Trump lost ALL moral authority to be POTUS....

/----/ DemocRATS need to erase their slave owning heritage
You dip shits need to make up your mind what you want today's Democrats to do about event's that took place before most of us were born and when the party was entirely different. Half of the fucking time to accuse us of denying that past, which we do not, and now you say we must erase it. How the fuck do we do that. Would that not actually be trying to pretend that it didn't happen.

Republicans have to erase their Racist PRESENT and that will not happen as long as Trump and his alt-right demented minions are around
Racist? Could you give me one factual proven fact that Donald Trump is racist?
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

What some have always known about Trump, others are slowly coming to realize, and with great shock and horror. The presidency is revealing the essence of the man and that essence is dark.

What America saw clearly in Trump’s disastrous handling of the violence in Charlottesville was a Nazi/white nationalist apologist if not sympathizer, a reactionary rage-aholic, a liar, and a person who has absolutely no sense or understanding of history.

By claiming that there were some “very fine people” among the extremists marching in Charlottesville, the president made a profound declaration: The accommodation of racists is his creed.

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

Since the 1930s it has not typically been a challenge for an American leader to denounce Nazism. But there is nothing typical about this president; urged by some of his advisers and family members to summon the majesty and moral authority of the presidency to heal the wounds of last weekend’s neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, to put the good of the country before personal pique, he chose instead to deliver a defense of white supremacists that raised as never before profound doubts about his moral compass, his grasp of the obligations of his office and his fitness to occupy it.

In addition:

Five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff delivered a rare rebuke, condemning race-based extremism in the military and the nation. Foreign leaders, from Secretary General António Guterres of the United Nations to Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, condemned intolerance and a failure of leadership in the White House.

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


Of all the many complaints and condemnations, the strongest came from Mr. Trump’s putative allies in the business community, a glittering who’s who of financial and corporate leaders who began resigning from two White House advisory councils early last week, ultimately forcing the president to dissolve both panels in order to spare himself the humiliation of further corporate desertions. The White House ultimately abandoned a third advisory council, on infrastructure, an area where Mr. Trump had hoped to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises to create jobs.

All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
You dip shits need to make up your mind what you want today's Democrats to do about event's that took place before most of us were born and when the party was entirely different. Half of the fucking time to accuse us of denying that past, which we do not, and now you say we must erase it. How the fuck do we do that. Would that not actually be trying to pretend that it didn't happen.

Republicans have to erase their Racist PRESENT and that will not happen as long as Trump and his alt-right demented minions are around
Racist? Could you give me one factual proven fact that Donald Trump is racist?
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

What some have always known about Trump, others are slowly coming to realize, and with great shock and horror. The presidency is revealing the essence of the man and that essence is dark.

What America saw clearly in Trump’s disastrous handling of the violence in Charlottesville was a Nazi/white nationalist apologist if not sympathizer, a reactionary rage-aholic, a liar, and a person who has absolutely no sense or understanding of history.

By claiming that there were some “very fine people” among the extremists marching in Charlottesville, the president made a profound declaration: The accommodation of racists is his creed.

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

Since the 1930s it has not typically been a challenge for an American leader to denounce Nazism. But there is nothing typical about this president; urged by some of his advisers and family members to summon the majesty and moral authority of the presidency to heal the wounds of last weekend’s neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, to put the good of the country before personal pique, he chose instead to deliver a defense of white supremacists that raised as never before profound doubts about his moral compass, his grasp of the obligations of his office and his fitness to occupy it.

In addition:

Five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff delivered a rare rebuke, condemning race-based extremism in the military and the nation. Foreign leaders, from Secretary General António Guterres of the United Nations to Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, condemned intolerance and a failure of leadership in the White House.

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


Of all the many complaints and condemnations, the strongest came from Mr. Trump’s putative allies in the business community, a glittering who’s who of financial and corporate leaders who began resigning from two White House advisory councils early last week, ultimately forcing the president to dissolve both panels in order to spare himself the humiliation of further corporate desertions. The White House ultimately abandoned a third advisory council, on infrastructure, an area where Mr. Trump had hoped to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises to create jobs.

All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
And you believed Obama wasn't a citizen OR The moron said he would show his taxes and you believed that too??? LMAO at you
Racist? Could you give me one factual proven fact that Donald Trump is racist?
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

What some have always known about Trump, others are slowly coming to realize, and with great shock and horror. The presidency is revealing the essence of the man and that essence is dark.

What America saw clearly in Trump’s disastrous handling of the violence in Charlottesville was a Nazi/white nationalist apologist if not sympathizer, a reactionary rage-aholic, a liar, and a person who has absolutely no sense or understanding of history.

By claiming that there were some “very fine people” among the extremists marching in Charlottesville, the president made a profound declaration: The accommodation of racists is his creed.

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

Since the 1930s it has not typically been a challenge for an American leader to denounce Nazism. But there is nothing typical about this president; urged by some of his advisers and family members to summon the majesty and moral authority of the presidency to heal the wounds of last weekend’s neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, to put the good of the country before personal pique, he chose instead to deliver a defense of white supremacists that raised as never before profound doubts about his moral compass, his grasp of the obligations of his office and his fitness to occupy it.

In addition:

Five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff delivered a rare rebuke, condemning race-based extremism in the military and the nation. Foreign leaders, from Secretary General António Guterres of the United Nations to Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, condemned intolerance and a failure of leadership in the White House.

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


Of all the many complaints and condemnations, the strongest came from Mr. Trump’s putative allies in the business community, a glittering who’s who of financial and corporate leaders who began resigning from two White House advisory councils early last week, ultimately forcing the president to dissolve both panels in order to spare himself the humiliation of further corporate desertions. The White House ultimately abandoned a third advisory council, on infrastructure, an area where Mr. Trump had hoped to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises to create jobs.

All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
And you believed Obama wasn't a citizen OR The moron said he would show his taxes and you believed that too??? LMAO at you
And I bet you and the other repub dummies believed the moron when he said MEXICO was going to pay for the wall? What a bunch of suckers Republicans ,,but I repeat myself
Why the fuck can't you answer my question? You've yet to prove to me that trump is a racist. When and if you can we will look into it.

Here....start with this short list of WHY Trump is a closeted RACIST......

He attacked Muslim Gold Star parents

He claimed a judge was biased because “he’s a Mexican”

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people

Discrimination against black people has been a pattern in his career

He refused to condemn the white supremacists who are campaigning for him

He trashed Native Americans

He encouraged the mob justice that resulted in the wrongful imprisonment of the Central Park Five

He condoned the beating of a Black Lives Matter protester

He called supporters who beat up a homeless Latino man “passionate”

He treats African-American supporters as tokens to dispel the idea he is racist
And where did you get this information? Did they have a political motive? What was the authors political views?
Racist? Could you give me one factual proven fact that Donald Trump is racist?
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

What some have always known about Trump, others are slowly coming to realize, and with great shock and horror. The presidency is revealing the essence of the man and that essence is dark.

What America saw clearly in Trump’s disastrous handling of the violence in Charlottesville was a Nazi/white nationalist apologist if not sympathizer, a reactionary rage-aholic, a liar, and a person who has absolutely no sense or understanding of history.

By claiming that there were some “very fine people” among the extremists marching in Charlottesville, the president made a profound declaration: The accommodation of racists is his creed.

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

Since the 1930s it has not typically been a challenge for an American leader to denounce Nazism. But there is nothing typical about this president; urged by some of his advisers and family members to summon the majesty and moral authority of the presidency to heal the wounds of last weekend’s neo-Nazi violence in Charlottesville, to put the good of the country before personal pique, he chose instead to deliver a defense of white supremacists that raised as never before profound doubts about his moral compass, his grasp of the obligations of his office and his fitness to occupy it.

In addition:

Five members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff delivered a rare rebuke, condemning race-based extremism in the military and the nation. Foreign leaders, from Secretary General António Guterres of the United Nations to Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain, condemned intolerance and a failure of leadership in the White House.

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


Of all the many complaints and condemnations, the strongest came from Mr. Trump’s putative allies in the business community, a glittering who’s who of financial and corporate leaders who began resigning from two White House advisory councils early last week, ultimately forcing the president to dissolve both panels in order to spare himself the humiliation of further corporate desertions. The White House ultimately abandoned a third advisory council, on infrastructure, an area where Mr. Trump had hoped to fulfill at least one of his campaign promises to create jobs.

All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
And you believed Obama wasn't a citizen OR The moron said he would show his taxes and you believed that too??? LMAO at you
Obama wasn't a citizen. A federal bipartisan FBI specialist has proved that his birth certificate is fake. Many have. It isn't my business nor yours to know his taxes. You can't tell he successfull? The man is a billionaire. Sounds to me like that's someone we need to run our country. Sounds like the right man to go clean up after obama. Obama is the reason we have so many ignorant libtards today. When he took office the libtards were just kids. They grew up learning if someone of the opposing view says anything that hurts your little feelings there a racist, bigot, xenophobe. That's were your modern day snowflakes come from. People are gonna say things you don't like. If you don't like it go somewhere we're the aren't. If you look at the conservatives in this country what are they? The ones who are successful, role models, people who make a difference in this community. You take your libtards there the broke idiots who are always a victim of something. Everyone is a victim except the white male conservatives. And look at the black people! Still a victim!! Of what?? They got there civil rights they got the laws against hate speech! Why don't the democratic leaders come out and say "ok we got you your rights there's nothing more we can do for you". They don't. Because that's there votes. Democrats have been in power the last 8 years what have they done for this country that is benifical? NOTHING! Change is here. The political correctness as you know it is gone buddy for the next 8 years!! Have a good day!!
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

In addition:

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
And you believed Obama wasn't a citizen OR The moron said he would show his taxes and you believed that too??? LMAO at you
And I bet you and the other repub dummies believed the moron when he said MEXICO was going to pay for the wall? What a bunch of suckers Republicans ,,but I repeat myself
Hmm. Well they will pay for it I'm sanctions if that's what it comes down to. But I bet you believed the demdums when they told you how much they were gonna cut taxes. How much jobs they were gonna make. Taxes went up. Jobs were sent overseas. Do I need to go on? What makes the obama so great? If you go by stats he was the worst president of them all. What makes the democrats so great? They come out and promise all this stuff and you don't get it. I used to be a democrat. But then they switched to identity politics. Everyone is a victim of something. Where do you get your news from? I'm sure it's not a liberal one lol /sarcasm
Call me a fascist ... but, I don't think ANY American should be beaten in the streets for his political views.


Even a Nazi.

We're better than that ... or we should be.

OK. You're a fascist.
Trump said he was going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. Mexico told Trump to go pound sand, because they aren't paying for it.

Now? Trump is threatening to hold the government hostage and shut it down if Congress doesn't authorize AMERICAN taxpayer money to build it.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens if he does shut down the government. Not only will he piss off his base that receives government checks, but he's also gonna alienate a large percentage of the country, including the military and the veterans.
Trump said he was going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. Mexico told Trump to go pound sand, because they aren't paying for it.

Now? Trump is threatening to hold the government hostage and shut it down if Congress doesn't authorize AMERICAN taxpayer money to build it.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens if he does shut down the government. Not only will he piss off his base that receives government checks, but he's also gonna alienate a large percentage of the country, including the military and the veterans.
He could rape their wifes and repubs would still vote for him They are a stupid lot
Trump said he was going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. Mexico told Trump to go pound sand, because they aren't paying for it.

Now? Trump is threatening to hold the government hostage and shut it down if Congress doesn't authorize AMERICAN taxpayer money to build it.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens if he does shut down the government. Not only will he piss off his base that receives government checks, but he's also gonna alienate a large percentage of the country, including the military and the veterans.
He could rape their wifes and repubs would still vote for him They are a stupid lot
It's called
No on can make the blind see what they can't see. No one can make an apologist for bigots see what they don't want to see. No one can make a liar tell the truth when they have no interest in the truth. Yes I mean YOU.

The NY Times put it all very succinctly and eloquently in two recent editorials

Opinion | Failing All Tests of the Presidency

Selected excerpts:

If you stand up for racists , you are a fucking racist. Here is more:

Opinion | The Failing Trump Presidency

In addition:

But Trump, after a stiff and rehearsed condemnation of racism on the following Monday , revoked it on Tuesday.


All of these people, in and out of government, Foreign and domestic, conservatives and liberals,have spoken out forcefully against the behavior of the Fascists and Trumps response. Now try to tell me that it is all being imagined or manufactured. Please shut up now.
LOL!! The FAILING New York Times. Hmmm let me think here. What is the percentage of good things published about President Trump vs the bad. Ever heard of the term fake news? I see you take an indoctrination well. I see you believe everything that you read. Well if you believe everything you read I can find articles that say the exact opposite. Question everything. You can't believe any news source anymore. All you can do is find facts. You have not. Keep reading.
Try fact check to find out about ALL of trumps lies There are many
You mean Hilary? Trump speaks facts something you have never heard of.
And you believed Obama wasn't a citizen OR The moron said he would show his taxes and you believed that too??? LMAO at you
Obama wasn't a citizen. A federal bipartisan FBI specialist has proved that his birth certificate is fake. Many have. It isn't my business nor yours to know his taxes. You can't tell he successfull? The man is a billionaire. Sounds to me like that's someone we need to run our country. Sounds like the right man to go clean up after obama. Obama is the reason we have so many ignorant libtards today. When he took office the libtards were just kids. They grew up learning if someone of the opposing view says anything that hurts your little feelings there a racist, bigot, xenophobe. That's were your modern day snowflakes come from. People are gonna say things you don't like. If you don't like it go somewhere we're the aren't. If you look at the conservatives in this country what are they? The ones who are successful, role models, people who make a difference in this community. You take your libtards there the broke idiots who are always a victim of something. Everyone is a victim except the white male conservatives. And look at the black people! Still a victim!! Of what?? They got there civil rights they got the laws against hate speech! Why don't the democratic leaders come out and say "ok we got you your rights there's nothing more we can do for you". They don't. Because that's there votes. Democrats have been in power the last 8 years what have they done for this country that is benifical? NOTHING! Change is here. The political correctness as you know it is gone buddy for the next 8 years!! Have a good day!!
The ones who are successful????? Like all those CEO's of the biggest companies in the USA that walked out on your slimebag I dare the pos to shut down our gov't Love to see him shoot himself in the foot
I'm not sure if Trump ever had ANY moral compass, and these last few days have shown that he lacks any moral authority to lead the 2/3 of our population that disapprove of his actions.

Honestly I'm tired of hearing that "both sides" in Charlottesville are to blame......THERE IS NO MORAL EQUIVALENCY between both sides.....NONE !!!

We have one side of white supremacists, KKK and NAZI sympathizers, and on the other side we have folks who thinks that such a mindset of their opponents is the VERY definition of IMMORALITY.

Trump has chosen to elevate the side of immorality....probably because he inherently SHARES those same manifested feelings of superiority and, believe it or not, also self-doubt of your own worth.

It is time for thinking Americans regardless of party affiliation to ALSO choose a side and determine if your own feelings are more aligned with those of the KKK and neo-Nazism.
Friend, I normally agree with you however the title to this thread is misleading. Trump would have had to have possessed moral authority at one point to have lost it. He never had it in the first place...
If Trump shuts down the government, he's going to lose his base.

No he won't... we're smart enough to know it will hurt no one, it never has.
Hey soggy How much did it cost America the last time??? And repubs weren't crying?? Did my ears deceive me?
I don't really buy this "morality" thing. LBJ, Nixon ... Reagan supported some pretty dirty wars .... Clinton, LOL

to shut down the gummit, the Orange Don would have to veto a bill that passed with gop majorities. McConnell and Ryan won't be held hostage over the debt ceiling because last time the gop did this the stock market took a dive. They don't want any suggestion that the dems are better for the economy.

A spending bill supposedly takes 60 in the senate, and the dems will never go for a wall. McConnell no longer even speaks to Trump, and he probably doesn't have 50 votes to end the filibuster anyway.

Don't get me wrong. I truly hope the Orange Don makes even more a mess of this.
If Trump shuts down the government, he's going to lose his base.

No he won't... we're smart enough to know it will hurt no one, it never has.
Hey soggy How much did it cost America the last time??? And repubs weren't crying?? Did my ears deceive me?
I don't really buy this "morality" thing. LBJ, Nixon ... Reagan supported some pretty dirty wars .... Clinton, LOL

to shut down the gummit, the Orange Don would have to veto a bill that passed with gop majorities. McConnell and Ryan won't be held hostage over the debt ceiling because last time the gop did this the stock market took a dive. They don't want any suggestion that the dems are better for the economy.

A spending bill supposedly takes 60 in the senate, and the dems will never go for a wall. McConnell no longer even speaks to Trump, and he probably doesn't have 50 votes to end the filibuster anyway.

Don't get me wrong. I truly hope the Orange Don makes even more a mess of this.
I hope for a lot worse for this degenerate pos but can't mention it here
If Trump shuts down the government, he's going to lose his base.

No he won't... we're smart enough to know it will hurt no one, it never has.
Hey soggy How much did it cost America the last time??? And repubs weren't crying?? Did my ears deceive me?
I don't really buy this "morality" thing. LBJ, Nixon ... Reagan supported some pretty dirty wars .... Clinton, LOL

to shut down the gummit, the Orange Don would have to veto a bill that passed with gop majorities. McConnell and Ryan won't be held hostage over the debt ceiling because last time the gop did this the stock market took a dive. They don't want any suggestion that the dems are better for the economy.

A spending bill supposedly takes 60 in the senate, and the dems will never go for a wall. McConnell no longer even speaks to Trump, and he probably doesn't have 50 votes to end the filibuster anyway.

Don't get me wrong. I truly hope the Orange Don makes even more a mess of this.
I hope for a lot worse for this degenerate pos but can't mention it here
I'd rather have a continuing rolling clusterfuck going into 20 rather than President Pence.

Really, after Gorsuch, the issues are largely resolved. ROE will NEVER end for women with the money to travel to a liberal state. It would be more intellectually honest to replace Kennedy and Ginsburg with Justices who would honestly strike down laws purporting to protect women patients, but that in reality are to prevent the poor from getting abortions.

There's not going to be any limit on spending in politics, and any requirement for more transparent showing of who is spending have to come from congress.

Nevertheless, I never trust Baptist Preachers, and Pence is one if I ever saw one. I hope to vote for Rubio someday.
Trump said he was going to build a wall and Mexico is going to pay for it. Mexico told Trump to go pound sand, because they aren't paying for it.

Now? Trump is threatening to hold the government hostage and shut it down if Congress doesn't authorize AMERICAN taxpayer money to build it.

Gonna be interesting to see what happens if he does shut down the government. Not only will he piss off his base that receives government checks, but he's also gonna alienate a large percentage of the country, including the military and the veterans.

....and THAT, my friend, is why I very much hope that the orange clown does shut down the government for a few days........Sort of like typing out this kind of note:

"I, Donald J. Trump....having decided that this job is way too much for my orange hide to handle........."

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