Trump plans to pardon former aide Michael Flynn: media reports


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2012
Oh my friends.....what a wonderful Christmas present this would be!!!!!!!

and here



Nov 25

President Trump has reportedly told people in his close circle that he plans to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn
Oh my friends.....what a wonderful Christmas present this would be!!!!!!!

and here


Nov 25

President Trump has reportedly told people in his close circle that he plans to pardon his former national security adviser Michael Flynn

Flynn should be given an 8 figure amount for his losses. 10 mil sounds about right.
It always amazed me that the deep state was capable of sitting back and watching a decorated Lt General being railroaded and set up by a community organizer punk from Kenya....

The wrong that the Rats including Hussein Barack have done to General Flynn, is beyond and above the biggest crime it's has ever been committed to anybody in the US ever.

These scum have to pay, and pay dearly!
At least Trump is consistent in his contempt for the rule of law.

Another lie YOU promote since it has been well established General Flynn passed the original FBI investigation, no wrongdoing was their conclusion. Then the Obama people climbed in, reopened it to screw him over as the documents much later showed their discussion on how to trap him was made public, Flynn was never charged with a crime the entire time, but the criminals who illegally entrapped him, charged him for lying...., a bogus charge which was later dismissed by the DOJ who realized the injustice he went through.
This man is a hero.....may GOD Bless him and protect him and all his dear ones!

Thanks, President Trump for pardoning Genersl Michael Flynn. I cannot abode the creeps who through intentional lies and errors of omission wanted Flynn out of their criminal way so they could go about damaging the Executive Branch when occupied by conservative Americans.

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