Trump Losing Women Voters!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
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Yo, his wife told him to act more of a man, than a RAT!!!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Campaigning in Wisconsin on Friday, Ted Cruz suggested for the first time that he might not support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee.
"I don't make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family."


Trump, Cruz, and the "war of wives"

Trump's use of photos to poke fun at Heidi Cruz's appearance, and other derogatory comments about women, are also turning off women voters according to some Cruz supporters.

"His mannerism and his speech, he tears too many people down and against each other," one woman said. He is more and more like the Socialist Democrat Party!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Trump Is Sounding Like The Socialist Party?

Neither Cruz nor Trump are qualified to be president.

Rush said yesterday that a GOP massive defeat is inevitable this fall.
Yo, his wife told him to act more of a man, than a RAT!!!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Campaigning in Wisconsin on Friday, Ted Cruz suggested for the first time that he might not support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee.

"I don't make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family."

Trump, Cruz, and the "war of wives"

Trump's use of photos to poke fun at Heidi Cruz's appearance, and other derogatory comments about women, are also turning off women voters according to some Cruz supporters.

"His mannerism and his speech, he tears too many people down and against each other," one woman said. He is more and more like the Socialist Democrat Party!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Trump Is Sounding Like The Socialist Party?
View attachment 69164

Well using the far left CBS "news" is hardly proof of anything.

However voting for Trump would be the same as voting for Clinton..
=> "Donald has a very unfortunate habit. When he gets scared, he lashes out," Cruz said Thursday. "And he insults and attacks whoever is standing near him."

Cruz further speculated that "Donald does seem to have an issue with women...Donald doesn't like strong women. Strong women scare Donald."

"Real men don't try to bully women," he added. "That's not an action of strength. That's an action of weakness. That's an action of fear. That's an action of a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women. Real men don't do that." <=​

Scary --- something I can fully agree with Ted Cruz about. He got this one exactly right, even if it is stating the obvious.
Yo, his wife told him to act more of a man, than a RAT!!!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Campaigning in Wisconsin on Friday, Ted Cruz suggested for the first time that he might not support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee.

"I don't make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family."

Trump, Cruz, and the "war of wives"

Trump's use of photos to poke fun at Heidi Cruz's appearance, and other derogatory comments about women, are also turning off women voters according to some Cruz supporters.

"His mannerism and his speech, he tears too many people down and against each other," one woman said. He is more and more like the Socialist Democrat Party!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Trump Is Sounding Like The Socialist Party?
View attachment 69164

Women, particularly welfare queens and single women, look to the government as their sugardaddy. They are therefore more likely to support Democrats. Notice that Republicans do much better with married women than they do with single women.
Yo, his wife told him to act more of a man, than a RAT!!!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Campaigning in Wisconsin on Friday, Ted Cruz suggested for the first time that he might not support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee.

"I don't make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family."

Trump, Cruz, and the "war of wives"

Trump's use of photos to poke fun at Heidi Cruz's appearance, and other derogatory comments about women, are also turning off women voters according to some Cruz supporters.

"His mannerism and his speech, he tears too many people down and against each other," one woman said. He is more and more like the Socialist Democrat Party!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Trump Is Sounding Like The Socialist Party?
View attachment 69164

Me thinks Ramblow likes the Kanuck.
With the dumps petty attitude and lack of organization, he's going to lose a lot more than just womens votes.
Yo, his wife told him to act more of a man, than a RAT!!!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Campaigning in Wisconsin on Friday, Ted Cruz suggested for the first time that he might not support Donald Trump if he's the Republican nominee.

"I don't make a habit out of supporting people who attack my wife and attack my family."

Trump, Cruz, and the "war of wives"

Trump's use of photos to poke fun at Heidi Cruz's appearance, and other derogatory comments about women, are also turning off women voters according to some Cruz supporters.

"His mannerism and his speech, he tears too many people down and against each other," one woman said. He is more and more like the Socialist Democrat Party!

Trump feeling female voter backlash

Trump Is Sounding Like The Socialist Party?
View attachment 69164

Well using the far left CBS "news" is hardly proof of anything.

However voting for Trump would be the same as voting for Clinton..

How would Trump be the same as Hillary? I can't understand this.
Donald and Hillary are both progressive. It's hard to tell who is more left of center.
=> "Donald has a very unfortunate habit. When he gets scared, he lashes out," Cruz said Thursday. "And he insults and attacks whoever is standing near him."

Cruz further speculated that "Donald does seem to have an issue with women...Donald doesn't like strong women. Strong women scare Donald."

"Real men don't try to bully women," he added. "That's not an action of strength. That's an action of weakness. That's an action of fear. That's an action of a small and petty man who is intimidated by strong women. Real men don't do that." <=​

Scary --- something I can fully agree with Ted Cruz about. He got this one exactly right, even if it is stating the obvious.

Cruz is so far off base. All of Trump's women are intelligent strong women. Ivanka was a power house who helped Trump build and manage his empire. Melania speaks five languages and has a degree in architecture.

And it's important to point out that when Cruz is saying "Donald doesn't like strong women" Cruz himself is insulting the shit out of all the women in Trump's life.

Fucking asshole.
Neither Cruz nor Trump are qualified to be president.

Rush said yesterday that a GOP massive defeat is inevitable this fall.

thats the thing

if you want to know what Rush is saying

just ask a leftist

they are always tuned into his show

Look at the score card.................Deal with it............
Tune into Rush this coming week you Trumpeteers and CruzDoozies this week for the shock of your feeble lives.

Have this up on the wall in your cave because it may help you cope.

Tune into Rush this coming week you Trumpeteers and CruzDoozies this week for the shock of your feeble lives.

Have this up on the wall in your cave because it may help you cope.

Real or not................the current news is similar to John crushed him...............Cruz is behind both other candidates in polls from some Northern states.............Kasich is the only one who can stop the train......and the only reason the loser is still in the race..............

Enjoy your graphs................Mr. Fakey............bought that Hillary bumper sticker.........she is the establishment.......bow to your masters.....
Neither Cruz nor Trump are qualified to be president.

Rush said yesterday that a GOP massive defeat is inevitable this fall.

quote liar?
On the Friday radio show. Look it up. Or tune in next week. He will keep repeating it.

But he is saying that the massive defeat will come about because the establishment would rather lose the Presidential race to save the establishment players.

I'm reading the transcript of the show right now. Basically what they are going to do if neither Cruz or Trump get the 1,237 delegates is treat it as a defeat for those two candidates and nominate someone else.

"But if they had their way, it won't be either of them, and they will happily lose the election. They're on record as saying that in any number of stories. Some of them by name, some of them speaking anonymously, but they're making it abundantly clear that they're perfectly happy losing the election while maintaining the existing party structure.

If losing the election and maintaining the current party structure, i.e., establishment, if that's what it takes to hold onto the structure then losing the election is fine them, and that's the problem with these people from the beginning of the day to the end.

They don't care about winning. It's not their priority. Their own personal preferences, their desires are what matter to them. And that's been the problem all along. "

The GOP Establishment Is Prepared to Lose the Election to Save Themselves - The Rush Limbaugh Show
td, thank you.

The one miscalculation in Rush's analysis is that he believes neither Cruz nor Trump can be nominated at the Convention.

Rush is flatly wrong.

If it is a contested convention, both will be nominated on the first ballot.

However, imo, both candidates' supporters will prevent the other from getting the delegate majority, forcing the convention to choose a dark horse, probably Kasich, I would think.
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