Trump Policy has Given us this Inflation

LOL "Most Americans,” Harris told her audience, “are a $400 unexpected expense away from bankruptcy.”
Mr. Banker, Mr. Banker!!


You can stop laughing any time now.

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+0.2% inc MoM in both core and non core PCE !!!

Incredible !!!

Donald Trump printed a world record amount of fake money, he handed out $ trillions in fake money, and he had the most massive mega deficits in US history, all of that fake money printing and hand outs, debt and deficit, AND the Putin war caused inflation.

Republicans tried to spin the facts and narrative to blame Biden for Trump's inflation causing policies, like always.

BUT inflation has plummeted. Fallen immensely and now we have normal 2% inflation, the FED's target.
Inflation is over, no more tears.

Wake me up when we have $2.50 gas versus the $4.90 we have now.

A pound of ground beef costs $6.

So until we have months and months of negative inflation, you ain’t got shit.
your tears make me happy

Enjoy the plummeting inflation, too bad Trump gave us all this debt and deficit and FED money printing, which caused all this inflation. Good thing Biden has reversed that.

What does our laughter do for you?

You must like it a lot because you ask for it frequently.


All I see is a bunch of whiney little crybabies crying because Biden has lowered inflation, has a strong economy, and has the best labor market in US history.

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure and all that Trump debt has caused massive inflation. Biden has reversed that.

All I see is a bunch of whiney little crybabies crying because Biden has lowered inflation, has a strong economy, and has the best labor market in US history.

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure and all that Trump debt has caused massive inflation. Biden has reversed that.
and like usual no questions about anything you post just take what they give you and run with it.....
Who is the more deranged ?
Wanker or Winkle the Titty ?
God knows where he gets his drivel from but there is not one responsible commentator that I am aware of who is not preaching negative outcomes . They disgree on timing and severity but they treat the overall matter as concluded in direction .
A distinctly unusual case of chronic Cognitive Rigidity .
Who is the more deranged ?
Wanker or Winkle the Titty ?
God knows where he gets his drivel from but there is not one responsible commentator that I am aware of who is not preaching negative outcomes . They disgree on timing and severity but they treat the overall matter as concluded in direction .
A distinctly unusual case of chronic Cognitive Rigidity .
just wondering can you actually admit Trump lost the election and is lying about voter fraud??
I doubt it, therefor you have no credibility at all and are a pathetic child.

You can't handle living in the real world and must live in a little alternate reality void of facts because facts are too much for you to handle. Facts are kryptonite to a republican.

Simple facts like Trump lost the election and is lying about fraud are too harsh for MAGA trash to accept.

You are so far gone you don't even realize the joke is on you, and everybody else in the world is laughing at you.
and like usual no questions about anything you post just take what they give you and run with it.....

So what are you suggesting the data is fake??

That's what you trash have to resort to because you can't handle the facts of life.

Inflation has plummeted and obviously you hate it
+0.2% inc MoM in both core and non core PCE !!!

Incredible !!!

Donald Trump printed a world record amount of fake money, he handed out $ trillions in fake money, and he had the most massive mega deficits in US history, all of that fake money printing and hand outs, debt and deficit, AND the Putin war caused inflation.

Republicans tried to spin the facts and narrative to blame Biden for Trump's inflation causing policies, like always.

BUT inflation has plummeted. Fallen immensely and now we have normal 2% inflation, the FED's target.
Inflation is over, no more tears.

+0.2% inc MoM in both core and non core PCE !!!

Incredible !!!

Donald Trump printed a world record amount of fake money, he handed out $ trillions in fake money, and he had the most massive mega deficits in US history, all of that fake money printing and hand outs, debt and deficit, AND the Putin war caused inflation.

Republicans tried to spin the facts and narrative to blame Biden for Trump's inflation causing policies, like always.

BUT inflation has plummeted. Fallen immensely and now we have normal 2% inflation, the FED's target.
Inflation is over, no more tears.

The Democrats theory is if good took place, it was done by Biden. If bad happened and they can't blame Putin, blame Trump.

Trump did not create the pandemic. In fact as president he fought to kill the pandemic. And he exposed the root causes of the virus and tracked it to China.

No Democrat can name any acts done by Biden to cure inflation. And he passed out money to the citizens like it was popcorn.

So what are you suggesting the data is fake??

That's what you trash have to resort to because you can't handle the facts of life.

Inflation has plummeted and obviously you hate it
Lets have you tell us where in the USA food prices crashed back to Trump levels. And include where gasoline is as cheap today as it was under Trump? And be sure to tell us how low mortgage rates are now vs under Trump? That will keep you busy for a good year.

All I see is a bunch of whiney little crybabies crying because Biden has lowered inflation, has a strong economy, and has the best labor market in US history.

Trump gave us 25% of our total debt in his 4 years of failure and all that Trump debt has caused massive inflation. Biden has reversed that.
Where have prices fallen in our economy?
You are so far gone you don't even realize the joke is on you, and everybody else in the world is laughing at you.
As ever , Time will show , and the portents look awful for you . Your last sentence shows how much of a panic you feel -----you have backed yourself into a corner and have nowhere to run . The strategy of fools .Start looking for a different Forum because you will never be able to live down your idiocy here .

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