Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

The republican-led congress reconvenes in TWO weeks............If this fiasco by Trump is still in the headlines and if polls begin to show his popularity in the 20s, we will see if elected GOP'ers have the balls to finally state that "the emperor has no clothes."
Video and pictures from Charlottesville and trump quotes, I predict, are going to figure heavily in 2018 campaign ads. Why do you think all those GOPrs are getting their condemnation tweets and e-mails out there?

The real "test" will be when the ex military advisers currently surrounding Trump, begin to resign.

You vile filth have used every tactic you could in your coup. You finally think you found one that will work.

I don't think it will, I think your civil war is going to backfire on you.

I hate Nazis, and that includes you.
You "hate Nazis" much as you hate anyone Left of Attila the Hun? I think not.
I'm still laughing at the news today when Trump disbanded his board of CEO's.

Only trouble is, they were going to disband anyway. Trump was just trying to save face and dissolve the group before the news got out that they were leaving anyway.

Getting tired of "winning" yet?

The real "test" will be when the ex military advisers currently surrounding Trump, begin to resign.
What the hell is Kelly doing there???
Hanging his head in shame as trump had diarrhea of the mouth......again.
Video and pictures from Charlottesville and trump quotes, I predict, are going to figure heavily in 2018 campaign ads. Why do you think all those GOPrs are getting their condemnation tweets and e-mails out there?

For most vulnerable republicans running for re-election in 2018, they have but a few more months to stand up against the orange charlatan, or be swept up in the derision to soon overcome this administration.
The alt right has become an umbrella community for the American far-right, a loosely defined movement with a strong center of gravity online and which encompasses a large number of subnetworks.

Some of these subgroups identify primarily as the alt-right, but many are affiliated with more specific strains of white-nationalist ideology—including the Ku Klux Klan, Odinists, Neo-Nazis, and more, many in full regalia lest anyone miss the point.

Let's be a little more clear. These groups have different agendas and ideas but there is one underling principle that drives them all. The belief in white supremacy.

The real "test" will be when the ex military advisers currently surrounding Trump, begin to resign.

You vile filth have used every tactic you could in your coup. You finally think you found one that will work.

I don't think it will, I think your civil war is going to backfire on you.

I hate Nazis, and that includes you.

There is no civil war and there never will be.
Joint Chiefs Denounce Racism After Trump's Comments

I love it that the racists loved Trumps comments. One white nationalist yesterday said Trump didn't go far enough and he said Trump wasn't nearly as conservative as he would like. And he gave an example. He said, "a real conservative would have never given his daughter to a jew".
The alt right has become an umbrella community for the American far-right, a loosely defined movement with a strong center of gravity online and which encompasses a large number of subnetworks.

Some of these subgroups identify primarily as the alt-right, but many are affiliated with more specific strains of white-nationalist ideology—including the Ku Klux Klan, Odinists, Neo-Nazis, and more, many in full regalia lest anyone miss the point.

You have spent all night defending Nazis and proclaiming your love of Hitler.
"spent all night defending Nazis and proclaiming your love of Hitler"....yet a search finds no such thing. Perhaps you can link examples of Reasonable doing that.........unless you are lying.
The alt right has become an umbrella community for the American far-right, a loosely defined movement with a strong center of gravity online and which encompasses a large number of subnetworks.

Some of these subgroups identify primarily as the alt-right, but many are affiliated with more specific strains of white-nationalist ideology—including the Ku Klux Klan, Odinists, Neo-Nazis, and more, many in full regalia lest anyone miss the point.

Let's be a little more clear. These groups have different agendas and ideas but there is one underling principle that drives them all. The belief in white supremacy.

'The president let a Jew steal his daughter': White nationalist Charlottesville rally co-organizer says he's disgusted to see Jared Kushner with Ivanka as he predicts MORE people are going to die
  • Christopher Cantwell says he hopes somebody 'more racist' and 'capable' than the president will come along to help him spread his racist message
  • 'Somebody like Donald Trump, who does not give his daughter to a Jew,' he said
  • 'I don't think you could feel the way I do about race, and watch that Kushner bastard walk around with that beautiful girl,' he said
  • Cantwell, who had been talking about how he was trying to make himself 'more capable of violence', said he hoped to find someone more 'capable... to do that'
  • 'We're not non-violent. We'll f***ing kill these people if we have to', he said
  • A woman died, and 19 were injured when a white nationalist plowed his car into the crowd at the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally on Saturday
  • But white nationlaist Cantwell said he considered the rally a win for his side
  • 'I think a lot more people are going to die before we're done here,' he said
  • 'People die every day. The fact that nobody on our side died... (and) none of our people killed anyone unjustly, I think is a plus for us'

Read more: Rally organizer: 'President let a Jew steal his daughter' | Daily Mail Online
No, democrats are not BETTER THAN THAT.

I want to think that ALL Americans are better than that... evidence to the contrary.

I used to think so, but no more.

I've watched this pile of shit Reasonable viciously lie in direct response to direct quotes SHOWING that he is lying.

So, I'm turning it right back on him and declaring that he defends Nazis and loves Hitler, despite this being directly contrary to the facts.

Turnabout is fair play.
"and declaring that he defends Nazis and loves Hitler, despite this being directly contrary to the facts"

so you admit that you are lying....:lol: Quelle surprise.

The real "test" will be when the ex military advisers currently surrounding Trump, begin to resign.

You vile filth have used every tactic you could in your coup. You finally think you found one that will work.

I don't think it will, I think your civil war is going to backfire on you.

I hate Nazis, and that includes you.

There is no civil war and there never will be.
Joint Chiefs Denounce Racism After Trump's Comments

I love it that the racists loved Trumps comments. One white nationalist yesterday said Trump didn't go far enough and he said Trump wasn't nearly as conservative as he would like. And he gave an example. He said, "a real conservative would have never given his daughter to a jew".

Yes I saw that as well. Can't believe Tweety didn't get on there and blast that idiot. Guess he figures he can't afford to lose any more base?
Honey, Trump condemned neonazis just as he did antifa and Blum, which I suspect you are actually closer to that spectrum.
You don't represent Trump. Quit your farce.
You are so full of bull. You are here to agitate, nothing more. Your trolling is despicable, but I'm sure you know that, as that is your intent.
I know that proud white men like Trump offend you. I guess I could be sorry but I'm not.
I don't need to "represent" Trump, he does just fine by himself and did the right thing in this case. Only the faggots wanted him to lie about what happened.
He read a token statement on Monday written by some useless faggots. What he said yesterday and Saturday was the truth. The proud white man's truth.

At least you're honest. Most of your brethren hide.
A leftist whining about morals. Really?
Someone needs to. It's obviously lacking among Trump and his supporters on the right.
Which group had the shields and which one had the bats?

Which one threw urine and concrete and chemicals?
Still pushing this lie I see. Educate your dumbass.
What the “Alt-Left” Trump Despises Was Actually Doing in Charlottesville Last Weekend
There is literally video and photos of them doing all of that and more all over the Internet.

Even the fucking NY Times initially reported as such.
Link said video/photos.
Actually the two side are much alike. You're just too much of an idiot to realize you're no different than the neo-Nazis. You Antifa thugs like using terror tactics to scare people. I hope you Antifa faggots and neo-Nazis kill each other at your rallies and riots. America will be a much better place without the lot of all of you.

Well, asshole.........In WWII, all the allies including us, were "ANTIFA".....To equate that both Antifa AND Nazi sympathizers as morally "equal: shows what a fuck head you really are.

To equate the greatest generation with antifa is deranged.
You know "antifa" means anti-fascist. I know you're not......but..............

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