Trump loyalists team up with anti-vax doctors for ‘health and freedom’ tour

This shitshow is headlined by Patriot Mike Flynn and the acts are the biggest assembly of loons ever found in one tent.

Mike Lindell is probably the best known but my favourite is a "Docter" called Stella Immanuel who has stated that -
.America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

There are other crazies on board and perhaps it is lucky that pardoned felon Flynn is on board to lend the event some gravitas. I understand that Flynn is the "lock her up guy" who got locked up himself for lying.

Coming to a town near you and tickets available for a reasonable $250 or $500 VIP for those who dont want to mix with the unwashed.

Tommy says - At an event of this type it would seem worth the $500 to not sit with the unvaxxed herd. Stay safe.
A demon is a negative force that possesses people's minds. They are not physical or spiritual beings.
And Lucifer is not a devil. It was a mistranslation in the Bible. The translators thought it was a name of someone or being. And so they had left it untranslated. But the one God referred to His morning star could be anyone in the Bible. That all of them fell from their place.

A demon is a negative force that possesses people's minds. They are not physical or spiritual beings.
And Lucifer is not a devil. It was a mistranslation in the Bible. The translators thought it was a name of someone or being. And so they had left it untranslated. But the one God referred to His morning star could be anyone in the Bible. That all of them fell from their place.

But that is your interpretation. You cant cherry pick parts of the Bible. It is what it is.
But that is your interpretation. You cant cherry pick parts of the Bible. It is what it is.
The Jews don't believe in demons. They believed that everything is of God because of the Book of Isaiah chapter 45. They thought they were angels from God that tortured them when they are bad, like punishers. But God hands them over to them, but they don't belong to the kingdom of God.

Like in Paul's gospel of the book of Romans in chapter one. Talks about how corrupt the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. That Paul said that God hand them over to these demons to stop them from bearing any more fruits. These demons had them desiring for unnatural sex so that they were unable to procreate.
And in other gospels. That is why the blinded men and crippled beg Jesus for forgiveness. Because these demons were afflicting them, causing them to be blind and crippled.
But the difference between the ones being afflicted during the time of Jesus and those of the towns of Sodom and Gomorrah. The ones of Jesus' times repent which means they were ashamed. And the Sodomites loved their afflictions which loving their new sinful lifestyle means they are sinners. That they didn't showed any repentance at all.

These demons love to distort God's creations. By creating them in their own likeness, that it makes them feel like a proud father.

Romans 1:27
In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

Matthew 4:24
News about him spread all over Syria, and people brought to him all who were ill with various diseases, those suffering severe pain, the demon-possessed, those having seizures, and the paralyzed; and he healed them.

Matthew 8:16
When evening came, many who were demon-possessed were brought to him, and he drove out the spirits with a word and healed all the sick.

Matthew 9:32
While they were going out, a man who was demon-possessed and could not talk was brought to Jesus.

Luke 8:30

Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he replied, because many demons had gone into him.


This shitshow is headlined by Patriot Mike Flynn and the acts are the biggest assembly of loons ever found in one tent.

Mike Lindell is probably the best known but my favourite is a "Docter" called Stella Immanuel who has stated that -
.America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

There are other crazies on board and perhaps it is lucky that pardoned felon Flynn is on board to lend the event some gravitas. I understand that Flynn is the "lock her up guy" who got locked up himself for lying.

Coming to a town near you and tickets available for a reasonable $250 or $500 VIP for those who dont want to mix with the unwashed.

Tommy says - At an event of this type it would seem worth the $500 to not sit with the unvaxxed herd. Stay safe.
She seems to be pretty real to me. Crazy as fuck.

No one has ever heard of her, much less follows her.

You fascist vermin assign who you WANT us to follow.

Here is the brain trust of the Nazi democrats.


This shitshow is headlined by Patriot Mike Flynn and the acts are the biggest assembly of loons ever found in one tent.

Mike Lindell is probably the best known but my favourite is a "Docter" called Stella Immanuel who has stated that -
.America’s health problems were linked to alien DNA and sperm from demons

There are other crazies on board and perhaps it is lucky that pardoned felon Flynn is on board to lend the event some gravitas. I understand that Flynn is the "lock her up guy" who got locked up himself for lying.

Coming to a town near you and tickets available for a reasonable $250 or $500 VIP for those who dont want to mix with the unwashed.

Tommy says - At an event of this type it would seem worth the $500 to not sit with the unvaxxed herd. Stay safe.
How's that Orange Man Bad ulcer coming along?

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