Trump on the Campaign Trail!


Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2021

President Trump's rally today, 7-29-23, in Erie PA.


Just saw a young group chanting "Let's Go Brandon!

Let's count the "pet names" he uses for the dems and RINOs, and play a drinking game -- every time a leftist cultist checks in to this thread to whine, THEY have to take a drink!


President Trump's rally today, 7-29-23, in Erie PA.


Just saw a young group chanting "Let's Go Brandon!

Let's count the "pet names" he uses for the dems and RINOs, and play a drinking game -- every time a leftist cultist checks in to this thread to whine, THEY have to take a drink!


hey where you been,i have not heard anything back from you anymore from pms i send you?

im going to a concert soon,i think i will try and get the lets go brandon chant

Okay. Leftist cultists all have to take a drink.

Y'all are going to be pretty fucking drunk by the time "Big T" starts speaking, but then that's not a new thing for you, is it?

Normally, a drinking game is played by the people participating in the game. In other words, the fawning simps like you who are going to lap up every word Trump says...even though you've heard them a hundred times before.

You're really not very smart are you?
Normally, a drinking game is played by the people participating in the game. In other words, the fawning simps like you who are going to lap up every word Trump says...even though you've heard them a hundred times before.

You're really not very smart are you?

Nice :lame2: try.

Shut up and drink.

Sorry simp. This is the true believers game. So drink up. I'll bet you'll be hammered..and damp by..oh, let's say, the 15 minute mark. :auiqs.jpg:

Glad you can make somebody laugh.

It's a shame that somebody is always you.

I mean, unless you count laughing at.

In that case, you're a real chortle-fest.
Normally, a drinking game is played by the people participating in the game. In other words, the fawning simps like you who are going to lap up every word Trump says...even though you've heard them a hundred times before.

You're really not very smart are you?
When Trump speaks, it is not off a cue card. He speaks authentically. And sometimes goes off course. this opens him up to more criticisms. Progs are programmed. Many people who run for office are the same. Trump is not a racist, bigot or anti semite. He is loud, a little arrogant and can be obnoxious. And most men who run for President as a Republican would have wilted from what he has gone through. Prog politicians have no idea what a Republican goes through. It would be ironic if he got the goods on all of his enemies in the media/entertainment and political world on them and their families and just went to town with the jokes and humor and putdowns.
When Trump speaks, it is not off a cue card. He speaks authentically. And sometimes goes off course. this opens him up to more criticisms. Progs are programmed. Many people who run for office are the same. Trump is not a racist, bigot or anti semite. He is loud, a little arrogant and can be obnoxious. And most men who run for President as a Republican would have wilted from what he has gone through. Prog politicians have no idea what a Republican goes through. It would be ironic if he got the goods on all of his enemies in the media/entertainment and political world on them and their families and just went to town with the jokes and humor and putdowns.
Wow, even though I agree with none of this, it's the most coherent thing I've seen you post in years. :)

Trump is a simpleton. He has no beliefs. He doesn't read. He isn't interested in knowledge. I disagree, most people who run for office are interested in serving, even if they bend to one side or the other, and even if that eventually ends up with them being made part of the same machine they railed against when campaigning. Trump has no such interest. He's only interested in what benefits him. He's a blunt instrument. An opportunist. Most men who run for President as Republicans have to deal with people picking apart their policies and what they support. Or in the case of John McCain (a really good guy) and George Bush Sr (another really good guy)...their choice of running mate.

Trump sees a group of people that he can lie to and manipulate and pounces. But there's no substance behind the bluster. He never was able to pivot into the actual job of being President. It's why COVID gained a foothold here and ran roughshod over the country, and it's why he's going to lose again in 2024.
No one wants four more years of Trump's BS.
Sorry simp. This is the true believers game. So drink up. I'll bet you'll be hammered..and damp by..oh, let's say, the 15 minute mark. :auiqs.jpg:

Unlike you, I don't drink.

Go back and read my thread again, if you're not already too drunk.

My thread, my rules.

Can't take the heat?


President Trump's rally today, 7-29-23, in Erie PA.


Just saw a young group chanting "Let's Go Brandon!

Let's count the "pet names" he uses for the dems and RINOs, and play a drinking game -- every time a leftist cultist checks in to this thread to whine, THEY have to take a drink!
Cult will Cult.
You cultists are fucking annoying.
Praise Cult Leader Trump, then somehow call the left a cult.

You clowns don't recognize a cult, because you are the cult.

Trump has a Rally.........Load up the truck and the guns.
trump cult.jpeg

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