Trump made at least $9.6 million from the Middle East while president

and kusher made 2 billion bucks.

What Happened: The House Oversight Committee Chairman, in an interview with CNN, said that Kushner "crossed the line of ethics" as he accepted a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government for his private investment firm, six months after leaving the White House.

"I've been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics," Comer said.

Kushner was a graduate of the Sloppy Joe Biden school of ethics.
A pointless attempt at a pointless scenario.

On the other hand, Biden’s flunkie, Merrick Garland, “could have” appointed a corrupt special prosecutor to investigate Hunter Biden and the Dems / Marxists wouldn’t care.
A good point that obviously triggered a Trumpster. You. Sorry.

But feel free to keep bitching.

Oh, sorry. I hurt your feelings with criticism of Sloppy Joe having his flunkie Merrick Garland appoint a corrupt Dem flunkie to investigate Hunter Biden.

Do you suppose another sweetheart deal for Hunter was worked out weeks ago?
The good thing is I'm not like you.

Nail Hunter. Nail Joe. If they broke the law, nail them. Make examples of them. No excuses, no conspiracy theories, no complaints from me.

You rubes don't say the same about Trump. Because you're weak.
"could have"

I try to keep this stuff simple for you folks.

Is English your first language?
…and Biden could have enabled his crackhead son to extort $50 million from foreign enemies, hide the income in 20 shell companies and then hand it out throughout The Family, and thus leaving a phenomenal legacy to his heirs, and leftists still wouldn’t care.
…and Biden could have enabled his crackhead son to extort $50 million from foreign enemies, hide the income in 20 shell companies and then hand it out throughout The Family, and thus leaving a phenomenal legacy to his heirs, and leftists still wouldn’t care.
You'll have to discuss that with a leftist.

Please see the post before yours.
Here we go again.

Name three policy positions of mine that are on the Left.

You've "seen hundreds" of my posts. This will be easy for you.
Anyone who refers to Trump as an Orange Anything is a leftist.

But let me ask you:

1. Are you for a strong border and ramping down on the illegal alien invasion?

2. Are you for drilling on our own land and becoming energy independent from our foreign adversaries?

3. Are you for having bail for all violent crimes, and for cracking down on the high rate of crime that is spiking in Democrat cities?

If so, and the race is between Trump and Biden, you must vote for Trump.
and kusher made 2 billion bucks.

What Happened: The House Oversight Committee Chairman, in an interview with CNN, said that Kushner "crossed the line of ethics" as he accepted a $2 billion investment from the Saudi government for his private investment firm, six months after leaving the White House.

"I've been vocal that I think that what Kushner did crossed the line of ethics," Comer said.

Comer differentiated between the business dealings of the Trump and Biden families, viewing the latter as more severe.

Last year, the Trump Organization also entered into a $1.6 billion licensing deal for a housing and golf complex, Aida, in Oman, with Saudi developer Dar Al Arkan. This development underscores the complexity of the Trump family’s business dealings with the Saudis, which have been a source of controversy.

So? Nothing illegal about conducting legitimate businesses.

And unlike the Biden Crime Family, they declared it and paid taxes on it.

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