cats were outside when it happened so that was a huge relief. I guess it was one of those humbling experiences where you realize life and love far outweigh all the material things.
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The bankrupt Fed has over-leveraged the dollar by 100 to 1 ….

Can you translate that from nut job into English?

if hyperinflation kicks in, these guys are saying gold will land somewhere above $120,000 an ounce

Why would hyperinflation kick in?
We basically went bankrupt in 2008, but pretended it never happened, so the Fed began experimental accounting. Now you have to look down the "missing " $21 trillion rabbit hole where all that paper transformed---so the question is where ?
The bankrupt Fed has over-leveraged the dollar by 100 to 1 ….

Can you translate that from nut job into English?

if hyperinflation kicks in, these guys are saying gold will land somewhere above $120,000 an ounce

Why would hyperinflation kick in?
We basically went bankrupt in 2008, but pretended it never happened, so the Fed began experimental accounting. Now you have to look down the "missing " $21 trillion rabbit hole where all that paper transformed---so the question is where ?

We basically went bankrupt in 2008,

Not really. Basically.

so the Fed began experimental accounting.

No they didn't.

Now you have to look down the "missing " $21 trillion rabbit hole

There isn't $21 trillion missing.

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