Trump Just Hit a New Low in the La David Johnson Fiasco

Again, snowflakes continue to despicably use dead US soldiers and their families to launch very public political attacks. Despicable, no shame.

Sorry but it is Trump who is calling a pregnant widow of a soldier not cold in the grave a liar with multiple witnesses on a call..

Trump made this an issue, not anyone else...
Every one lies on Donald Trump according to the "orange Dirt Bag"
‘Calling the widow of an American soldier killed in action is, emotionally speaking, absolutely gut-wrenching. Knowing that nothing you will say can bring true comfort. Knowing a life -- and likely many lives -- have been altered forever. Facing down pure loss and pure grief.

As difficult as it is emotionally, it is just as simple politically speaking. You call -- or write -- expressing deepest sympathies and condolences. You offer any assistance you can. The end.

Which makes what President Donald Trump has done -- and is doing -- with Myeshia Johnson (and Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson) all the more appalling.

On Monday, in an interview with "Good Morning America," Johnson, the widow of slain Sgt. La David Johnson, spoke for the first time in public about her phone call with Trump. She confirmed Wilson's account that Trump had told her that her husband "knew what he was getting into" and added: "It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it. He couldn't remember my husband's name."

To which Trump almost immediately replied via Twitter: "I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!"

It's staggering to consider what Trump is doing here.

After spending the weekend attacking Wilson for allegedly lying about the nature of the call between himself and Johnson -- even though White House chief of staff John Kelly confirmed last week the basics of Wilson's account of the words Trump used -- the President is now suggesting that the widow of a soldier killed in action is lying.’

Donald Trump just hit a new low in the La David Johnson fiasco - CNNPolitics

It is indeed staggering what Trump is doing, but should come as no surprise.

Bull shit. You need to take a look at the kunt who started this. This snake sits in a car with a widow after voting to defund the widows husband every single time in congress , she then uses this widows dead husband to become a rock star. She then exploits the widows grief to save her ass politically by making her a target of the media, much like me Hillary did with the Kahn’s,That you would do the same puts you in a group of folks most would not admit to thinking very highly of if at all. If that type of thing is acceptable to you then you are nothing more then another hyper partisan USMB psudointellectual. Sad to, because otherwise I would bet money you are typically pretty decent.

Sorry but Trump was the one who failed to ring first, then tried to blame other Presidents and then screwed up the call with the comment first...

He could have just said he had an ill choice of words but NO, he doubled down... But he can always rely on the Trumpettes to shit on fallen soldiers families... Real fucking heroes ye are..
‘Calling the widow of an American soldier killed in action is, emotionally speaking, absolutely gut-wrenching. Knowing that nothing you will say can bring true comfort. Knowing a life -- and likely many lives -- have been altered forever. Facing down pure loss and pure grief.

As difficult as it is emotionally, it is just as simple politically speaking. You call -- or write -- expressing deepest sympathies and condolences. You offer any assistance you can. The end.

Which makes what President Donald Trump has done -- and is doing -- with Myeshia Johnson (and Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson) all the more appalling.

On Monday, in an interview with "Good Morning America," Johnson, the widow of slain Sgt. La David Johnson, spoke for the first time in public about her phone call with Trump. She confirmed Wilson's account that Trump had told her that her husband "knew what he was getting into" and added: "It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it. He couldn't remember my husband's name."

To which Trump almost immediately replied via Twitter: "I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!"

It's staggering to consider what Trump is doing here.

After spending the weekend attacking Wilson for allegedly lying about the nature of the call between himself and Johnson -- even though White House chief of staff John Kelly confirmed last week the basics of Wilson's account of the words Trump used -- the President is now suggesting that the widow of a soldier killed in action is lying.’

Donald Trump just hit a new low in the La David Johnson fiasco - CNNPolitics

It is indeed staggering what Trump is doing, but should come as no surprise.

Funny how you folks keep quoting Trump out of context and never include the remainder of his comment. I guess propaganda is much more important than the facts.


Do tell. What else did the Orange Groper have to say?

I actually agree. Surely he said more. And it is being used out of context just like in 2012 when the words "you didn't build that" were also taken out of context, and a completely false narrative was devised and used as a campaign tactic. Even today you have people believing that false narrative, mostly because they want to.

I'm paraphrasing but he basically said, he knew what he was getting into but it doesn't make it any easier when the worse happens. Trump was absolutely correct, being a green beret, Johnson knew he would be going on the most difficult assignments and dying was always a possibility, thats what they do. Of course this Wilson bitch and the commiecrats that have never served want to take things out of context to try to score cheap political points. I had to make 3 next of kin notifications while in the military, those were the hardest assignments I had in my career. I don't envy Trump one bit, because people can take he same words differently.

Again, snowflakes continue to despicably use dead US soldiers and their families to launch very public political attacks. Despicable, no shame.

Sorry but it is Trump who is calling a pregnant widow of a soldier not cold in the grave a liar with multiple witnesses on a call..

Trump made this an issue, not anyone else...
Trump pointed out that this brave soldier knew what he was signing up for, that he signed up to serve his country when he did not have to. It has been pathetic liberals who have used dead soldiers and their families to spin this whole thing up into a very public political attack.

Just keep justifying the despicable act, snowflake. You are just proving my point as to just how pathetic and desperate libtards are.
‘Calling the widow of an American soldier killed in action is, emotionally speaking, absolutely gut-wrenching. Knowing that nothing you will say can bring true comfort. Knowing a life -- and likely many lives -- have been altered forever. Facing down pure loss and pure grief.

As difficult as it is emotionally, it is just as simple politically speaking. You call -- or write -- expressing deepest sympathies and condolences. You offer any assistance you can. The end.

Which makes what President Donald Trump has done -- and is doing -- with Myeshia Johnson (and Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson) all the more appalling.

On Monday, in an interview with "Good Morning America," Johnson, the widow of slain Sgt. La David Johnson, spoke for the first time in public about her phone call with Trump. She confirmed Wilson's account that Trump had told her that her husband "knew what he was getting into" and added: "It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it. He couldn't remember my husband's name."

To which Trump almost immediately replied via Twitter: "I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!"

It's staggering to consider what Trump is doing here.

After spending the weekend attacking Wilson for allegedly lying about the nature of the call between himself and Johnson -- even though White House chief of staff John Kelly confirmed last week the basics of Wilson's account of the words Trump used -- the President is now suggesting that the widow of a soldier killed in action is lying.’

Donald Trump just hit a new low in the La David Johnson fiasco - CNNPolitics

It is indeed staggering what Trump is doing, but should come as no surprise.

See? First they said Wilson was lying. Then they came out with Kelly saying Trump did say he signed up for it but he meant well then lied about Wilson again. Then they said only Wilson said Trump didn't know his name.

Now that the widow has confirmed all of that NOW they're newest display of class and bravery comes to attacking a 20 something year old widow with 3 kids for Trump.

And none of them can an explain what is the fucking benefit to them to lie for Trump?

Good lord.
It's ALL he said she said right now and nobody (especially folks on this board) knows the truth about any of it. Trumps a jackass and Federica is an ass clown. The widow is caught in the middle.

Trump's credibility is shot... Kelly didn't even back him... Trump had a 1000 lies said and hadn't even got out of August...

Trump has no shame, just none... Look at his first day and crowd size, that shows you he lie to your face with no shame...
Again, snowflakes continue to despicably use dead US soldiers and their families to launch very public political attacks. Despicable, no shame.

Sorry but it is Trump who is calling a pregnant widow of a soldier not cold in the grave a liar with multiple witnesses on a call..

Trump made this an issue, not anyone else...
Every one lies on Donald Trump according to the "orange Dirt Bag"
You and your tiny pecker are just still in shock from and offended by the 'black man' in front of you buying magnum condoms. :p
Trump's credibility is shot...
Says the snowflake who defended the man who claimed the ACA would not cost a dime, would pay for itself, and how if you like your doctor / plan you could keep them and insisted that Trump colluded with the Russians only to have it exposed that Mueller, Holder, Obama, and the Clintons were ass-deep in the Russian Bribery scandal.

She's lying that he didn't know her husbands name.

Saturday: Bury husband. Check.

Sunday: Confirm all talk show appearances. Check.

Monday: Go on talk shows to jake the GOFUNDME account. Check.

Tuesday: Practice looking surprised on Ellen when getting the $100,000 cheque. Check.
Exactly. No white woman could get away with this crap.
Get away with what? The rude way this POS president spoke to her or the FACT he didn’t mention her husband’s name?

Bullshit he didn't know or use his name. BULL SHIT big time.
‘Calling the widow of an American soldier killed in action is, emotionally speaking, absolutely gut-wrenching. Knowing that nothing you will say can bring true comfort. Knowing a life -- and likely many lives -- have been altered forever. Facing down pure loss and pure grief.

As difficult as it is emotionally, it is just as simple politically speaking. You call -- or write -- expressing deepest sympathies and condolences. You offer any assistance you can. The end.

Which makes what President Donald Trump has done -- and is doing -- with Myeshia Johnson (and Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson) all the more appalling.

On Monday, in an interview with "Good Morning America," Johnson, the widow of slain Sgt. La David Johnson, spoke for the first time in public about her phone call with Trump. She confirmed Wilson's account that Trump had told her that her husband "knew what he was getting into" and added: "It made me cry because I was very angry at the tone of his voice and how he said it. He couldn't remember my husband's name."

To which Trump almost immediately replied via Twitter: "I had a very respectful conversation with the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, and spoke his name from beginning, without hesitation!"

It's staggering to consider what Trump is doing here.

After spending the weekend attacking Wilson for allegedly lying about the nature of the call between himself and Johnson -- even though White House chief of staff John Kelly confirmed last week the basics of Wilson's account of the words Trump used -- the President is now suggesting that the widow of a soldier killed in action is lying.’

Donald Trump just hit a new low in the La David Johnson fiasco - CNNPolitics

It is indeed staggering what Trump is doing, but should come as no surprise.

Funny how you folks keep quoting Trump out of context and never include the remainder of his comment. I guess propaganda is much more important than the facts.


Do tell. What else did the Orange Groper have to say?

I actually agree. Surely he said more. And it is being used out of context just like in 2012 when the words "you didn't build that" were also taken out of context, and a completely false narrative was devised and used as a campaign tactic. Even today you have people believing that false narrative, mostly because they want to.

I'm paraphrasing but he basically said, he knew what he was getting into but it doesn't make it any easier when the worse happens. Trump was absolutely correct, being a green beret, Johnson knew he would be going on the most difficult assignments and dying was always a possibility, thats what they do. Of course this Wilson bitch and the commiecrats that have never served want to take things out of context to try to score cheap political points. I had to make 3 next of kin notifications while in the military, those were the hardest assignments I had in my career. I don't envy Trump one bit, because people can take he same words differently.


Since the WH has not release any type of transcript of what the President said, you aren't paraphrasing it, you're making it up. But like I said I believe his words are being taken out of context. Democrats are acting just like Republicans did against Obama in 2012. I have no doubt this so called president was trying to praise his bravery for volunteering to join while knowing the risks involved.
Trump 's mistake was in calling this black woman and treating her as a normal military wife. Black men and women require extra layers of protection. Numerous witnesses, several methods of recording every word of every conversation and that won't even be enough.
How many of these gold star widows or mothers in the past have had a democrat politician next to them when the president calls to offer them condolences?

That must piss you off that Democrats have military heros too...

I don't remember Obama ringing up Chris Kyle's wife and going 'well he should have known better...'

Trump has no class... All he had to say is that the country was grateful for their sacrifice and he screwed that up...

‘Just let it go already’: Internet vilifies Trump after he calls Myeshia Johnson a liar
In a shocking move, President Donald Trump attacked the widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, refuting her claim that he didn’t know the name of the fallen soldier.
She deserves to be attacked. She's a liar. She's politicizing the guys death. Plus she's a negress!
Elise Foley @elisefoley
It’s a fact of life that sometimes people are hurt by what you say even if you didn’t intend it. Part of adulthood is accepting that.

Elise Foley @elisefoley

Last week WH basically said that people who served in the military shouldn’t be questioned. Their wives, on the other hand, I guess should.

9:34 AM - Oct 23, 2017

Had President Obama's spokesman said that, the Fauxrage meter would be off the charts.

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