Trump loyalists team up with anti-vax doctors for ‘health and freedom’ tour

that would be Uncensored2008 who thinks everyone is a Nazi who disagrees with him.
Just you Nazis.
My grandparents fled Germany in 1928. As a child I would ask why the German people let the
Nazis rise. Were people blind? Did they not see what was going on? My grandmother explained that there was comfort. That people feared losing their jobs, their homes, and the comforts of life so would not speak up. And a great many viewed the Nazis as a source of prosperity and pride. The loss of liberty and the violence on the streets was less important than a stable currency and heat in their homes.

Hitler used an old trope to consolidate power, a scapegoat. He chose the Jews, but it could be anyone, who it is doesn't matter, just as long as people can be focused on one group as the cause of all problems.

Around 2010, I observed that Obama was using the same trope, and not just Obama, but the party and the utterly corrupt press. Whites have been the safe group to lampoon and set as the butt of all jokes for decades. But this was different, uglier, meaner. By 2015 open hatred of whites was part of everyday life. The halls of education railed against the new Juden, the whites, Hollywood changed the tone and amped up the vitriolic anti-White crusade. And the party became openly hostile to anything white, culture and people.

The democrats had become the new Nazi party.

You are collectivist totalitarians who crush individualism in favor of group identity within your Reich.

You are as a matter of absolute fact, Nazis.
Everybody who uses the term "anti-vaxxer" needs to be held down by a couple of big mean motherfuckers and injected with about ten times the usual dose of LSD, so that we can watch them squirm and whine and sizzle like an egg on a hot grill.
We need to get anti-vaxxers to understand that the vaccine is super dangerous. It's like a million guns that doctors put in your body. Why do you think they call it a "shot"? It's a million tiny guns we give to your immune system to help them fight the illegal Covid immigrants.

That's why you get two shots. The first shot is building a wall so Covid can't get in.

By the way, we use the genetic code of the virus to build the vaccine, so it's kind of like we built the wall but the virus paid for it.

The second shot is millions of tiny loaded AR-15s so your blood cells can fight the Covid that sneaks in past the wall.

But you should know we only give the tiny guns to some of the blood cells. You might think that every blood cell has a God-given right to bear tiny arms, and I know this is politically incorrect, but the only ones that are good enough and responsible enough to get the guns are the WHITE blood cells.
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We need to get anti-vaxxers to understand that the vaccine is super dangerous. It's like a million guns that doctors put in your body. Why do you think they call it a "shot"? It's a million tiny guns we give to your immune system to help them fight the illegal Covid immigrants.

That's why you get two shots. The first shot is building a wall so Covid can't get in.

By the way, we use the genetic code of the virus to build the vaccine, so it's kind of like we built the wall but the virus paid for it.

The second shot is millions of tiny loaded AR-15s so your blood cells can fight the Covid that sneaks in past the wall.

But you should know we only give the tiny guns to some of the blood cells. You might think that every blood cell has a God-given right to bear tiny arms, and I know this is politically incorrect, but the only ones that are good enough and responsible enough to get the guns are the WHITE blood cells.
No, no, no, no!! Don't tell them anything. Let 'em get the virus...let 'god' sort 'em out.
No, no, no, no!! Don't tell them anything. Let 'em get the virus...let 'god' sort 'em out.
We'll be ready. For whatever happens. Looking forward to it.

Please keep it up with your diatribes. It's hilarious that you think that you are intimidating anyone with your death cult fantasies. I like the entertainment.
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Why would anybody want you to get the shot? We're hoping the likes of you get the damned virus. Darwin's law and all that...

Keep hoping. 83% of us were immune before it got here.

One co-worker had it for three days, came to work and coughed on all of us.... Did not miss a shift either....

Covid - weak ass bullshit flu that left America last year

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