Trump "Meltdown": Rages at Speaker Pelosi to her face over Turkey crisis

Let's pretend the guy who proudly showed off his idiotic, childish letter to Erdogan is the stable one.

That would mean we would need to pretend that the dumbest, most vulgar idiot-grams posted above are substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking - Trump's supporters cannot defend Trump's childish temper tantrums and must attack Democrats, The Press and The Truth.

"After top Democrats left the bipartisan meeting with Trump, Pelosi told reporters that the president appeared “shaken up” by a House vote condemning his decision to remove U.S. forces from northern Syria. The House approved the resolution in an overwhelming 354-60 vote, as even a majority of Trump’s Republican Party supported it."
Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

Expect more attacks on The Speaker, and calling the 129 Republicans who voted to condemn his decision as RINO's.
or not.
Let's pretend the guy who proudly showed off his idiotic, childish letter to Erdogan is the stable one.

That would mean we would need to pretend that the dumbest, most vulgar idiot-grams posted above are substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking - Trump's supporters cannot defend Trump's childish temper tantrums and must attack Democrats, The Press and The Truth.

"After top Democrats left the bipartisan meeting with Trump, Pelosi told reporters that the president appeared “shaken up” by a House vote condemning his decision to remove U.S. forces from northern Syria. The House approved the resolution in an overwhelming 354-60 vote, as even a majority of Trump’s Republican Party supported it."
Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

Expect more attacks on The Speaker, and calling the 129 Republicans who voted to condemn his decision as RINO's.

or not.

"or not"? I hope you are correct, it's time for the Truth to prevail, and people like you (supporters of trump) wake up and understand trump is an empty suit, a man-child and unfit to be POTUS.
Let's pretend the guy who proudly showed off his idiotic, childish letter to Erdogan is the stable one.

That would mean we would need to pretend that the dumbest, most vulgar idiot-grams posted above are substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking - Trump's supporters cannot defend Trump's childish temper tantrums and must attack Democrats, The Press and The Truth.

"After top Democrats left the bipartisan meeting with Trump, Pelosi told reporters that the president appeared “shaken up” by a House vote condemning his decision to remove U.S. forces from northern Syria. The House approved the resolution in an overwhelming 354-60 vote, as even a majority of Trump’s Republican Party supported it."
Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

Expect more attacks on The Speaker, and calling the 129 Republicans who voted to condemn his decision as RINO's.

or not.

"or not"? I hope you are correct, it's time for the Truth to prevail, and people like you (supporters of trump) wake up and understand trump is an empty suit, a man-child and unfit to be POTUS.
define unfit? I've asked and none of you TDS fks ever answer. hmmmm

He can walk,
He can talk
he can negotiate
he can hire and fire
he can get from here to there and back
he can pay his bills

hmmmm I'm waiting.
I just saw a fuming Chuck Schumer screaming at the cameras saying Trump was mean to Nancy Pelosi causing her to storm out.....and while he's doing this Nancy Pelosi couldn't contain her glee. It was sick and pathetic. Why would Pelosi be so happy about a serious matter such as this? Because it's once again...complete fucking BULLSHIT!!!

I could see Pelosi trying hard to suppress her laughter...but she just couldn't control herself. It was like watching a spoiled brat who was caught doing something wrong but having their mother defend her, regardless how horrid she acted.

It's like when a little brat teases her sister and then when her sister smacks her back.....Mommy grabs her sister and beats her right in front of her. It was just like that. Sick.....Demented.....Pathetically obvious.

I'm waiting for the YouTube video of this sick display to come out. Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

They looked kind of glum and defeated inside.

View attachment 284860
When Trump walked into the room with these three it was like walking into a OP Home. The smell of piss and perfume was unavoidable. Poor Trump didn't know whether to offer them a bowl of oat meal or a stroll around the grounds for a little fresh air. Come on man. These three should have been retired years ago. Demented fossils like this are ruining our government. It's a damn shame that Trump has to fight his own people so much, especially when he's acting in the best interests of the American worker and taxpayer
She looks so disheveled and high her hair was a mess ,, it’s like she was orgasm on trumps presence ..
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
show me the photo. I saw Pelosi losing it. now show me the one concerning the president.
Let's pretend the guy who proudly showed off his idiotic, childish letter to Erdogan is the stable one.

That would mean we would need to pretend that the dumbest, most vulgar idiot-grams posted above are substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking - Trump's supporters cannot defend Trump's childish temper tantrums and must attack Democrats, The Press and The Truth.

"After top Democrats left the bipartisan meeting with Trump, Pelosi told reporters that the president appeared “shaken up” by a House vote condemning his decision to remove U.S. forces from northern Syria. The House approved the resolution in an overwhelming 354-60 vote, as even a majority of Trump’s Republican Party supported it."
Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

Expect more attacks on The Speaker, and calling the 129 Republicans who voted to condemn his decision as RINO's.

or not.

"or not"? I hope you are correct, it's time for the Truth to prevail, and people like you (supporters of trump) wake up and understand trump is an empty suit, a man-child and unfit to be POTUS.
define unfit? I've asked and none of you TDS fks ever answer. hmmmm

He can walk,
He can talk
he can negotiate
he can hire and fire
he can get from here to there and back
he can pay his bills

hmmmm I'm waiting.

His behavior is that of a child, a spoiled child at that. Leaders are not name callers; real leaders don't act impulsively, they heed the ideas of subordinates - Trump only wants to be surrounded by "yes" men and women.

That is sufficient to answer your question.
She looks so disheveled and high her hair was a mess ,, it’s like she was orgasm on trumps presence ..
I just saw a fuming Chuck Schumer screaming at the cameras saying Trump was mean to Nancy Pelosi causing her to storm out.....and while he's doing this Nancy Pelosi couldn't contain her glee. It was sick and pathetic. Why would Pelosi be so happy about a serious matter such as this? Because it's once again...complete fucking BULLSHIT!!!

I could see Pelosi trying hard to suppress her laughter...but she just couldn't control herself. It was like watching a spoiled brat who was caught doing something wrong but having their mother defend her, regardless how horrid she acted.

It's like when a little brat teases her sister and then when her sister smacks her back.....Mommy grabs her sister and beats her right in front of her. It was just like that. Sick.....Demented.....Pathetically obvious.

I'm waiting for the YouTube video of this sick display to come out. Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

They looked kind of glum and defeated inside.

View attachment 284860
When Trump walked into the room with these three it was like walking into a OP Home. The smell of piss and perfume was unavoidable. Poor Trump didn't know whether to offer them a bowl of oat meal or a stroll around the grounds for a little fresh air. Come on man. These three should have been retired years ago. Demented fossils like this are ruining our government. It's a damn shame that Trump has to fight his own people so much, especially when he's acting in the best interests of the American worker and taxpayer

Do you really believe what you've posted above?

It appears that you made this all up.
I just saw a fuming Chuck Schumer screaming at the cameras saying Trump was mean to Nancy Pelosi causing her to storm out.....and while he's doing this Nancy Pelosi couldn't contain her glee. It was sick and pathetic. Why would Pelosi be so happy about a serious matter such as this? Because it's once again...complete fucking BULLSHIT!!!

I could see Pelosi trying hard to suppress her laughter...but she just couldn't control herself. It was like watching a spoiled brat who was caught doing something wrong but having their mother defend her, regardless how horrid she acted.

It's like when a little brat teases her sister and then when her sister smacks her back.....Mommy grabs her sister and beats her right in front of her. It was just like that. Sick.....Demented.....Pathetically obvious.

I'm waiting for the YouTube video of this sick display to come out. Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'
The media has moved the political needle to the Democrat side-nothing can stop it-get used to seeing this until Trump is gone.
I just saw a fuming Chuck Schumer screaming at the cameras saying Trump was mean to Nancy Pelosi causing her to storm out.....and while he's doing this Nancy Pelosi couldn't contain her glee. It was sick and pathetic. Why would Pelosi be so happy about a serious matter such as this? Because it's once again...complete fucking BULLSHIT!!!

I could see Pelosi trying hard to suppress her laughter...but she just couldn't control herself. It was like watching a spoiled brat who was caught doing something wrong but having their mother defend her, regardless how horrid she acted.

It's like when a little brat teases her sister and then when her sister smacks her back.....Mommy grabs her sister and beats her right in front of her. It was just like that. Sick.....Demented.....Pathetically obvious.

I'm waiting for the YouTube video of this sick display to come out. Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'
Didn't realize women her age still had PMS it must be the TDS
Let's pretend the guy who proudly showed off his idiotic, childish letter to Erdogan is the stable one.

That would mean we would need to pretend that the dumbest, most vulgar idiot-grams posted above are substantive, thoughtful or thought provoking - Trump's supporters cannot defend Trump's childish temper tantrums and must attack Democrats, The Press and The Truth.

"After top Democrats left the bipartisan meeting with Trump, Pelosi told reporters that the president appeared “shaken up” by a House vote condemning his decision to remove U.S. forces from northern Syria. The House approved the resolution in an overwhelming 354-60 vote, as even a majority of Trump’s Republican Party supported it."
Democrats say they left White House meeting on Syria after Trump 'meltdown'

Expect more attacks on The Speaker, and calling the 129 Republicans who voted to condemn his decision as RINO's.

or not.

"or not"? I hope you are correct, it's time for the Truth to prevail, and people like you (supporters of trump) wake up and understand trump is an empty suit, a man-child and unfit to be POTUS.
define unfit? I've asked and none of you TDS fks ever answer. hmmmm

He can walk,
He can talk
he can negotiate
he can hire and fire
he can get from here to there and back
he can pay his bills

hmmmm I'm waiting.

His behavior is that of a child, a spoiled child at that. Leaders are not name callers; real leaders don't act impulsively, they heed the ideas of subordinates - Trump only wants to be surrounded by "yes" men and women.

That is sufficient to answer your question.
you've experienced it? wow. when?
Her teeth keep shifting out of place....Having that stupid smile plastered on her face was the only thing that kept them from falling out.

You actually witnessed this, her teeth shiting out of place and a stupid smile too.

Provide proof that you saw this, or be known as you have also been known, as a lying piece of human excrement.
you never watch her speak? hly fk. she plays with her dentures almost every time.
US troops in Syria are obviously completely illegal, and anyone putting them there needs to be prosecuted.
It was stupid and illegal to invade Iraq in the first place, but even worse to arm rebels against Assad.
We clearly wanted to make things bad deliberately, and are still trying to make them worse.
The US just needs to entirely and completely get out of the whole Mideast.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) said Wednesday that President Donald Trump berated House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) during a meeting on the president’s handling of the Turkey crisis.

Schumer told reporters that Trump “was insulting to the speaker” at the meeting and that he called Pelosi a “third-rate politician.” The senator also said the meeting was more of a “diatribe” than a “dialogue.”

The meeting came after what Pelosi said was “a very difficult time for” Trump, referencing the House’s nonbinding resolution that opposes the president’s withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.

Democrats and Republicans overwhelmingly condemned Trump’s decision to effectively greenlight Turkey’s invasion of the region, a move that put America’s Kurdish allies in danger and would likely lead to a resurgence of ISIS.

More: Chuck Schumer: Trump 'Was Insulting' To Nancy Pelosi In Turkey Discussions

Democrats storm out. I don't blame them!
The man has an issue with women his equal. That's the one hope I have for Warren. Although he was the goader and she was the goadee on Pochanatas-gate
The man has an issue with women his equal. That's the one hope I have for Warren. Although he was the goader and she was the goadee on Pochanatas-gate

His "equal"????? He's the President...she's the Speaker.....he got over 63,000,000 votes to hold his office...she got a little over 200,000 for hers.... He's a genius, she's a botoxed hag who's dentures keep falling out.....
All the botox, face-lifts, and hair dye in Frisco can't disguise the fact Fancy Nancy is a doddering old fool in expensive clothing. She's obsessed with proving to Trump she is his equal....absurd by any stretch of the imagination. He got 63,000,000 votes to hold his office, she got a little over 200,000 to hold hers. She has a tiny minority of commie misfits in the House, he fills massive arenas and has 95% of GOP support. She won't allow needed legislation like USMCA, immigration-loopholes, or infrastructure repair to even be voted on. And then there's last night when she refused to look at the Trump letter to Erdogan, smiled that demented denture-loosening smile, and then stood up and pointed a bony finger at the President of the Untied States before storming out of the WH....She clearly needs an intervention and be put on a 72 hour mental health hold. :uhoh3:


Pelosi-Trump feud at boiling point after 'meltdown' at White House; Rep. Elijah Cummings dead

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