Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....


The real "test" will be when the ex military advisers currently surrounding Trump, begin to resign.

You vile filth have used every tactic you could in your coup. You finally think you found one that will work.

I don't think it will, I think your civil war is going to backfire on you.

I hate Nazis, and that includes you.

There is no civil war and there never will be.
Joint Chiefs Denounce Racism After Trump's Comments

I love it that the racists loved Trumps comments. One white nationalist yesterday said Trump didn't go far enough and he said Trump wasn't nearly as conservative as he would like. And he gave an example. He said, "a real conservative would have never given his daughter to a jew".

Yes I saw that as well. Can't believe Tweety didn't get on there and blast that idiot. Guess he figures he can't afford to lose any more base?

I would love to see him start a twitter war with that racist. Until then, here is Christopher Cantwell crying

I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.

A libtard commenting on morales? How quaint.
"grab her by the pussy!"
A leftist whining about morals. Really?
Since you know Trump has no morals except scamming people out of money and sexually assaulting women you take frustration out on Nat.

I'm not frustrated, I'm amused a leftist whining about morals.

As for Gnat? He's a bitter being and as stupid as a stump. Pretty much like you

Good theatre though
So you tired of winning yet?
You DEPLORABLES are the worst people on earth and someday you'll regret voting for this lunatic.
The republican garbage don't like losers ?? WTF was Gen Robert E Lee?
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
I find it hard to believe that they post on public forums. Their spewage is embarrassing to the human race.

It's funny they don't realize how sad and comical they sound...they fancy themselves intellectuals while in reality they are clowns
Normally the office of the Presidency demands respect even from those of opposing views

But Trump shows no respect for the office he holds and has earned none in return
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
Sassy and smoke a lib My idea is to take all those statues of American traitors and put them in a hall of shame so all you little righty terrorists can visit them
Normally the office of the Presidency demands respect even from those of opposing views

But Trump shows no respect for the office he holds and has earned none in return
That is the bottom line Too bad others here ,sassy smoke chic etc etc are blind as bats
WTF is moral authority? Since when does any leftist have cause to discuss morals? These lazy-ass marxists are fuckin whacked.

The loons have completely lost their ever lovin minds. Over the top stupid
I find it hard to believe that they post on public forums. Their spewage is embarrassing to the human race.

It's funny they don't realize how sad and comical they sound...they fancy themselves intellectuals while in reality they are clowns

The clowns fled from Charlottesville in disgrace.
At times of national tragedy. The public looks to the president for leadership

Trump has failed tragically
What could be easier for a President to do than publically stand on the throats of Nazis? How could a President pass the opportunity or kick the Nazis?

How could Trump wiff on a big fat hanging curveball like "Mr. President! Do you support the actions of the Neo-Nazis?"

Anyone with a pulse, let alone a soul, would take that microphone and proclaim for all the world to hear that he hates, disavows and condemns Nazis!
Why didn't he say so? Maybe because he didn't want to lie. Trump is a real white man and admires men such as Hitler, Putin, etc. They are/were moral men of action.
And you are taking in oxygen that should be used by human beings.
Trump is one of us. God only knows what you are.
Trump is our president

The man we look to for moral guidance. Most of the country is repulsed by him
At times of national tragedy. The public looks to the president for leadership

Trump has failed tragically
And now even his own party knows it and the isolation is growing
Trump loves adoration
He lives for praise

It seems he has nobody on his side except the deplorables

I can't see him lasting long before he breaks. His breakdown on Tuesday was just a start
The basket of deplorable is being distilled down to its base alloy. All those Trump supporters who were insulted by Sec. Clinton's alagory are now confronted with the truth at the core of her statement. It's curious to see who will step up and remain steadfast in their support for him given his reaction to the violence in Charlottesville.

Who will take up the mantle of deplorable and who will finally see the forest for the trees?
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At times of national tragedy. The public looks to the president for leadership

Trump has failed tragically
And now even his own party knows it and the isolation is growing
Trump loves adoration
He lives for praise

It seems he has nobody on his side except the deplorables

I can't see him lasting long before he breaks. His breakdown on Tuesday was just a start
Wait till Mueller gets a hold of him Trump will go nutz

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