Trump On Woodward Tape Admitting To Lying About Seriousness Of Coronavirus

Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
I know. You have no plan. No need to humiliate yourself again.
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Hindsight is 20/20. I would have advised President Kennedy not to go to Dallas too!
Still no plan. Thanks for once again proving you are a clueless boob.
I told you WEAR fn masks and keep 6 feet away from the other person Don't you read?
So you would do 1 of the dozens of things Trump did.

Trump didn't lie, he played it down. Those are not the same.

Trump was told the coronavirus was five times that of the worst flu.

Trump said the coronavirus was the same as the seasonal flu.

That's not playing it down.
And what he was told ends up to be....not true.....and what he said ends up to be.....possibly true.
Actually what he was told was actually underplayed. As your side has pointed out the 100,000 deaths in 6 states, was actually twice as deadly as Trump was warned about.

90K in two Democrat States where Trump had little to say.

You attacked him when he tried to override the States and you attacked him for no having national mandates.

Your switch is always set on hate
I told you WEAR fn masks and keep 6 feet away from the other person Don't you read?

I said from the start to follow the South Korean model. Masks in public, widescale testing, and contact tracing.
No, this is what you said...

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole

Fake news. Biden is a total, hate filled dick and a raging racist
Your lying ears deceive you

Bull shit, Biden constantly tells me what a dick and a racist he is.

Imagine someone you don't worship telling blacks if they don't vote for his white ass they ain't black. You'd melt down. How can you worship a politician like that?
Trying to avoid a panic
Right idea
Weird that other world leaders managed to not panic their citizens.

And this is Trump we are talking about. The same guy who couldn't stop talking about an "immigrant invasion" The same Trump whose inaugural address was titled "American Carnage" . The same Trump who is currently falsely claiming that Portland is on fire. Puhleese.
Trump’s lie about not wanting to ‘panic’ Americans is as ridiculous as it is lame.

Trump not only has contempt for America’s war dead but he has contempt for the intelligence of the American people.
Nancy got the same briefing since she's speaker of the house come to Chinatown was her call for action
Yes and? That has what to do with Trump’s failed leadership?
Trump hasn't failed in his leadership so nothing.
Trump has not failed in his leadership because he hasn't offered any leadership in the fight against the cornavirus. He has refused to take any responsibility for the failure of his administration to have working test kits in March. He has blamed China, the WHO, the democrats, Obama, and probably others for the epidemic in the US. He leaves the public confused when he praises unorthodox cures while his own people are warning the public about using them. His healthcare advisors and the CDC was telling the public to wear masks and Trump was questions the effectiveness, often refusing to set an example by wearing a mask, and worst of all encouraging open rebellion in states where governors tried to make masks mandatory. Anyone questioning why the high infection rate and death toll in the US, need only look to our non-leader in the White House.
And what does Biden offer in leadership? Lies and double lies
First he opposed the travel ban then he said he totally supported it and denied he ever opposed it.
Yes it's from Fox because the interview was conducted on Fox
Biden is a good man with a good heart Trump is heartless and an asshole

Fake news. Biden is a total, hate filled dick and a raging racist
Kaz All I can say ,after only 1 scotch is I'm so glad you and brownie didn't lose a loved one because the AH lied about the severity of the virus. Wonder how you'd be posting if you had .

I wouldn't be blaming Trump for a global pandemic. And you're slipping back to gibberish, keep going and I'll stop responding to your points again
And two weeks later we shut down the economy ...

You're looking for particular posts and not the overall message. He started travel restrictions with China in January. Democrats attacked him. He started European. The European travel ban started earlier in March and Democrats attacked him.

I mean Democrats just have you tied around their little finger. You'll blame Trump for anything and Democrats for nothing ever
Of course democrats attacked Trump.
Trump publicly said it was going away, we had nothing to worry about, and then he shuts down travel from China for no apparent reason.

If Trump had told the governors, and the mayors and the politicians what he was told in January, they would have been 100% behind any actions he took to control the pandemic.
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
I know. You have no plan. No need to humiliate yourself again.
I also repeatedly posted my plan, was to follow the South Korean model.
Masks in public
Contact tracing.

I'd have to check, but i'm sure I posted it to you months ago.
Ya'll remember yesterday when I asked meaner gene eddiew BlindBoo to use their 8 months of new knowledge and 20/20 hindsight to tell us what their plan to stop the virus would have been................and not single one had a single idea?

Good times.. :abgg2q.jpg:

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
I know. You have no plan. No need to humiliate yourself again.
I also repeatedly posted my plan, was to follow the South Korean model.
Masks in public
Contact tracing.

I'd have to check, but i'm sure I posted it to you months ago.
Sure ya did, Kid. :itsok:

Trump has implemented all of your plan months ago.
I said from the start to follow the South Korean model. Masks in public, widescale testing, and contact tracing.
No, this is what you said...

Why lie. I told you:
January - Remove Trump from office, put Pence in charge.
February - impeach Pence
March - Remove Pence from office, put Pelosi in charge.
That was yesterday, retroactive to January.


We’ve Known for Months 3 Factors Are Massively Inflating COVID’s Fatality Count.
Since you're playing stupid, it's not population, but population density that spreads the coronavius. Based on that south korea should be the most infected nation, with 1/5th of it's population crammed into a siingle city. Seoul 10,349,312 Seoul, South Korea Population (2020) -...


We’ve Known for Months 3 Factors Are Massively Inflating COVID’s Fatality Count.
South Korea with 10 million people in one city, more than any US city BTW, manages to do it. And to repeat since you seem too stupid to understand. Seoul is the most densely populated city on the planet. Yet had the coronavirus under control. That's leadership.
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from article:
“He really is got a lot of blood on his hands,” Dr. Zeke Emanuel says of Pres. Trump. “Many people ended up dying needlessly because of the way he managed the government, and encouraged people to do things that we know increase the transmission rate.”
Why does a government and society built by democrats fall apart so easily after a couple years of an independent such as trump, president?

Because Democrats build garbage.

Democrats can have motel 6, I want Trump's vision.
Why does a government and society built by democrats fall apart so easily after a couple years of an independent such as trump, president?

Because Democrats build garbage.

Democrats can have motel 6, I want Trump's vision.

Do you mean like the decades of peace after WWI

Came crashing down so easily 1939 and 1941
This started falling apart after three years of Trump and the GOP. TrumpHole ( and you) like to remind us the it it HE who is responsible for the great economy....from day one when he came into office. The dens have had no power for two years and only 1/3 for two. You’re FOS.
§This is your 10 recession in the last 11, and lIke under Bush, the death count keeps rising.
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The irony of the situation is that for so long Trump has pushed the coronavirus being a "democrat hoax" and told people in states to force their governor to reopen their states.

Now you have people who even after hearing Trump call it serious and deadly, still think it's a hoax.

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