Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

You mean like a thousand U.S. troops who were preventing genocide of our Kurdish ally and preventing a resurgence of ISIS? Really...? BTW, those troops were acting mostly in an advisory capacity to the Kurds who were doing all the fighting - and dying.
The Kurds are a mix over the place. We need to bring our boys home. We can send a drone over there if needed. You know to save our troops?
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.

You're an idiot. Please provide one single example of how Donald Trump has profited from being President?
By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency
Lol, I looked it up. Those poor soldiers got to stay at a 5 star hotel for $105 a night. Please tell me again how Trump profited? Tell your lies somewhere else.

Did you read the link or you just stared at it?
You are a good example of an ignorant moron.
They cut the camera off on the FOX feed. She was asked point blank if Don called her a communist. She could not give a straight answer. She sounds like Jimmy Stewart, the way she stutters. That’s her tell when she is lying.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I was wondering if she was half tanked.....because she was wobbling and grinning uncontrollably.

Then you look at how serious and stonefaced Steny Hoyer was.....I kept thinking that Pelosi's facial movements and grinning was a sign of being drunk or high on coke.

We all know the meltdown was Trump's as obvious from his tweets.

The Democrats were probably still in shock after see how deranged Trump was.

You assfucks really should be embarrassed that Trump has made you this pathetic.

Nah, at this point they've got to be used to it. Even Trump's own people treat him like he's a petulant child.

And as Pelosi elegantly demonstrated in Trump's government shut down fiasco.....she knows how to deal with petulant children.

That's the corrupt media's spin.
Anyone tries talking shit to Trump gets canned.

Any other fucking hoaxes you want to float on this thread, Fuckface?

You've crossed the line here, once again, your comments are so ludicrous anyone with eyes and ears open know you are a f'n liar.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Trump's little meltdown likely isn't over.

It looks like you and Nancy are the only ones who had a "meltdown".


Written by a biddable fool, fully expected from this poster.

IDIOT-GRAM: a phrase or one sentence post which lacks substance & is not thoughtful or thought provoking.
I was wondering if she was half tanked.....because she was wobbling and grinning uncontrollably.

Then you look at how serious and stonefaced Steny Hoyer was.....I kept thinking that Pelosi's facial movements and grinning was a sign of being drunk or high on coke.

We all know the meltdown was Trump's as obvious from his tweets.

The Democrats were probably still in shock after see how deranged Trump was.

You assfucks really should be embarrassed that Trump has made you this pathetic.

Nah, at this point they've got to be used to it. Even Trump's own people treat him like he's a petulant child.

And as Pelosi elegantly demonstrated in Trump's government shut down fiasco.....she knows how to deal with petulant children.

That's the corrupt media's spin.
Anyone tries talking shit to Trump gets canned.

Any other fucking hoaxes you want to float on this thread, Fuckface?

You've crossed the line here, once again, your comments are so ludicrous anyone with eyes and ears open know you are a f'n liar.

so did Assad's troops cross the red line. right?

Stop taunting load catcher!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Speaker Pelosi proved once again why she is so great. Trump can't intimidate her. Go Nancy!

Not really she ran out of a meeting, where the other democrats stayed to continue the meeting, where it was more productive according to McCarthy:

McCarthy on Trump meeting: Was more productive without Pelosi

McCarthy is nothing but a puppet of Trump. What do you expect him to say? If Pelosi walked out wasn’t effective do you think McCarthy will come out defending a lousy POTUS.

The democrats that stay behind was there to observe the rest of the meeting. The meeting was trashed by Pelosi in front of weakling Trump.
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
Listen asshole. I used to be one of those military advisers.

So don't you dare lecture me on what my motherfucking job is and what we had to deal with when deployed, Okay???
Speaker Pelosi proved once again why she is so great. Trump can't intimidate her. Go Nancy!

Not really she ran out of a meeting, where the other democrats stayed to continue the meeting, where it was more productive according to McCarthy:

McCarthy on Trump meeting: Was more productive without Pelosi

McCarthy is nothing but a puppet of Trump. What do you expect him to say? If Pelosi walked out wasn’t effective do you think McCarthy will come out defending a lousy POTUS.

The democrats that stay behind was there to observe the rest of the meeting. The meeting was trashed by Pelosi in front of weakling Trump.

So are you one of the aids that was in that room in order to know that about the Dems who stayed behind?
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
Listen asshole. I used to be one of those military advisers.

So don't you dare lecture me on what my motherfucking job is and what we had to deal with when deployed, Okay???
Who in the fuck would be dumb enough to listen to your advice? You have absolutely no logic or ability to reason.
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
Are you delusional ?If Hillary was President we'd probably be at war with Russia right now.
Speaker Pelosi proved once again why she is so great. Trump can't intimidate her. Go Nancy!

Not really she ran out of a meeting, where the other democrats stayed to continue the meeting, where it was more productive according to McCarthy:

McCarthy on Trump meeting: Was more productive without Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi is playing multi-dimensional chess. Trump is playing marbles.

It's so true. She really is outmaneuvering him. And Trump knows it. He and Pelosi go back a bit. He respects her. His attempt at distraction in Syria has backfired horribly. I wonder what is next?

The video is 9 minutes long, yet blasted in less than 2 minutes......

It is amusing to see such ignorance that Lahkota and Indiana spouts about the Turkey "crisis". when the problem was started during the Obama administration. From The Last Refuge

Posted on October 13, 2019 by sundance

President Trump is 100% Correct on Syria Withdrawal – Here’s Why…

Selected Excerpt:

So what has President Trump decided? What are the outcomes?

Turkish President Erdogan was going to enter Syria regardless of what the EU, NATO or the U.S. said about it. Erdogan has the support of political Islam, that’s what is important to his objectives. The EU is so weak, they won’t kick Turkey out of NATO.

Ultimately President Trump is highlighting the reason why the U.S. should withdraw from NATO by spotlighting the insufferable weakness of the assembly. NATO won’t even vote to defend their own interests, so why should the U.S. be their crutch?

With Europe refusing to stand-up to defend their own interests, President Trump is removing U.S. forces from the untenable position of guarding all the big cat cages, ad infinitum, to keep the zoo status intact.

Instead, President Trump is going to support the Arab coalition and the GCC that has been assembling a military coalition to protect itself from the Muslim Brotherhood.

That is why President Trump is willing to support Saudi Arabia with more troops, while withdrawing from Syria where the U.S. was having to stand alone to protect the interests of Europeans who will not protect themselves.

In one regional area the U.S. will support and defend Israel, Egypt and Jordan. In the Southern region the U.S. will support the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain and Qatar).

Will political Islam likely have a resurgence in the region, and will Recep Erdogan rise as the head of the Ottoman Empire once again? The former is likely, the latter is unknown.

President Trump is correctly withdrawing U.S. troops from a position of adversarialism against a NATO member. Why should the U.S. protect the interests of allies who will not stand-up to protect themselves…

and again, from The Last Refuge:

Posted on October 14, 2019 by sundance

Trump’s Syrian Maneuver Works – President Erdogan Asks for Negotiations With Kurds in Syria…


President Trump has played this out perfectly. By isolating Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and effectively leaving him naked to an alliance of his enemies, Erdogan is now urgently asking for the U.S. to mediate peace negotiations with Kurdish forces.

This request happens immediately after President Trump signed an executive order [See Here] triggering the sanction authority of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Erdogan called the White House requesting an urgent phone call with President Trump.

After President Trump talked to Kurdish General Mazloum Kobani Abdi, the commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, President Trump then discussed the options available to President Erdogan. As a result of that conversation, Erdogan requested the U.S. mediate negotiations. Vice-President Mike Pence announces he will be traveling to the region with National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien to lead that effort.


How many people did Trump actually remove.....?


Democrats are so easily mislead, and lied to by the Trump hating media. Now that you have learned a few things, with you stop falling for the media lies, and stop looking stupid in the process?

It’s really incredibly disgusting that you have the guts to post these kinds of lies.

Obama led the coalition to get rid of ISIS in Syria that’s the primary reason we were there. ISIS was eliminated because of Obama’s efforts and strategy with the help of the Kurds in the front lines.
Then this weakling POTUS took the credits at the end.

Endrogan did not invade the Kurds till Trump gave him the go signal to invade That’s a fact.

Trump is nothing but modern weak US leader in US history.
The Kurds are a mix over the place. We need to bring our boys home. We can send a drone over there if needed. You know to save our troops?
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.

You're an idiot. Please provide one single example of how Donald Trump has profited from being President?
By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency
Lol, I looked it up. Those poor soldiers got to stay at a 5 star hotel for $105 a night. Please tell me again how Trump profited? Tell your lies somewhere else.

Did you read the link or you just stared at it?
You are a good example of an ignorant moron.
I ignore you loons, 20 times a day y'all are outraged over something you say has done. Which is bullshit most of the time.
Speaker Pelosi proved once again why she is so great. Trump can't intimidate her. Go Nancy!

Not really she ran out of a meeting, where the other democrats stayed to continue the meeting, where it was more productive according to McCarthy:

McCarthy on Trump meeting: Was more productive without Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi is playing multi-dimensional chess. Trump is playing marbles.

It's so true. She really is outmaneuvering him. And Trump knows it. He and Pelosi go back a bit. He respects her. His attempt at distraction in Syria has backfired horribly. I wonder what is next?

The video is 9 minutes long, yet blasted in less than 2 minutes......

It is amusing to see such ignorance that Lahkota and Indiana spouts about the Turkey "crisis". when the problem was started during the Obama administration. From The Last Refuge

Posted on October 13, 2019 by sundance

President Trump is 100% Correct on Syria Withdrawal – Here’s Why…

Selected Excerpt:

So what has President Trump decided? What are the outcomes?

Turkish President Erdogan was going to enter Syria regardless of what the EU, NATO or the U.S. said about it. Erdogan has the support of political Islam, that’s what is important to his objectives. The EU is so weak, they won’t kick Turkey out of NATO.

Ultimately President Trump is highlighting the reason why the U.S. should withdraw from NATO by spotlighting the insufferable weakness of the assembly. NATO won’t even vote to defend their own interests, so why should the U.S. be their crutch?

With Europe refusing to stand-up to defend their own interests, President Trump is removing U.S. forces from the untenable position of guarding all the big cat cages, ad infinitum, to keep the zoo status intact.

Instead, President Trump is going to support the Arab coalition and the GCC that has been assembling a military coalition to protect itself from the Muslim Brotherhood.

That is why President Trump is willing to support Saudi Arabia with more troops, while withdrawing from Syria where the U.S. was having to stand alone to protect the interests of Europeans who will not protect themselves.

In one regional area the U.S. will support and defend Israel, Egypt and Jordan. In the Southern region the U.S. will support the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain and Qatar).

Will political Islam likely have a resurgence in the region, and will Recep Erdogan rise as the head of the Ottoman Empire once again? The former is likely, the latter is unknown.

President Trump is correctly withdrawing U.S. troops from a position of adversarialism against a NATO member. Why should the U.S. protect the interests of allies who will not stand-up to protect themselves…

and again, from The Last Refuge:

Posted on October 14, 2019 by sundance

Trump’s Syrian Maneuver Works – President Erdogan Asks for Negotiations With Kurds in Syria…


President Trump has played this out perfectly. By isolating Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and effectively leaving him naked to an alliance of his enemies, Erdogan is now urgently asking for the U.S. to mediate peace negotiations with Kurdish forces.

This request happens immediately after President Trump signed an executive order [See Here] triggering the sanction authority of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Erdogan called the White House requesting an urgent phone call with President Trump.

After President Trump talked to Kurdish General Mazloum Kobani Abdi, the commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, President Trump then discussed the options available to President Erdogan. As a result of that conversation, Erdogan requested the U.S. mediate negotiations. Vice-President Mike Pence announces he will be traveling to the region with National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien to lead that effort.


How many people did Trump actually remove.....?


Democrats are so easily mislead, and lied to by the Trump hating media. Now that you have learned a few things, with you stop falling for the media lies, and stop looking stupid in the process?

It’s really incredibly disgusting that you have the guts to post these kinds of lies.

Obama led the coalition to get rid of ISIS in Syria that’s the primary reason we were there. ISIS was eliminated because of Obama’s efforts and strategy with the help of the Kurds in the front lines.
Then this weakling POTUS took the credits at the end.

Endrogan did not invade the Kurds till Trump gave him the go signal to invade That’s a fact.

Trump is nothing but modern weak US leader in US history.

One question. do you know how long we were to be in Syria according the Obama (pbuh).
It has been widely reported that approximately 10,000 Kurds have died while fighting and defeating ISIS - so why does Trump try to take the credit? Trump rewards the Kurds with genocide.

How many American men and women should have their arms and legs blown off protecting the Kurds pick a number.
Well, trumpanzees are too busy gearing up for their fantasy civil war.

Seriously pick a number. Lets start with American women how many should DIE in YOUR foreign never ending wars?

What never ending war? The war with the Kurds, Turkey, Iraq will never end but the presence of only 50 US troops sealed peace in that area where the Kurds are.

We supposed to be the leader of the free world. Super power.
That is why your president bragged how powerful is the military the best in the world. He said that many times. He even bluff armada is coming. So what good is that if we show the world we are nothing but back stabbing and weak?

Withdrawing of only 50 troops from a very close ally made us very weak. Worse Russia took over our spot.
Maybe we should let the Russia take over. Would you like that?
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.

You're an idiot. Please provide one single example of how Donald Trump has profited from being President?
By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency
Lol, I looked it up. Those poor soldiers got to stay at a 5 star hotel for $105 a night. Please tell me again how Trump profited? Tell your lies somewhere else.

Did you read the link or you just stared at it?
You are a good example of an ignorant moron.
I ignore you loons, 20 times a day y'all are outraged over something you say has done. Which is bullshit most of the time.

Actually I like it that way. I can just freely kick your stupidity and ignorance ass without getting back at me. So I enjoyed your strategy.
They aren't going home, they're going to Saudi Arabia...trump makes more money that way.

You're an idiot. Please provide one single example of how Donald Trump has profited from being President?
By the numbers: How Trump properties profited from his presidency
Lol, I looked it up. Those poor soldiers got to stay at a 5 star hotel for $105 a night. Please tell me again how Trump profited? Tell your lies somewhere else.

Did you read the link or you just stared at it?
You are a good example of an ignorant moron.
I ignore you loons, 20 times a day y'all are outraged over something you say has done. Which is bullshit most of the time.

Prove to me where I bullshit.
Speaker Pelosi proved once again why she is so great. Trump can't intimidate her. Go Nancy!

Not really she ran out of a meeting, where the other democrats stayed to continue the meeting, where it was more productive according to McCarthy:

McCarthy on Trump meeting: Was more productive without Pelosi

Speaker Pelosi is playing multi-dimensional chess. Trump is playing marbles.

It's so true. She really is outmaneuvering him. And Trump knows it. He and Pelosi go back a bit. He respects her. His attempt at distraction in Syria has backfired horribly. I wonder what is next?

The video is 9 minutes long, yet blasted in less than 2 minutes......

It is amusing to see such ignorance that Lahkota and Indiana spouts about the Turkey "crisis". when the problem was started during the Obama administration. From The Last Refuge

Posted on October 13, 2019 by sundance

President Trump is 100% Correct on Syria Withdrawal – Here’s Why…

Selected Excerpt:

So what has President Trump decided? What are the outcomes?

Turkish President Erdogan was going to enter Syria regardless of what the EU, NATO or the U.S. said about it. Erdogan has the support of political Islam, that’s what is important to his objectives. The EU is so weak, they won’t kick Turkey out of NATO.

Ultimately President Trump is highlighting the reason why the U.S. should withdraw from NATO by spotlighting the insufferable weakness of the assembly. NATO won’t even vote to defend their own interests, so why should the U.S. be their crutch?

With Europe refusing to stand-up to defend their own interests, President Trump is removing U.S. forces from the untenable position of guarding all the big cat cages, ad infinitum, to keep the zoo status intact.

Instead, President Trump is going to support the Arab coalition and the GCC that has been assembling a military coalition to protect itself from the Muslim Brotherhood.

That is why President Trump is willing to support Saudi Arabia with more troops, while withdrawing from Syria where the U.S. was having to stand alone to protect the interests of Europeans who will not protect themselves.

In one regional area the U.S. will support and defend Israel, Egypt and Jordan. In the Southern region the U.S. will support the Gulf Cooperation Council (Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Yemen, Bahrain and Qatar).

Will political Islam likely have a resurgence in the region, and will Recep Erdogan rise as the head of the Ottoman Empire once again? The former is likely, the latter is unknown.

President Trump is correctly withdrawing U.S. troops from a position of adversarialism against a NATO member. Why should the U.S. protect the interests of allies who will not stand-up to protect themselves…

and again, from The Last Refuge:

Posted on October 14, 2019 by sundance

Trump’s Syrian Maneuver Works – President Erdogan Asks for Negotiations With Kurds in Syria…


President Trump has played this out perfectly. By isolating Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and effectively leaving him naked to an alliance of his enemies, Erdogan is now urgently asking for the U.S. to mediate peace negotiations with Kurdish forces.

This request happens immediately after President Trump signed an executive order [See Here] triggering the sanction authority of Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin. Erdogan called the White House requesting an urgent phone call with President Trump.

After President Trump talked to Kurdish General Mazloum Kobani Abdi, the commander of the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces, President Trump then discussed the options available to President Erdogan. As a result of that conversation, Erdogan requested the U.S. mediate negotiations. Vice-President Mike Pence announces he will be traveling to the region with National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien to lead that effort.


How many people did Trump actually remove.....?


Democrats are so easily mislead, and lied to by the Trump hating media. Now that you have learned a few things, with you stop falling for the media lies, and stop looking stupid in the process?

It’s really incredibly disgusting that you have the guts to post these kinds of lies.

Obama led the coalition to get rid of ISIS in Syria that’s the primary reason we were there. ISIS was eliminated because of Obama’s efforts and strategy with the help of the Kurds in the front lines.
Then this weakling POTUS took the credits at the end.

Endrogan did not invade the Kurds till Trump gave him the go signal to invade That’s a fact.

Trump is nothing but modern weak US leader in US history.

Under Obama they were special forces only and highly regulated.
Under Trump he sent regular U.S. troops and they were allowed to fight and won.
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
The senate is expected

:21::auiqs.jpg::badgrin: dream on....:cuckoo::laughing0301:

Trump’s decision has drawn harsh criticism from congressional Republicans and Democrats alike, including one of his closest allies, GOP Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.

“This is the most screwed-up decision I’ve seen since I have been in Congress,” Graham said at a Senate Foreign Relations Committee meeting.

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Just don't act like no one told you it was coming.
Yep....pulling 50 guys back from a forward area because they couldn't properly defend their positions is a terrible decision.
And I bet those 50 guys are happy as shit right now that Hillary isn't president....who would leave them there to die in the crossfire between Syria and Turkey.

Bullshit. Are you people really really these dumb?

US forces in Syria are blasting Trump stupidity.
If Trump didn’t give Endrogan the go signal to invade the Kurds the 50 US troops would not be in harms way.

The 50 are there as peace keepers, advisers and trainers. Playing soccer. That is why it’s only 50.

That is right Hillary is far sharper and better than this weakling POTUS. She would not let this happen to even start.
Are you delusional ?If Hillary was President we'd probably be at war with Russia right now.

Hell NO and NO because Putin is very scared of Hillary that is why Putin rape our democracy during the 2016 election to help Trump won.

NOW you have Trump licking Putin and a lover. That is just wonderful.
Then displayed weakness in the ME. A very good example of that is the current chaos, killings and displacements of thousands of Kurds families that he created.

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